Time For Change - Alternative View

Time For Change - Alternative View
Time For Change - Alternative View

Video: Time For Change - Alternative View

Video: Time For Change - Alternative View
Video: Export with Alternative View 2024, October

Recently, more and more people began to talk about the onset of the Aquarian era. Some astrologers are sure that it has already begun, others, on the contrary, argue that it will begin soon.

But what the Age of Aquarius really is, few people explain. To understand what it is, you need to step back a little. As you know, the Sun makes a full circle around the Earth in one year. At the same time, it moves along a narrow strip, which is called the ecliptic, through the twelve zodiacal signs.

The foundations of astrology were laid back in ancient Babylon, and then the signs of the zodiac received the names of real constellations. Ancient astronomers saw that the Sun moves through the same groups of stars every year. In the spring it crosses the constellation Aries, and in the fall it passes through the constellation Libra.

The beginning of the astrological year is considered to be the day of the vernal equinox. It was during this period that the Sun, which moves along the ecliptic, crosses the conditional line that divides the sky into the southern and northern halves (the so-called celestial equator). The length of the day and night at this time are equal. During one year, there are two equinoxes - spring and autumn. The first heralds the arrival of spring, the second - the arrival of autumn. In addition, the vernal equinox coincides with the beginning of the astrological sign of Aries, and the autumn equinox is the beginning of the seventh astrological sign of Libra.

Since the formalization of astrology, the vernal equinox was considered to be the moment of the Sun's entry not only into the sign of Aries, but also into the sign of Taurus. During that period, astrology and astronomy were considered identical concepts. However, later astrology separated from astronomy, and the signs of the zodiac ceased to correspond to the constellations. Therefore, if in the modern world an astronomer talks about Taurus, then he means a group of stars that form the constellation Taurus. If an astrologer speaks about Taurus, then he means an astrological sign with which a certain set of associations, symbols and characteristics is associated.

Back in the second century BC. the Greek astronomer Hipparchus discovered a phenomenon that was called the displacement of the equinoxes or precession. The scientist discovered that gradually the position of the planet's axis changes. When the Earth rotates around its axis, the poles sway from side to side. Thus, the earth's equator is shifting. Therefore, the celestial equator, which is in the same plane with the earth, also shifts.

This explains the fact that over time, the vernal equinox appears in other constellations. For many centuries, the equinox points pass in reverse order through all the signs of the zodiac.

After the astrologers of ancient Babylon calculated the zodiac, it turned out that the vernal equinox is in Aries. Around the time when Jesus Christ was born (the beginning of a new era), the planet turned so that the vernal equinox was in the constellation Pisces. Around AD 2000. the vernal equinox passes into the constellation Aquarius, so modern mankind lives at the beginning of the era of Aquarius.

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The equinox is moving very slowly - only 1 degree in almost 72 years. Thus, one sign of the zodiac, this point is like 2150 years. It will pass all constellations in 25.8 thousand years. This time period is usually called the great year. And the passage of the equinox through one astrological sign is called an epoch or a great month.

Over the past 20 centuries, people have lived in the era of Pisces, at the moment humanity is entering the era of Aquarius. But, since we are talking about large time intervals, it is impossible to determine the beginning of a new era with an accuracy of one year. So, in particular, some astrologers call the beginning of the Age of Aquarius the period of the end of World War II. A very authoritative association of astrologers - "Church of Light" - calls an even earlier date - 1881. Another part of scientists are sure that we entered a new era in the 1970s. For example, astrologer C. McCutchen argues that with the advent of cable television and computers and an increasing number of people who literally walk with antennas sticking out of their heads, it is very difficult to believe that humanity has not yet entered the Age of Aquarius. Astrologer C. Jane and psychologist C. Jung talked aboutthat a new era will begin in the 1990s. There are also such scientists who argue that the Age of Aquarius is only to begin in the years 2300-2400.

Each era has its own astrological sign. The planet has gone through many great years. If you recall that scientists call the approximate age of the Earth about 4.6 billion years, then this is 177 thousand great years. But the ancestors of modern man appeared only 115 great years (3 million ordinary years) ago.

