Who Are The Aryans In Terms Of DNA Genealogy? - Alternative View

Who Are The Aryans In Terms Of DNA Genealogy? - Alternative View
Who Are The Aryans In Terms Of DNA Genealogy? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Aryans In Terms Of DNA Genealogy? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Aryans In Terms Of DNA Genealogy? - Alternative View
Video: What on Earth Happened to the Aryans? 2024, October

We look at the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and read: "The only justified and accepted in science now is the use of the term" Aryans "only in relation to tribes and peoples who spoke Indo-Iranian languages." It must be the same - so dashing and directive to disown their ancestors. And further - “In linguistics, Indo-Iranian languages are called Aryan”.

In fact, it was our Aryan ancestors who brought the language to Iran, and after thousands of years, already in our time, they began to consider it Iranian. And since there is a large school of Iranian languages, the Aryans began to be mistaken for Iranian, confusing the cause with the effect.

Iranian languages belong to Indo-European, and their dating is as follows - the most ancient, from the II millennium BC. up to 300-400 years BC, middle - from 300-400 years BC to 800-900 years A. D., and a new one - 800-900 years A. D. Until now. That is, the oldest Iranian languages date back after the departure of the Aryans to India and Iran, and more than 1000 years after the life of the Proto-Slavic ancestor (4800 years ago). If we understand the term “Iranian language” as the language spoken in Iran before the arrival of the Aryans (which linguists, of course, do not mean), then in such an Iranian language he, our ancestor, could not speak in any way; it is a purely linguistic term, and has nothing to do with the dynamics of the origin of clans and peoples. He spoke Aryan: the Aryan language was brought to Iran by his descendants a thousand or a half years later. And the Western Iranian group of languages appeared in general around 500 BC. BC.

In general, linguists in the names of languages are distinguished by special liberty, constantly confusing cause and effect. In the languages of the Uralic group, in their boundless wisdom, they constantly insert the word “Finnish”, “Finno-Ugric”, “Finno-Permian”, “Finno-Volga”, “Baltic-Finnish”. In fact, this does not agree with the picture of migrations of peoples, clans, haplogroups. These migrations went in different groups - the future Finns separately, the future southern Balts separately. They are not Finnish by origin, by genealogy. There are no Finns in the Urals, the Finns are the end point of migration in Scandinavia, not the starting point, and the end point of only a small part of migration flows - both people and languages. It is also good that the English language was not called "American Indian", or "Australian Aboriginal", on the grounds that the end point of migrations (in their part) were America and Australia. But the Aryan language was called "Iranian", precisely because of the end point of one of the migrations, and then - and "Indo-European".

This is also politically correct. And there were absolutely fantastic passages, adopted in scientific literature, that "Iranian-speaking tribes lived on the Dnieper", that "the Scythians were Iranian-speaking", that "the inhabitants of Arkaim spoke Iranian languages." They spoke Aryan, dear reader, Aryan. They are the Old Slavic languages. And this is also our story.

According to the Indian Vedas, it was the Aryans who came to India from the north, and it was their hymns and legends that formed the basis of the Indian Vedas. And, continuing further, this is Russian (and its related Baltic languages, for example, Lithuanian) closest to Sanskrit, and from the Russian and Baltic languages to Europe is just a stone's throw away. Therefore, the Balto-Slavic languages are the basis of the "Indo-European languages", isn't it? That is, they are also Aryan languages, if you call a spade a spade.

So, no one argues. But, you know, it is somehow wrong to give such an honor to the Slavs.

This is how the Great Soviet Encyclopedia defines it: “Already from the middle of the 19th century. the concept of "Aryans" (or "Aryans") was used to define the peoples belonging to the Indo-European linguistic community. This use of the term was developed in racist literature (especially in fascist Germany), which gave it a tendentious and anti-scientific meaning."

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Well, there was nothing racist about how we calculated the data on the Aryan lifetimes. Therefore, we will not drag Nazi Germany here. I will share, I have my own criterion in choosing interlocutors or debaters. As soon as a person in a conversation about haplogroup R1a and (or) Aryans begins to remember Hitler, I turn my back on him and leave. He is a sick man. It's not worth communicating with such. He lives by patterns, in the brain - straight lines. From these were the classic political instructors and guardians, for whom a step to the side is an escape.

