S. Zharnikov On The "weapons Of The Gods" Of The Ancient Aryans - Alternative View

S. Zharnikov On The "weapons Of The Gods" Of The Ancient Aryans - Alternative View
S. Zharnikov On The "weapons Of The Gods" Of The Ancient Aryans - Alternative View

Video: S. Zharnikov On The "weapons Of The Gods" Of The Ancient Aryans - Alternative View

Video: S. Zharnikov On The
Video: Dravidian civilisation is the foundation of Hinduism (Aryan invasion is nonsense) 2024, September

The ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" describes the last of the world destructive wars of antiquity, as a result of which most of humanity was destroyed, and the united world empire of the Aryans fell apart into warring enclaves. Based on the text of this epic, we can conclude that the main conflict took place between the "northern" Aryans who remained to live near the "northern ancestral home" and the "southern" ones who left for Iran and north India. In fact, the ancient Indian epic describes a full-scale world war, the battles of which for 18 days took place over a fairly vast territory with a population of more than a billion people.

The level of development of the ancient Aryan civilization is evidenced by the description of the destructive weapon used by both warring parties, in addition to the well-known "air chariots" - viman. For example, here is how the outstanding Russian ethnologist, candidate of historical sciences S. Zharnikova describes these destructive types of ancient "weapons of the gods" in his book "Trace of Vedic Russia":

“Returning to the battle scenes of the Mahabharata, it is worth noting that in addition to 'sparkling shells', bows and arrows, other types of weapons are repeatedly mentioned in the ethnic text. Reading their description, one involuntarily imbued with the thought that these lines relate to our time. So, for example, the weapon "Anjalika" is described: "six-winged, three cubits long, formidable, swift, inevitable … inspiring fear, disastrous for all living things." As a result of its execution: “the streams interrupted their run, the darkened sun bowed to the west, and the planet, not inferior to the sun's fieryness - the brainchild of Yama - rose high into the sky in its crooked orbit … The firmament split, the earth cried, fierce winds suddenly blew, the sides of the world began to smoke and burst into a bright flame. The oceans stirred and roared, many mountains with groves on them hesitated,the host of living beings suddenly experienced unprecedented torment … and Jupiter, oppressing the Rohini (constellations), became like the Sun and the Moon with radiance … It was impossible to discern directions, the whole sky was covered with darkness, the earth shook, flaming red comets fell from the sky and "wandering in the night" were filled great jubilation."

Other weapons were also used. For example, the "weapon of Javetas", which "burst into flames". He was adorned with the "weapon of Varuna", by means of which all directions of the world were shrouded in clouds, and such darkness came, "as if a rainy day", but these clouds were dispelled by the "weapon of Vayu". Or “the great formidable weapon of Pashchupatu, capable of crushing the threefold universe”, which cannot be “thrown at any person: if it hits the weak, the whole transitory world will perish. Here, in the three worlds, everything moving or motionless is vulnerable to him. It can be set in motion with thought, eye, word and bow."

The use of the naga weapon immobilized the legs of the enemy soldiers, which was removed by the use of the sauparna weapon, and the use of the aishik weapon by Ashvatthaman damaged the embryos in the womb. And here are two excerpts from different texts.

First: “Hearing the hiss, the advisers scattered! And struck with great sorrow, they saw a wondrous serpent … rushing through the air, leaving a lotus-colored strip in the sky, like a parting. Then they left in fear the palace, engulfed in fire, born of the venom of the snake, and fled in all directions. And he collapsed as if struck by lightning."

And the second: “And such a picture was played out in the sky, as if two … a snake were approaching each other, spreading huge silvery-scaly tails behind them. When the snakes clashed their foreheads, the faster flew further, and the second's head fell off the tail and began to fall, poured with tongues of flame, falling apart into smoking and burning pieces. Where the largest piece fell, fire flashed, an explosion thundered, and a dirty brown cloud shot up over the ground, gradually acquiring the form of a huge mushroom that grew over the steppe.

It would seem that these texts were written at the same time and about the same phenomenon. However, the first of them is an excerpt from the epic Mahabharata, which tells about an unsuccessful experience with the "snake" that occurred in the summer of 3005 BC, and the second is the story of the general designer of anti-missile systems, Lieutenant General, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. V. Kisunko on the first test of domestic missiles to destroy moving targets (in this case, the Tu-4 bomber) in April 1953.

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In battle scenes spears are described, "fiery, impetuous, formidable, blazing like a large comet." Bows similar to the Gandiva bow, which was endowed with "great power … irresistible by any weapon and crushed all weapons, ruled over all weapons and destroyed the enemy troops. He expanded the kingdoms and one could be compared with a hundred thousand."

Various "arrows" are described in the Mahabharata. So, when flying alone, "the firmament, earth and air space together seemed to fly apart … the whole sky above that place was blazing, as if covered with red clouds." Others, called "weapons of the Rounds", are compared to "searing flames and snake venom." This is how the Pandavas describe the demonstration of the fighting properties of this "all-iron arrow":

“There appeared… a three-headed, ten-eyed, three-faced, six-armed, sparkling creature with hair that burns like the sun. On each of his heads there are huge snakes with outstretched stings … As soon as he activated the weapon of heaven, the earth gave under his feet and trembled along with the trees, the rivers and the great guardian of waters agitated, the rocks split. The wind no longer blew, the luminary pouring thousands of rays faded, the fire went out … the inhabitants of the earth's interior in fear got out … scorched by the fire of heavenly weapons, humbly folding their palms and covering their faces, trembling, they prayed for mercy …"

And further: “In the midst of the celebration, O king, Narada, sent by the gods, approached Partha and addressed such noteworthy words: 'O Arjuna, Arjuna! Abandon the heavenly weapon, oh Bharata! It should never be consumed without purpose. And even if there is such a goal, this weapon should not be used unnecessarily. It is a great evil to use it, O descendant of Kuru! Take care of it, as before, O conqueror of wealth, and it will undoubtedly retain its power and serve for the good. And if you do not take care of this weapon, three worlds may perish from it. Never do that again! “.

However, according to the Mahabharata, the warning was not heard. And as a result of the war "one billion six hundred sixty million and twenty thousand people were killed in battle, rajah, the remaining knights - twenty-four thousand one hundred and sixty."

Of course, such a large number of warriors simply could not fit on one field near Kurukshetra, and therefore we are talking about a world war, in which almost all continents were struck by the destructive "weapons of the gods" and many cities of an ancient highly developed civilization were turned into smoking ruins and covered with fire. desert sands. Almost all the technical achievements of this civilization were destroyed along with the cities, and the surviving people slipped into the "Stone Age".

Why is it that all these ancient events are so diligently trying not to recognize the official science, despite the many discovered ancient artifacts and traces of ancient bombing on the surface of the Earth? It is obvious that the forces interested in the complete destruction of mankind with the help of their servants in the midst of mankind are preparing something similar for modern people. After all, if we know the lessons of the past, then we will try not to repeat the old mistakes. But this is precisely what does not suit the superhuman forces. That is why it is quite understandable who in fact are all those who conceal from mankind information about ancient highly developed civilizations and the reasons for their death, imposing a falsified version of history on us.
