Artifacts: Unanswered Questions. - Alternative View

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Artifacts: Unanswered Questions. - Alternative View
Artifacts: Unanswered Questions. - Alternative View

Video: Artifacts: Unanswered Questions. - Alternative View

Video: Artifacts: Unanswered Questions. - Alternative View
Video: Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version) 2024, September

Mysterious objects found in various places on Earth raise a natural question: "Who did this?" No answer yet

According to the American scientist Michael Cremo, author of the book Forbidden History of Humanity, some interesting archaeological finds are not recognized by modern science. Why? Yes, because then the foundations of the theory of evolution will be greatly shaken and the activity of intelligent beings will have to be recognized, say, 55 million years ago. And for this, it turns out, humanity is not yet ready.

Airplanes from the past

The object, very reminiscent of a model of a modern aircraft, was found in 1898 in Egypt. The wooden fossil plane - about 15 cm - follows the outline of the fuselage, wings and tail. There are also golden analogs of aircraft. In Central America, for example, they discovered something very similar to a model of a jet plane. But it was made about 1 thousand years ago. What the strange object really means remains unexplained.

Mechanism from Antikythera Island


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The accuracy of this mysterious device is incredible for ancient times. Bronze gears, arrows remind of the 18th century, and the differential gear - of the 16th century. But this device was made in 100-150 BC!

The find was discovered on an ancient ship near the Greek island of Antikythera at the beginning of the 20th century. Scientists began to reconstruct an amazing mechanism, the approximate height of which is 33 cm. True, they first looked at it only fifty years later, but the version remained - a computing mechanism. Such is the computer that determines the parameters of the movement of the Sun, the Moon and, as the latest studies prove, other celestial bodies: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

Recently, an international project to study the mechanism was completed in Greece. Having studied 82 fragments of the ancient device, the researchers confirmed its unique abilities: it was possible to calculate the dates of eclipses and perform mathematical operations on it.

It is not clear only how in ancient times such a miracle could be made, and whether the Antikythera mechanism was the only one.

Ancient pipes


Among the impressive finds, the origin of which seems incredible, are blocks of material resembling concrete in coal. They were found in the USA in 1928. The mystery is how these objects ended up in the rock, which is approximately 286 million years old. In the coal seams, the inexplicable was found before - back in 1885, among the coal, they saw a metal cube.

In 1844, English quarry workers were surprised at a golden thread that gleamed in a block. But that stone had a very venerable age - about 320-360 million years.

How to explain that a nail was found in the sandstone of the Mesozoic era? It happened in Scotland the same year. The nail was found in the slab, and its head was pressed into the stone by about 2.5 cm. That is, a fake or someone's joke is out of the question. And that sandstone, as scientists believe, is up to 408 million years old.

There are also mysteries - for example, in France in 1968 in the rock of the Cretaceous period, strange metal pipes of a semi-oval shape were discovered. A rough estimate gives them about … 65 million years! Someone needed such a pipeline …

Ica stones


Very entertaining pictures are engraved on mysterious stones found near the Peruvian city of Ica. About 50 thousand of them were found - from small ones that you can take in your hand to blocks lying on the ground.

Absolutely incredible scenes are depicted on the stones: a person drives a dinosaur or sits on it, as if on a horse. Another type of drawings is just as intriguing: ancient artists scratched out scenes from the then medical practice, and they are very impressive - doctors of that time were engaged in heart transplants, blood transfusions or brain operations … Pictures about the conquest of space are also mysterious: the designs of aircraft, the location of celestial bodies.

Javier Cabrera, a passionate explorer of stones, tried to explain this - they say, this is the history of an ancient civilization. It developed, developed, and then mysteriously disappeared, taking with it all the secrets. There have been versions of the banal falsification of drawings, but they have not yet been proven. To forge so many stones, however, is also not easy - Dr. Cabrera personally had several thousand of them. And the first stone in the 30s came to him by accident - it was presented by a farmer.

Balls with engraving

Such a mysterious ball, as scientists have calculated, is 2.8 billion years old. It was made in very ancient times - back in the Precambrian period. But by whom ?! Was there anyone then to deal with such "folk" creativity? This miracle was dug up by South African miners. For several decades, they have found strange spheres about 2.5 cm in size underground.