By the way, the main crime of the Nazis was not at all proclaiming themselves "Aryans". Proclaimed, and let them be with them. What would the child not amuse himself. Moreover, among modern Germans, about 20% really belong to the R1a haplogroup, and the further from western to eastern Germany (and further to the east), the higher this percentage. This is precisely because the Slavs have long lived in the east of Germany. German scientists were by no means stupid, they carried out deep research, and revealed the similarity of the Aryan symbols, gods, cultural characteristics between the ancient Germans and the Indian Aryans, and realized that the Indo-Aryans had European roots. This is also confirmed by DNA genealogy.

But this was not the Nazis' crime, while it was only a science. Unfortunately, the Nazis went further, and declared the Aryans "supermen", the chosen race, and themselves - their cultural successors. The next step was to destroy the "subhumans", among them - Jews, gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals. As soon as the word "destroy" was uttered and the word was translated into action, the Nazis placed themselves outside of civilized humanity, and eventually signed their own death warrant. True, before that, they signed the death warrant to millions of innocent people. Therefore, to blame for this on the Aryans, who lived millennia ago, is an extreme degree of idiocy.

And yet the Aryans, you know, are scary. This was still known to the citizens at the time of the GUGB NKVD of the USSR, and especially the employees of this organization. At that time, there was a development of the Secret Political Department (STR) called "Aryans", which linked this word with accusations of the creation and propaganda of fascist organizations in the USSR. According to sources of that time, the main accusations were made against representatives of the Soviet intelligentsia - teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions, literary workers of publishing houses. In particular, a group of employees producing foreign dictionaries was arrested and convicted in the "Aryan case". In general, there is a lot to be said about this. As noted by the historian A. Burovsky, “try to talk about the Aryans in the professional community - and our esteemed colleagues will instantly tense up, catch up … Doubtful topic, not good. Better not to deal with this topic at all, calmer. And if you do, you don't need to make any conclusions."

But we will, and not one. So, it became clear that the genus R1a in DNA genealogy - when considering ancient times, in particular, 6000-2500 years ago - these are the Aryans, they are our ancestors, the Proto-Slavs, they are also "Indo-Europeans". They brought their Aryan language, aka Proto-Slavic, to India and Iran 3500-3400 years ago, that is, 1400-1500 BC. In India, by the works of the great Panini, it was polished into Sanskrit about 2400 years ago, close to the turn of our era, and in Persia-Iran, the Aryan languages became the basis of the group of Iranian languages, the oldest of which date back to the II millennium BC. It all fits together.

This is what it means when linguists do not have in their hands the dates of the life and migration of the Aryans, in particular, on the territory of modern India and Iran. Hence, they, the Aryans, and then all others - the inhabitants of the Russian Plain, the Dnieper region, the Black Sea region, the Caspian region, the southern Urals - were all given the title of "Indo-Europeans", and even more so "Iranian-speaking", exactly the opposite.

That's where these awkward "Indo-Europeans" come from. In fact, they had Aryan languages without any India or Iran, all over the Russian plain and up to the Balkans. They, the Aryans, brought the language to Europe 10-9 thousand years ago, and by them - to Iran and India, about 3500 years ago. From India to Europe - one and the same group of languages - Aryan. And they took it and called it "Indo-European", "Indo-Iranian", "Iranian". And, which is generally incomprehensible to the mind, our people, our ancestors, the Proto-Slavs turned out to be "Indo-Europeans", and even "Iranians". “Iranian-speaking inhabitants of the Dnieper”. How does it feel? It is time, finally, for philologists-linguists to put things in order. We, specialists in DNA genealogy, will help.

So in which direction did the Aryan, Proto-Slavic stream go - to the west, to Europe, or vice versa, to the east? By regions - for an increase from 4800 years, or for a fall? To India, as we have already seen - for a decrease, from 4800 to 3850 years. This means that the flow from the territory of present-day Russia went to the east. And to the west?

