Arkaim - Is This An Abnormal Zone? - Alternative View

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Arkaim - Is This An Abnormal Zone? - Alternative View
Arkaim - Is This An Abnormal Zone? - Alternative View

Video: Arkaim - Is This An Abnormal Zone? - Alternative View

Video: Arkaim - Is This An Abnormal Zone? - Alternative View
Video: Древний АРКАИМ - мракобесие и Культура / РАЗОБЛАЧЕНИЕ МИФОВ 2024, September

The specialized natural-landscape and historical-archaeological museum-reserve "Arkaim" and its environs are a vast anomalous zone. This is exactly what the participants of the URAN Monitoring Station of the Ural Anomalists say

Almost 4 thousand years ago, for some reason, local residents left the city of Arkaim, built by them in the south of the present Chelyabinsk region, for some reason, and, already deserted, set it on fire. It had a ring structure and was clearly oriented by the stars (Aryan culture has always been closely associated with astrology). The world of the "Country of Cities" is richly saturated with spirituality, architecture is turned to the inner human principle and at the same time reflects the external natural and outer space. Many endow Arkaim with mystical properties and associate it with the legends of ancient Siberia and the Urals. Following archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, psychics, prophets, contactees with the Higher Mind, members of various religious sects, people thirsting for healing and enlightenment, and other pilgrims flocked here. All unanimously assure about the unusualness and strength of the local energy.

From some media sources it is known that numerous visitors to the Arkaim valley at night sometimes observe strange lights in the sky that do not follow satellite trajectories, glowing balls above the ground, flashes of light, foggy clumps, glow in the atmosphere, describe a state of altered consciousness that they have experienced. … If you believe their stories, in certain places people are suddenly seized with gratuitous anxiety. The clock is disrupted, the heart rate changes, the blood pressure and body temperature jump. Incomprehensible fluctuations in electrical voltage and magnetic field strength occur. The air temperature within five minutes can rise and fall within five degrees Celsius …

Public research organization ISUA "URAN" in early August this year. organized a reconnaissance expedition to the reserve to make sure of the validity of the "anomalous" rumors that arose clearly for a reason. A group of ten people visited all the sights of "Arkaim" and other interesting objects outside of it.

At the foot of Mount Grachinaya (Blagodatnaya), twisted birches at the very base immediately caught my eye. This grove, which carries negative energy, is considered scary. Especially if you walk alone in the dark. As a rule, fear and unpleasant sensations are experienced by people with increased perception and sensory abilities. The Bolshaya Karaganka River flows near the mountain - right along the break in the earth's crust. Its depth in certain areas reaches 8 meters, and the water is very cold.

At the top of the distant mountain Chika, located outside of "Arkaim", 55 km from the base camp, an unusual cut in the rock, resembling a radar, was discovered. Leaning against it, sensitive people get indescribable, exciting sensations. Any sounds in this concave depression resonate with the stones and are amplified many times over. The very top is cut along a curved path by strange bands of grass that stand out among the small vegetation. It is found on almost all mountains. In addition, on the slope and at the foot of Chika, many young birches were broken by an unknown force 1-1.5 meters from the ground and were even uprooted. While the same trees are standing nearby, absolutely intact. In 300 meters from the mountain, the expedition members stumbled upon a small area of burnt peat bog and dumped a birch forest that grew on it. Peat lies at a depth of 25 cm,and from above it is covered with ashes of a reddish-black color. The local wasteland is not the only one in the mountain region.

Trees in adjacent groves and forests suffer from cancerous growths, dichotomies, and the trunks themselves are unusually twisted, ugly twisted. This is a clear sign of the so-called. geopathogenic zones that negatively affect all living things. GPPs are present in many places in the Country of Cities. In the area of Arkaim, there are tectonic faults in the earth's crust, and it itself is located in the meander of the river. Gornaya Okrug, according to scientists, is seismically active. All this clearly indicates the presence of a strong anomalous zone here, where various natural phenomena and electrical effects are manifested. In places where a person's physiological and biochemical parameters change quite noticeably, sometimes leading to a sharp deterioration in health, there are often not only geo-faults, but also channels of underground water flows, voids in the earth, accumulations of minerals, and wetlands. As recognized by geophysicists, such anomalous zones concentrate strong electric fields that fluctuate and create background deviations in space. To this are also timed fluctuations in the intensity of geophysical fields, and first of all electromagnetic, which negatively affect not only human health, but also the operation of equipment, the state of communications. Nevertheless, the greatest variety of woody forms of vegetation is associated with the GPZ systems, and many species of insects feel great there. Nevertheless, the greatest variety of woody forms of vegetation is associated with the GPZ systems, and many species of insects feel great there. Nevertheless, the greatest variety of woody forms of vegetation is associated with the GPZ systems, and many species of insects feel great there.

The essence of anomalous phenomena occurring from time to time and the general anomalousness of the territory becomes clear. In addition to radiation surges, flashes of light on the ground and at heights, wandering lights, changes in the state of consciousness, causeless anxiety, equipment failures, deterioration of human organisms, mutations of vegetation, the appearance of UFOs and ghostly substances, anthropomorphic objects, the appearance of hallucinations, the slowdown or acceleration of physical the passage of time, change in the refractive index of light and much more. Unfortunately, such anomalous zones are active only a few hours a year, so the likelihood of noticing something is far from high. But if unusual phenomena make themselves felt, then, as a rule, several people at a time, who are at the same time in the same place, become eyewitnesses. Although discomfort from ILI is felt much more often by many people whose body is weakened.

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On the Arkaim fields, which the villagers abandoned long ago, not everything is in order either. The fact is that the local soil is absolutely not suitable for sowing. And all because of the so-called malt, which is very difficult to get rid of. These are small areas with sparse vegetation on black ground. Outside them, the grass grows densely. These formations are well known to soil agronomists. Sodium salts accumulate there, and practically nothing grows in such soil - only small weeds. Once the Arkaim malt misled the Perm guys, who were not indifferent to the unknown. Flying on a motor hang-glider, they mistook it for a full-fledged cereological phenomenon called "Witch's Circles", which by definition must be anomalous and inexplicable. However, the participants of the URAN Station quickly figured out the "riddle" and thus prevented the impending sensation.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that various natural factors have an impact not only on the evolution of the biosphere, but also on human communities, in our case they influenced the life of the ancient Aryans.


Yekaterinburg - Arkaim