Separatism In The USA - Alternative View

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Separatism In The USA - Alternative View
Separatism In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Separatism In The USA - Alternative View

Video: Separatism In The USA - Alternative View
Video: Active Separatist Movement in United States in Countryballs 2024, October

Since the summer of 2012, analysts have been increasingly talking about the possibility of a second round of the global financial and economic crisis, which will start again in the United States. It is in this country that he will hit the hardest of all. The collapse of the dollar system can play the same fatal role for the territorial integrity of the United States as the destruction of a single ideology for the USSR in the late 1980s. Do you think the United States lacks separatists who want to tear the country apart into many pieces? No matter how it is!

Long live independent Texas?

Texas is considered the stronghold of the separatists in the United States. There, every third resident is sure that their state has the right to self-determination, and 25% of the population are in favor of the immediate declaration of sovereignty. This oil-producing and industrially developed region is considered the second most prosperous in the country, with a territory and population of 25.6 million. Together with other donor states, Texas is effectively feeding, clothing, and arming the rest of America. It is in it, since 2009, that 40% of all new jobs in the United States have been created. Circumstances like these make residents of the state remember that once, albeit for a short time, it was an independent state.

Until the early 19th century, Texas, along with Mexico, was part of the New Spain colony. With the collapse of the colonial system in 1822, it became part of the Mexican Empire. Dictatorship and lawlessness over time led to the fact that Texas in the north and Yucatan in the south wanted to secede from it. For Texas, this resulted in the war of 1835-1836. As a result, he became an independent republic, headed by Sam Houston, a very colorful man of the Baptist religion.

Sam was born in Virginia, ran away from home as a teenager, and lived among the Cherokee Indians for a time. By that time, the latter finally changed their nomadic way of life to a settled one and were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and crafts. The rich Cherokee sometimes owned plantations and hundreds of black slaves and led an aristocratic lifestyle.

After giving many years of military service, Sam Houston became governor of Texas in 1827-1829. With the outbreak of the Texan War of Independence, he, with the rank of Major General, led their army, which on April 21, 1836, inflicted a crushing defeat on the Mexican forces at the Battle of San Jacinto. A day later, the President of Mexico, General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, was captured by the Texans, who was soon forced to sign the Velaska Treaties, which recognized the independence of the new republic.

Alas, the Mexican government stubbornly refused to ratify the treaties. The newly-emerged state was constantly raided by the Mexican army, to counter which a very effective system of armed formations was created in Texas. However, the struggle took too much effort and money. As a result, contrary to the opinion of many residents of the republic, the Texas authorities asked for the protectorate of Washington. However, a reservation was made: at any time, the state has the right to secede from the United States. And the current Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, has repeatedly blackmailed the federal authorities with this.

Promotional video:

Republic of New Africa

To the east of Texas, another independent state may arise - the Republic of New Africa. It will include the territories of the states of Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee, where there is a very large black population. I must say that the idea of creating a New African Republic is by no means new. Its supporters consider themselves to be the heirs of the Malcolm X case - a man who personally knew the great Martin Luther King, a fighter for the rights of blacks. ideologist of the "Nation of Islam" movement, and at the same time the creator of such an original kind of separatism.

It must be said that the ideology of the Nation of Islam is something extremely curious. The members of this organization believe that the Last Judgment will begin in the United States, and during the resurrection, the blacks will rise first. Previously, they openly argued that blacks represent the original humanity, Adam was a Negro, and whites are a demonic hybrid race created by the mad magician Yakub 6000 years ago. In their opinion, the modern white civilization of the West is the Babylon of the Apocalypse. In 1975, the leadership of the movement officially dissociated itself from this racist doctrine, but, most likely, many of their sides are. nicknames continue to share these views.