And here our story comes out in a completely unexpected, so to speak, perspective. A few years ago, I collected 25-marker haplotypes of the genus R1a1 across all European countries, and for each country or region I determined the haplotype common to the population of the ancestor, and when this ancestor lived. It turned out that almost all over Europe, from Iceland in the north to Greece in the south, the common ancestor was the same! In other words, the descendants as a baton passed their haplotypes to their own descendants for generations, diverging from the same historical place, the ancestral home of the Proto-Slavs, the ancestral home of the "Indo-Europeans", the ancestral home of the Aryans, which turned out to be the Balkans.

And the lifetime of the ancestor, which is indicated by the most ancient, most mutated haplotypes, is about 10-9 thousand years ago.

Subsequently, the same conclusions were confirmed when considering 67-marker haplotypes, significantly more reliable objects of research, and the results - if anyone is interested - were published in a series of articles in the journal Advances in Anthropology in 2011-2012. DNA genealogy quite definitely indicates that for almost 6000 years, our Proto-Slavic Balkan ancestors lived in those parts, without much movement anywhere. Even if they moved, traces of those activists have hardly been found in the haplotypes of our contemporaries. “Almost” - because the proportion of those ancient haplotypes is only a small fraction of a percent of the R1a haplotypes in Europe. In other words, those ancient lines have hardly survived to our time. Perhaps they are not left, one hope is for fossil haplotypes, but only a few of them have been analyzed so far. But about 6,000 years ago, the Great Migration of Peoples began, apparently in connection with the transition to new forms of management and the need to develop new territories. The first advance - to the Carpathians, to the territory of historical Bukovina. Where the mysterious Trypillian culture was found, which, according to archaeologists, also mysteriously disappeared.

And she has not disappeared. Descendants of Trypillians live there. Their common ancestor, according to local haplotypes, belonged to the genus R1a. Proto-Slav. And the haplotype of that ancestor is now known to us. He is the same as the haplotype of the ancestor of the Eastern Slavs. The same family. By the way, another marker, of a different type, is the swastika, the ancient symbol of the Aryans. It was found on pottery of ancient Tripoli, on the Russian Plain, and in India, Iran, and Arabia. Wherever the ancient Aryans went.

And then the waves of migrations of the R1a clan began to diverge in all directions, from the Balkans (the archaeological culture of Vinca and the cultures that are related to it) and Bukovina (the Tripolye culture). Almost in all directions - 6-5 thousand years ago, IV-III millennium BC. Germany is exactly the same 25-marker haplotype as that of the Eastern Slavs, 4600 years ago.

13 25 16 10 11 14 12 12 10 13 11 30 15 9 10 11 11 24 14 20 32 12 15 15 16

Now its owners (already with mutations) in Germany are on average 18%, but in some areas it reaches a third. The majority of the rest of the population of Germany has the “Baltic” haplogroup I1 (24%) and the “Western European” R1b (39%). By the way, the name "Baltic" haplogroup I1 here is completely arbitrary, and appeared because at present its carriers live to a large extent in northern Europe. In fact, this is a pan-European haplogroup, its haplotypes are almost the same from the British Isles to Eastern Europe, and all have one common ancestor who lived about 3600 years ago. There is no preference in this respect in the Baltics.

Norway is the same haplotype, the ancestor lived 4300 years ago on the territory of modern Norway. In Norway, the share of R1a is now on average - from 18% to 25% of the population. Basically - the "Baltic" I1 (41%) and Western European R1b (28%) haplogroups.

