Secrets Of The Location Of Atlantis And Ancient Legends - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Location Of Atlantis And Ancient Legends - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Location Of Atlantis And Ancient Legends - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Location Of Atlantis And Ancient Legends - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Location Of Atlantis And Ancient Legends - Alternative View
Video: Legend of Atlantis (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans 2024, September

Ah, Atlantis! How many articles have been written on this topic, how many legends have been told over bonfires and in scientific circles. But is one of the greatest legends true? Could a highly developed civilization of the Atlanteans exist in ancient times, or is it just a beautiful fairy tale?

Why do so many respected antiquity scholars, historians and archaeologists believe that this is not just a myth, but a real story based on historical data? Few people have not heard of Atlantis and few have thought about the possibility of its existence in reality. I have studied a lot of evidence that ancient civilizations may have existed on Earth. Lemuria, Hyperborea, Atlantis, the civilization of the asuras … for me these are not just words, but real names that left behind a rich heritage, and many people do not even understand that many modern inventions were in ancient times. Nuclear wars, aircraft and more.

The great Plato also wrote about the mythical Atlantis and people have been trying for thousands of years to find Atlantis and the reasons for what could have become of it. Plato described that a real war was fought between Athens and Atlantis, but there is another version that the war was between Atlantis and Heperborea and even nuclear weapons were used, which killed many lives. Plato described Atlantis as a highly developed civilization, with dimensions of 540 by 360 kilometers. For the modern world, such a city's scale is not impressive, but in ancient times it was a gigantic territory and cities were much more modest. The capital of Atlantis was located on an island and according to legend, Poseidon fenced the hill with the city with three water and two land rings.

The last records of Plato say that the Atlanteans angered Zeus with their greed and pride, and Zeus decided to gather a council of the gods to decide what to do with Atlantis. It is possible that terrible natural disasters were sent to Atlantis and she went under water, according to some scientists. But in order to believe in this version, it is necessary to believe that the ancient gods really existed, and this is too difficult to fit in the heads of modern people.

It is assumed that Atlantis may be located near Gibraltar, but numerous expeditions have failed to find anything resembling a mythical civilization. Most likely, you should look near Morocco and Spain, but these territories are huge and we do not have the technology that can accelerate the study of water spaces in order to find Atlantis, if it exists.

But there are many researchers who believe that Atlantis is in Antarctica and should be looked for there. Supporters of this theory believe that the proof is the Turkish map, which was created in 1513 and it was based on ancient maps that were discovered.

The version says that earlier on the territory of Antarctica there was a completely different climate, but after the collision of our planet with a cosmic body, the climate changed dramatically due to the displacement of lithospheric plates. Erns Muldashev believes that other civilizations existed on Earth before people and is sure that Atlantis should be sought in the Tibet region. In his words, Atlantis died as a result of a collision of a celestial body with our planet, which caused irreversible climate change.

This is just a version and assumptions and it has not yet been possible to establish the reality of the existence of Atlantis. But if something could not be proved, it does not mean that it does not exist … It is possible that in the future we will be able to find out the truth about other civilizations on our planet, but for now it remains only to guess.

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