On March 31, 1968, in Detroit (Michigan), supporters of the creation of the Republic of New Africa announced the creation of an "interim black government." Robert F. Williams, who had previously spent eight years in exile in Cuba, China and Tanzania, was declared its president. In addition to secession from the United States, the separatists planned to demand billions of dollars in payments from the American government for the damage caused by racist treatment. Among African-Americans, it was planned to hold a referendum to grant them dual citizenship: the United States and New Africa. The heirs of the case of Malcolm X, who had already died by that time, promoted a collectivist model of the economy based on self-government and mutual assistance, as well as the creation by blacks of self-defense units - the "Black Legion".

The activities of the "interim black government" seriously alarmed the FBI leadership, which extended to them the secret program C0INTELPR0, previously directed mainly against the US Communist Party, the Ku Klux Klan and supporters of Martin Luther King. The FBIs, spreading slander and fakes, provoking conflicts with other organizations and numerous arrests, silenced the "provisional black government".

Dwarf, but proud and independent

There are separatists in Michigan as well. The fact is that Lakes Michigan and Huron divide it into two unequal parts: upper (northern) and lower (southern). The so-called Upper Peninsula occupies almost 25% of the state's territory, but only 3% of its population lives there. The low population is due to the harsh climate and inaccessibility of the region, but the nature there is amazing: there are many forests and clean air. No wonder the northern part of the state is replete with nature reserves and national parks, and therefore is known as a tourist paradise. For many years, immigrants from Finland, which is also famous for its forests, lakes and clean air, have preferred to settle there on a permanent basis. Among the inhabitants of the Upper Peninsula, 70% are Finns. And from time to time, they, with the composure and slowness characteristic of northern peoples, advocate the proclamation of a dwarf,but a proud and independent republic of Upper Michigan.

The ridiculous Upper Michigan separatists have decent competitors from the small northeastern states of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. The inhabitants of the latter, if their state becomes an independent state, intend to name it very romantic - the Republic of the Green Mountains.

There are also separatists in Utah, where most of the population has long been Mormons. They dream of secession from the United States and the creation of an orthodox Mormon state.

More separatists, good and different?

The inclinations to sovereignty in the state of California are not so comical. Its population is 37 million, that is, approximately the same as in Poland or Spain, and its economic power surpasses not only the glorious state of Texas, but, according to some estimates, a country like Italy is one of the most advanced economies in Europe.

As for the territory, all the other states surpass Alaska in it. It accounts for 15% of the area of the United States, which could well accommodate France, Great Britain, Sweden and Poland, taken together. True, at the same time, only 700 thousand people live on 1.7 million square kilometers of Alaskan territory, a third of which is covered by permafrost! However, this territory, one of the most deserted on our planet, also has its own separatists, which is nice in its own way: after all, some of them not only dream of separating from the Babylon of the Apocalypse, but also do not mind reuniting with Russia.

There are also separatists in the States who, on the contrary, would like to profit at the expense of neighboring Canada when creating their own state. Such plans, for example, are being built by the La Costa Indians, who are not enough for sovereignty in a part of the territories of the states of Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, as well as North and South Dakota - give them a piece of land in the south of neighboring Canada.

There are separatists of this kind among white Americans - supporters of the creation of the Republic of Cascadia. This wonderful country should include the northwestern states of Washington and Oregon, as well as the Canadian province of British Columbia. Think about these two states and the leaders of the sometimes considered not only extremist, but also a terrorist organization called "The Church of the Aryan Christian Nation". Their ethnically pure white state should also include Idaho with Montana and Wyoming.

The most unique separatists, however, are probably supporters of the Free City of New York. Indeed, it was in this capacity that he existed in the middle of the 19th century. In 2006, city councilor Peter Vallone came up with a proposal to recreate the free city. Although no decision was made, his initiative was supported by almost half of the city council. But the words "Free City of New York" evoke unhealthy associations with the Free City of Danzig … Oh, this whole bunch of "self-pilots" would not turn Obama's perestroika into a general shootout with the creation of a new "Deceit of Independent States"!

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №4. Author: Valdis Peipins