Since all other Europeans of the genus R1a have the same ancestor haplotype in the respective territories, I will not mention it anymore. I will only indicate when the first ancestor, he is a descendant of the Balkan R1a, lived. But to say "a descendant of the Balkans" is not entirely accurate. The fact is that about 4800-4600 years ago, there were practically no carriers of the haplogroup R1a in Europe, they either died or fled to the Russian Plain. Therefore, the common ancestor of all European haplotypes dates back about 4800 years ago, at which time the haplotypes were "zeroed". This is scientifically called "the population has gone through the bottleneck." You can call it the "last of the Mohicans" effect. If this last of the Mohicans survives, he will, in fact, become the founder of a "new" genealogical line, since the counting will start from him. This is, of course, providedthat from him there will be male offspring, and it will survive and multiply. Therefore, the "bottleneck". It passed either on the way to the Russian Plain, or on the Plain itself. R1a returned to Europe from the Russian Plain only in the 1st millennium BC, and this continued throughout the entire 1st millennium BC. and I millennium AD. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of European R1a are from the Russian Plain. And the haplotypes are similar for everyone, although since then they have diverged by almost 40 branches.although they have diverged since that time by almost 40 branches.although they have diverged since that time by almost 40 branches.

That is why I am writing here that R1a throughout Europe are Proto-Slavic, descendants of Proto-Slavic common ancestors. But why almost all carriers of the haplogroup R1a in Europe either died or fled to the Russian Plain about 5000 years ago - this is a separate story. We will not touch on it now, and there are still many white spots in it. Although there are considerations. Then we will come to this question.

Back to the European R1a. Sweden - 4250 years ago. In total, among modern Swedes, 17% are descendants of the Proto-Slavs, the genus R1a. Basically - “Baltic” I1 (48%) and “Western European” R1b (22%) haplogroups. Since I gave the definition of the "population bottleneck" above, it is already clear that about 3600 years ago, the common European haplogroup I1 passed that very bottleneck, the few survivors fled to the north of Europe, to the Baltic states, away from Central Europe, and there, in the north, have multiplied. So they turned out to be a "Baltic" haplogroup. From this it is clear that all these geographical names of haplogroups are very shaky, they reflect, as a rule, only the modern distribution of haplogroups, and almost nothing is said about their actual origin. Consider it jargon.

Let's move on to the Atlantic, to the British Isles. Here is a whole group of territories where the descendants of the Aryans, R1a, have lived for a long time, and again from the Russian Plain. They are not numerically dominant in comparison with another genus, R1b, whose representatives arrived there about 4000 years ago. But there are not so few of them, descendants of the ancient Aryans, on the islands.

In England, the common ancestor of modern R1a carriers lived 4600 years ago, as in Germany. But in England and in the British Isles in general, the descendants of the Proto-Slavs are relatively few, from 2% to 9% across all islands. The Western European R1b (up to 92% in terms of territories) and the “Baltic” I1 (16%) haplogroup completely dominate there.

In Ireland - 4200 years ago. Now in Ireland there are few representatives of the haplogroup R1a, no more than 2-4% of the population. There - up to 90% of the Western European haplogroup R1b. It took time to develop the northern, cold and highlands of Scotland. The common ancestor of the branch of the genus R1a there lived 4300 years ago. In Scotland, the descendants of the Proto-Slavs decrease in number from north to south. In the north, on the Shetland Islands, they are 27%, and this number drops to 2-5% in the south of the country. On average, across the country, there are about 6%. The rest - from two thirds to three quarters - have the Western European haplogroup R1b.

Let's start moving east. Poland, the common ancestor of R1a lived 4600 years ago. For Russian-Ukrainian haplotypes - 4800 years ago, which practically coincides within the accuracy of calculations. And even if several generations of calculated differences are not a difference for such terms. In modern Poland, the descendants of the Proto-Slavs are on average 50%, and in some areas - up to 55%. The rest have mainly Western European R1b (12%) and “Baltic” I1 (17%) haplogroups.

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, a common Proto-Slavic ancestor lived 4200 years ago. Only slightly less than that of the Russians and Ukrainians. That is, we are talking about resettlement in the territories of modern Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia - all within literally several generations, but more than four thousand years ago.

