The Titanic Was Sunk By Torpedoes? - Alternative View

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The Titanic Was Sunk By Torpedoes? - Alternative View
The Titanic Was Sunk By Torpedoes? - Alternative View

Video: The Titanic Was Sunk By Torpedoes? - Alternative View

Video: The Titanic Was Sunk By Torpedoes? - Alternative View
Video: Was the Titanic deliberately sunk by JP Morgan? 2024, October

According to the British engineer - designer of ships and vessels - Donald Willman - it was not a fatal collision with an iceberg that led to the sinking of the Titanic. The reason, as indicated by the high-quality underwater video footage, was most likely a massive torpedo attack, which was accompanied by the explosion of the charges laid on the eve of departure, under the ship's steam-powered installation

Isn't it just another crazy hypothesis? We will not rush to conclusions. Let's look at the arguments put forward by Willmann in order. To begin with, just on the eve of the ill-fated flight, the Royal Bank of Great Britain issued a guarantee, backed by gold and platinum, financial documents valid until 2012. Part of the precious metals had to be urgently transported to the United States, which were carrying out large military supplies to England on the eve of the First World War. How to forward? The rudimentary aviation forces are completely unrealistic.

The only way out is to use a guaranteed reliable type of water transport. The choice fell on the newborn "Titanic", especially since its co-owner was a direct participant in the largest and most responsible financial transaction - the American banking house "J. P. Morgan & Co."

The top secret transfer of platinum and gold began with loading into a specially equipped armored compartment of the liner, as evidenced by the courier on special assignment Frank Pretit, who carried along with other officers "ingot by ingot from car to board," two years after the tragedy, and that then categorically denied by George Morgan himself. The memoirs of the latter, published in America in 2006, leave no doubt about his cunning, caused by the "fear of premonition" to travel on a ship equipped with more than dangerous cargo. Here is this eloquent memoir fragment: “Not only I refused to sail, but also Lord Gird, the head of the Horland-Wolfe shipbuilding company, which built the Titanic. Perhaps his decision was dictated by eternal employment and business overload.

I personally considered it madness, having embraced a priceless cargo, to storm the Atlantic, in which the Germans were pirating, undoubtedly aware of who and how makes payments. " Of course, the passengers did not suspect that they were sitting on a golden mine, becoming hostages of financial tycoons and politicians. Only the captain of the liner Edward Smith knew that he was lucky, who refused to leave the ship when its sinking became inevitable. American journalist Abraham Goltz, who shares the views of Donald Wilman, explains his firm decision to "share the fate of a doomed ship" not only with deep decency, but also with the fact that, if he survived, it would become clear that he was ready for an unfavorable outcome of the voyage, since he was aware that that every mile the Titanic travels is being tracked by enemies.

Goltz points to the source of his findings - a letter to his wife dated April 12, 1912, published by a number of leading British and American newspapers, covering at the beginning of the last century the investigation into the causes of the ship's sinking. The newspapers, however, designated weapons and ammunition as dangerous cargo loaded into part of the holds. Tolts exclaims: "Why did none of the writing fraternity pay attention to the transparent allusion to the property of the load contained in Smith's letter - a brilliance that evokes mortal melancholy ?!" Indeed, why?

Undoubtedly, because the participants in the transatlantic payment transaction took measures to cover up its failure, primarily so that people who have lost loved ones and 705 survivors who are in shock of passengers will never know the true cause of the disaster. The collision with the iceberg, among other things, allowed, having written off the costs of the catastrophe on a "blind" natural factor, on a confluence of unpredictable circumstances, for a very long time to hide the coordinates of the site of the mass grave called "Titanic"

Financial tycoons calculated accurately. With scant information that the ship sank somewhere near the island of Newfoundland in the "terrifying depths", no one, devoured by greed, will be able to get to an armored safe with untold treasures.

Years passed. Many years. None of the surviving passengers are dead today. It's high time to blaze a path for raising values whose legitimacy is about to be exhausted. That is why, above all, the Americans are making generous investments in deep-sea Atlantic projects. That is why it makes no more sense to hide the results of the 1996 expedition "Ellipe Programs" and the English "Discovery Channel", which had thundered out like a bolt from the blue, the results of the 1996 expedition to the Titanic, accompanied by the ship "Nadir" stuffed with scanning electronics. How; it is clear from the documents that Wilman has, the ship rests at a depth of 3826 meters, and on its hull there is no long and wide channel hole left from the tangential contact with the iceberg, but there are six round compact holes located below the waterline on the bow, with metal,bent inward. Willman writes: “The ship sank for more than two hours, at first unnoticed by the crew. If a collision with an iceberg happened, then through a huge hole, the masses of water would fill the hull almost instantly. However, this did not happen, because the total area of the "water intake" holes did not exceed five square meters. It follows that there was a torpedo attack.

The torpedoes were fired by an unidentified warship, not a submarine - the submarines then had a limited cruising range, and it is unlikely that even the best of them received the order to destroy the liner in the Atlantic Ocean. In 2002, the Americans re-examined the Titanic's hull with minimal publicity, managing to introduce nimble probes not connected by cables to the main deep-sea vehicle into the remote and hidden corners of the colossus. Contrary to expectations, the materials of the video did not receive publicity, except for the statement that new holes were found along the left stern, closer to the bottom, suspiciously similar to torpedo tracks. Donald Willman, recalling that the surviving passengers and crew members testified that they clearly heard a series of local explosions in the womb of the ship, suggests that there were actually two torpedo attacks. Likely,to be faithful, the "control" salvo was fired by another ship, which drifted and under cover of night did a dirty deed.

The version of the torpedoing of the theoretically unsinkable Titanic in the circles of scientists - members of deep-sea and research expeditions is confidently conquering an inch by inch, primarily because the hulls of ships affected by collisions with the icy mountains are sure to have holes with an area of 25-30 meters. The Titanic, on the other hand, is marked by disproportionately smaller holes located in distant places. As to whether the armored compartment, loaded with platinum and gold bars, will be raised, the opinion is unanimous. It will be raised despite seemingly insurmountable technological hurdles.

Alexander VOLODEV