The balls came across different - some of bluish metal with white specks, and inside others - an unknown white filler resembling a sponge. There is another riddle - on some balls, three parallel lines are engraved around the circumference. Needless to say, no explanation has yet been found for this?

Chinese disks


A mysterious collection of prehistoric plates with a diameter of about 23 cm was once found in China. 70 years ago, Dr. Chi Pu Tei's expedition went to the mountains.

In the caves, the researchers stumbled upon the remains of an unknown culture and made out incomprehensible round stone discs, similar to gramophone records. Their age, as scientists later determined, is about 10-12 thousand years.

In addition to the fact that each disc had a hole in the center, spiral lines made up of miniature hieroglyphs were visible on the stones. Of course, the researchers tried to decipher them. They did it, but the story on the discs came out so amazing that it's hard to believe.

However, judge for yourself - many centuries ago a spaceship flew to Earth, controlled by a certain civilization Dropa. Only the landing of these "droponauts" was unsuccessful - the ship crashed. The surviving creatures told their sad story on the discs.

Spark plug in the rock

At least two incomprehensible stories happened to this mysterious object. The point is that in 1961, in the California mountains, three explorers: Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxi and Mike Maxel became interested in one of the rocks. After a piece was obtained for the sample, a strange object was found inside it, resembling an automobile spark plug. The mysterious find turned white like porcelain; a metal rod was found inside it.

Having illuminated the object with X-ray, they were even more surprised - there was a hexagonal body around the porcelain, and the rod ended with a small spring. One would like to say that it was made by man, but the "present" is packed in ore, which is half a million years old! Of course, they tried to solve this riddle, called the Koso artifact, but soon the "spark plug" disappeared, it is not clear how it disappeared, taking the secret with it.

Battery from Baghdad


This artifact was found in 1936 in Iraq. While excavating near Baghdad, the builders found an ancient grave. Among the exhibits recovered from the burial, of particular interest was an earthen vessel about 14 cm high with a copper cylinder, inside of which an iron rod was revealed.

The lead-tin alloy with which the cylinder was soldered is still used today. It became clear to the archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig that this is a battery. But it was made 15 centuries ago! How is this possible?

It turned out that earlier archaeologists had come across similar spare parts - scattered metal parts were eaten away, as it was believed, by corrosion. But in fact, it was an electrolyte from an ancient galvanic cell. According to the researchers, such batteries could be used to cover jewelry with gold and silver. True, for this kind of technology it was necessary to connect several batteries, and scientists hope to find the remains of the missing wires.

Prints of the ancients

How could handprints appear in 110 million years old limestone? The fact remains - a clear palm print was found in the oldest fossil. There are similar examples - in the Canadian part of the Arctic, a fingerprint was found, which, according to scientists, is also a hundred million years old. And very deep antiquity - maybe 300, maybe all 600 million years old - is captured in the imprint of … sandals.

This amazing find appeared in the United States while studying a shale deposit. Maybe the answer is that scientists incorrectly determine the age of geological rocks? Or did humanity exist even then?

Similar cases

Did your ancestors have atomic bombs?

In 1945, the Americans tested a new formidable weapon - the atomic bomb. After an explosion in the Alamogordo Desert, New Mexico, the sand melted into greenish glass. When archaeologists excavated the area, there was something to be surprised. At first, there seemed to be nothing special: the layer of culture of farmers was about 8 thousand years old. Then - traces of cattle-breeding culture, underneath - the remains of the cave era. And then … again a layer of greenish glass, as after an atomic explosion. How was it formed? No answer.

Map - 120 million years old

Bashkir scientists in 1999 were puzzled by an interesting find - a stone slab on which a map of the Ural region was clearly drawn. And not just on a stone, but on a glass-like layer, the processing technology of which is unknown. This "map" lay in the earth for at least 120 million years, that is, when people, according to the current idea, could not exist. However, someone else engraved the system of canals, dams and dams, as well as hieroglyphs. Scientists have "stumbled" about them - these ancient signs cannot yet be deciphered.

Author: Platon Sloboda