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the descendants of the Proto-Slavs of the genus R1a are about 40%. The rest have mainly Western European R1b (22-28%), “Baltic” I1 and “Balkan” I2 (18% in total) haplogroups. On the territory of modern Hungary, the common ancestor R1a lived 5,000 years ago. There are now up to a quarter of the descendants of the Proto-Slavs-R1a. The rest have mainly Western European R1b (20%) and the combined “Baltic” I1 and “Balkan” I2 (total 26%) haplogroups. With the name "Balkan" - the same story. In fact, throughout Eastern Europe, from Greece to the Baltic States, the haplotypes of the I2 group are practically the same, and all have one common ancestor who lived about 2300 years ago, at the end of the 1st millennium BC. Again the population bottleneck. The carriers of these haplotypes began to diverge, apparently, from the Eastern Carpathians throughout Eastern Europe, and more to the south, to the Balkans. Therefore, there is a maximum number of them, now up to 40% in all Balkan countries. But the “age” is the same throughout Eastern Europe. Therefore, the name "Balkan" comes only from the current population. It does not reflect the history of population migrations, and even more so the history of haplogroup I2 before their catastrophe about 5 thousand years ago, as the analysis of haplotypes shows.

In general, the situation is clear. I will only add that in European countries - Iceland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium, Lithuania, France, Italy, Romania, Albania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Moldova - a common ancestor lived about 4500 years ago. To be more precise, it was 4525 years ago, but I deliberately do not operate with such precision here. This is the common ancestor of the genus R1a in all the countries listed. A common European ancestor, so to speak, apart from the Balkan region shown above, the ancestral home of the Proto-Slavs, Aryans, "Indo-Europeans." But there are branches in Europe, the modern haplotypes of which have common ancestors 5000-6000 years ago. This is usually the north of Europe, apparently the remnants of ancient genealogical lines that fled to the outskirts of the continent.

The proportion of descendants of the Proto-Slavs-Aryans in these countries varies from 4% in Holland and Italy (up to 19% in Venice and Calabria), 10% in Albania, 8-11% in Greece (up to 25% in Thessaloniki), 12-15% in Bulgaria and Herzegovina, 14-17% in Denmark and Serbia, 15-25% in Bosnia, Macedonia and Switzerland, 20% in Romania and Hungary, 23% in Iceland, 22-39% in Moldova, 29-34% in Croatia, 30-37% in Slovenia (16% in general in the Balkans), and at the same time - 32-37% in Estonia, 34-38% in Lithuania, 41% in Latvia, 40% in Belarus, 45-54% in Ukraine. In Russia, the Proto-Slavs-Aryans, as I have already mentioned, on average 48%, due to the high share of the South Baltic group N1c1 in the north of Russia, who are mistakenly called Finno-Finns (or Finno-Ugric), but in the south and center of Russia the share Eastern Slavs, descendants of the Aryans, reaches 60-75%.

The ancestral haplotypes are the same everywhere. And why should they be different? The genus is the same - R1a. It is not indicative that the ancestral haplotype is the same, it is indicative that it is obtained from the haplotypes of contemporaries the same. This means that the methodology for the analysis and processing of haplotypes is correct, the statistics are sufficient, the data are reproducible and reliable. This is what is extremely important.

Let's move on to the Eastern Carpathians, neighboring with Hungary. I already wrote about them. Let me remind you that Bukovina is the old name of the area in the northeast of the Carpathians, at the junction of Ukraine and Romania, from the side of Ukraine - Chernivtsi region. The city of Chernivtsi is the historical center of Bukovina. Within the framework of archeology, it is part of the territory of the Trypillian culture. This is the Eneolithic.

So we found those who lived there during the Eneolithic era. Scientific works state - the origin of the Trypillian culture is not determined, it was based on the Neolithic tribes, that is, the tribes of the late Stone Age, which lasted until about 5000 years ago. And DNA genealogy has identified. The Pre-Slavs lived there. Arias. "Indo-Europeans". Our ancestors. The genus R1a, which includes up to three quarters of the Russian people.

The scientific literature indicates that the early inhabitants of the Trypillian culture, who lived there 5000 years ago and earlier, were “squeezed out of there by the migration of the“Indo-Europeans”about 4000 years ago. But we see that this is not the case. The Pre-Slavs are the very early inhabitants. They are "Indo-Europeans", only then there was no trace of "Indo": the descendants of these Proto-Slavs left for India only 2500 thousand years after the described period of their life in the Trypillian culture.

But what about the Caucasus, Anatolia, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula as possible ancestral home of the Aryans, the genus R1a, the Proto-Slavs? Yes, let's see.