It is customary for astrologers to consider the history of mankind from the era of Leo (10 thousand - 8 thousand years BC). During this period, people actively and vigorously tried to learn how to use their habitat. They lived in caves and created the first tools of labor from stone. The sun played a huge role in the life of these ancient people, because it was during this period that ancient people moved from gathering and hunting to growing crops.

In the era of Cancer (about 8 thousand - 6 thousand years BC) people left the caves and began to build their homes on the surface of the Earth. They learned to spin, weave, and also mastered pottery. In addition, they started raising domestic animals and growing a fairly large number of crops. And since Cancer rules the Moon (the sign of motherhood, childbirth and home life), then at that time rituals were cultivated that were associated with worship of the Moon and childbirth.

In the era of Gemini (about 6 thousand - 4 thousand years BC) writing appeared. People began to record and store information, which greatly expanded their intellectual capabilities. And thanks to the invention of the wheel, travel and trade became possible.

The era of Taurus (about 4 thousand - 2 thousand years BC) was marked by the development of the great ancient Egyptian civilization with its emphasis on new technology in the construction (pyramids) and cultivation of the land. The architecture and art of this period showed the reliability and aesthetic nature of Taurus.

The era of Aries (about 2 thousand years BC - early AD) is the Iron Age. During this period, people learned to make tools of labor from iron. At the same time, Aries is known for its aggressiveness and belligerence, so this period accounts for the rise of the Greek city-states and Assyria, as well as the conquest of Alexander the Great. And it was at this time that Rome became the most powerful empire.

In the era of Pisces (early AD - 2000 AD), Christianity had a huge impact on the world. This era is marked by struggle and great sacrifices.

What will be the era of Aquarius? To answer this question, you need to look for clues in the sign itself. This is a sign of humanity and brotherhood. That is why some astrologers assume that during this period of time the states will disappear, and all of humanity will unite into a single people, where there will be no division into nationalities. It is possible that in the new era, humanity will achieve its ideal - peace. Successful and educated people will become the aristocrats of the future.

Aquarius is a sign of scientific invention and knowledge. At present, it is impossible to imagine what other discoveries may be made in the next several thousand years, but astrologers say that among these achievements there will certainly be space travel, which will take place not only outside the solar system, but also the galaxy. Another achievement will be flights to the stars (recall that the closest of them, not counting the Sun, is 4.3 light years from our planet; for comparison, the farthest planet - Pluto - is 5 light minutes from Earth).

Aquarius is a mental sign, so the future will be characterized by great intellectual achievements: the emergence of new technologies will help solve the problem of depletion of mineral resources and energy resources. Aviation, electronics and nuclear energy will bring the greatest benefit to humanity.

Aquarius is a sign of practicality, so knowledge will not be an end in itself, but a means of achieving results. This sign is associated with astrology. A growing interest in this science is already noticeable.

All these assumptions are based on the positive qualities of Aquarius, but its negative traits, in particular, eternal hesitation, inflexibility and selfishness of desires will also take place. Humanity, unfortunately, has not yet risen to the level to count on the emergence of a new, devoid of selfishness, race. In addition, humanity has to solve many serious problems: overpopulation, and related hunger, epidemics, global wars. Man is too wasteful of natural resources, depriving the planet of the ability to sustain itself. The greatest danger is atomic energy, which can not only destroy humanity, but also lead to the death of the Earth.

But still, the era of Aquarius gives some hope. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and it is known to be the planet of the future, whose sphere of influence includes inventions, science, humanitarian movements and electricity. It is also the planet of unconscious goals and will. Therefore, according to experts, humanity will be built according to certain principles: the concept of "good-bad" will be replaced by "appropriate-inappropriate); thinking will become more intuitive, the artificial division of sciences into humanities and natural sciences will disappear; the common good will become a public priority; wealth will cease to be a fundamental goal and the desire to reveal one's potential, intellect, spirituality will come first. The measure of a person's success will not be money, but the quantity and quality of real friends.

In order to maximally and harmoniously move into the era of Aquarius, astrologers advise, first of all, to learn to love and respect not only oneself, but also each person, to respect the choice of others, not to succumb to the manipulations of others, to open up to sincere communication, to listen to one's own intuition. In addition, altruism, cooperation, friendliness and humanity should become the main qualities of a new person.

Thus, humanity got a chance to create a new wonderful world or lose everything that already exists. And it all depends on ourselves …