Armenia. The age of the common ancestor of the genus R1a is 4400 years ago.

Asia Minor, Anatolian Peninsula. A historic crossroads between the Middle East, Europe and Asia. It was the first or second candidate for the "Indo-European ancestral home". However, the common ancestor of R1a lived there the same 4500-4000 years ago. But this is an "Indo-European" common ancestor. And the migration route of the earliest carriers of R1a passed through Anatolia to the west, towards Europe, about 10-9 thousand years ago. This migration was caught by linguists, who placed the proto-Indo-European language in Anatolia the same 10-9 thousand years ago. Only this is not the “ancestral home” of the Indo-European language, it is a transit from the east to Europe. And the Balkans is not an ancestral home, it is also a transit. And the Black Sea steppes are not an ancestral home, they are also transit. So the situation is clearing up with linguists who cannot find the "ancestral home" of the Indo-European languages for two hundred years now, and there is no gap.

There is and cannot be a "ancestral home" for a language that has been in progress for thousands of years, in the effects of divergence and convergence, and at the same time its speakers, in this case R1a as carriers of the Proto-Indo-European and then Indo-European languages, aka the Aryan language, passed a long way from southern Siberia to Europe, from about 20 thousand years ago to 10-9 thousand years ago, and then about 5 thousand years ago went to the east and further in the Trans-Urals up to China, to the southeast to India and Iran, to south through the Caucasus to Mesopotamia and further to Arabia and to the Indian Ocean. Perhaps they washed the boots in it. So again dialectics, spiral development.

It should be noted that 4500-4000 years before the common ancestor of the Aryans in Anatolia is in good agreement with the time of the appearance of the Hittites in Asia Minor in the last quarter of the 3rd millennium BC, since there is evidence that the Hittites rebelled against Naramsin (2236-2200 BC) AD, that is, 4244-4208 years before our time).

Haplotypes of the genus R1a on the Arabian Peninsula (Gulf of Oman countries - Qatar, United Arab Emirates). And yet - in Crete. The names of these countries sound unusual in relation to the genus R1a, but our ancestors, or the descendants of our ancestors, also visited there in ancient times, and the modern owners of R1a in those parts carry their Y chromosomes.

The age of the common ancestor in the Arabian Peninsula, determined by haplotypes, is 4000 years. This date agrees well with 4000-4500 years before the common ancestor in Armenia and Anatolia, if we take as a reasonable option the direction of the flow of the Aryans from the Central Russian Plain through the mountains of the Caucasus and further south to Arabia. In other words, the migration wave came from Europe, preserved the time of the common ancestor in the Caucasus and Asia Minor, and already at its dying end reached Arabia, shifting the time of the common ancestor by 400-500 years. In principle, haplotypes of the genus R1a could have been brought to Arabia by slaves brought to those lands four thousand years ago. But it is up to historians to answer this question. In light of the latest data on the R1a haplotypes in Arabs, this becomes extremely unlikely. The most famous and high-ranking clans have R1a speakers.

A series of haplotypes from Crete has been published in the literature. They were collected from the inhabitants of the Lasithi plateau, where, according to legend, their ancestors were saved during the eruption and explosion of the Santorini volcano 3600 years ago, and the rest of the haplotypes were collected in the adjoining territory of the Heraklion prefecture. We calculated the lifetime of a common ancestor in Crete in several different ways, but the result is the same - 4400 years ago. Respectful 800 years before the explosion of the Santorini volcano. This value corresponds to the mean times of European dispersal of the genus R1a.

After 5000-6000 years, this genus will expand to the northeast, to the Eastern Carpathians, forming the Proto-Slavic, Trypillian culture and initiating the great migration of peoples in the IV-III millennia BC. At the same time, the genus R1a advanced along the southern arc, and 4300 years ago - according to records in our DNA - appeared in Lebanon. Direct descendants of those first settlers live in Lebanon today. Among them, the descendants of the Aryan clan - Shiite Muslims from the south of Lebanon, Sunni Muslims from the north of the country and from the Bekaa Valley, Maronite Christians from the Lebanese north, Druze living in the Lebanese mountains.

As part of this migration, apparently caused by the development of agriculture and the transition to its extensive forms, as well as the development of the economy, the same genus R1a advanced westward to the Atlantic and the British Isles, and northward to Scandinavia. The same genus came to the near north and east - to the lands of modern Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, with a common Proto-Slavic ancestor who lived 4800 years ago. This same ancestor gave the surviving offspring that currently live throughout Europe, from Iceland to Greece and Cyprus, and spread to the south of the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf of Oman.

Descendants of the same ancestor, with the same haplotype in DNA, went to the southern Urals, built settlements there 4000-3800 years ago, one of them (discovered in the late 1980s) became known as Arkaim, and under the name of the Aryans left for India, having brought their Proto-Slavic haplotypes there 3500 years ago. In the same II millennium BC, a rather large group of the genus R1a, who also called themselves Aryans, moved from Central Asia to Iran. This is the only, but significant linkage that allows to call the entire genus R1a a genus of Aryans. It also leads to the identity of the "Indo-Europeans", Aryans, Proto-Slavs and the R1a genus within the framework of DNA genealogy. It is this link that places the ancestral home of the "Indo-Europeans", Aryans, Proto-Slavs in the Balkans. The same link brings into correspondence the place of the Balkan European "ancestral home", the migration flow of the Aryan-Proto-Slavsthe dynamic chain of archaeological cultures and the corresponding flow of Indo-European languages, and shows the place and time of the appearance of the "Indo" particle.

Only the concept of "ancestral home" here is not a linguistic ancestral home, but the supposed place of arrival of the R1a speakers in Europe, and from there it spreads across the continent. For R1a in a broader sense, this is, of course, not "ancestral home". In general, the search for "ancestral homelands" for migrations and languages in their dynamics over many millennia and at distances of many thousands of kilometers is a hopeless and unpromising occupation, but for some reason it is incessant. Inertia? True, many linguists define the “ancestral home” of the Indo-European language not as the place of origin of the language, but as its divergence into branches, and they try to understand from which one archaeological culture this originated. This occupation is no less hopeless, since the divergence of the Indo-European language, to call it Proto-Indo-European or Proto-Indo-European,happened all the time during those very 20 thousand years of existence of the haplogroup R1a, but in fact much earlier, again in the dynamics of the language over the past 60-55 thousand years, since the appearance of the Caucasians. And not only divergence - divergence, but also fusion-convergence, and many other seemingly disordered linguistic processes.

Finally, the same connection described above, which allows the entire genus R1a to be called a genus of Aryans, convincingly shows that it was not the Proto-Slavs who spoke the "Indo-Iranian" languages, but, on the contrary, the descendants of the Proto-Slavs brought their Aryan languages to India and Iran, and the times when these languages appeared in India and Iran, established by linguists, are fully consistent with the time of arrival of the descendants of the Proto-Slavs there - the time recorded in the form of mutations in the DNA of our contemporaries of the genus R1a. This is about 3500 years ago, but these are the times of the appearance of languages in India and Iran, the languages themselves were formed much earlier, as described above. Apparently, the divergence of the Aryan language into "Indo-Aryan", "Iranian", and the language of the Mitannian Aryans, "Middle Eastern", occurred during the divergence of the Aryans in these directions from the Russian Plain, about 4500 years ago, in the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. But migratory flows (or military expeditions) diverge quite quickly, and the language is a conservative business, so the divergence of the languages themselves can be dated about 4000 years ago. By the time the Aryans crossed over to India and the Iranian plateau, about 3500 years ago, the languages had already diverged enough to form the indicated branches of the Aryan language.

But how did the genus R1a get to the Balkans, and from where? With the "ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans", which turned out to be the Aryans, they are also Proto-Slavs, we figured it out. And where is the "ancestral home" of the "proto-Indo-Europeans"? When and where did the Nostratic languages originate, if we accept this not universally accepted name? What is the picture of the flows, migrations of the "proto-Indo-Europeans" that led to the appearance of the Aryans, the Proto-Slavs in their historical ancestral home today? More on this later.

Anatoly A. Klyosov