A Light Touch Of Death - Alternative View

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A Light Touch Of Death - Alternative View
A Light Touch Of Death - Alternative View

Video: A Light Touch Of Death - Alternative View

Video: A Light Touch Of Death - Alternative View
Video: Subliritum - A Touch Of Death [Full Album] 2024, September

Bruce Lee died in July 1973 in Hong Kong. He was 32 years old. The idol of millions of moviegoers and the martial arts master who first opened the world to kung fu, died of cerebral edema. But controversy about the cause that led to the edema does not subside to this day. Official medicine believes that he was provoked by taking a strong medicine. Another version, unofficial, against the actor was used the ancient mysterious martial art dim-mak, also known as the art of delayed death …

The death of famous people always causes a lot of misinterpretation and gossip. Let's make a discount on this and move on.

According to one of the unofficial versions, Bruce Lee was "ordered" and killed. And it was done by an old kung fu master who owned the dim-mac technique and was hired by the Chinese triad for something to take revenge on Bruce Lee. He inflicted several hidden blows-touches to the movie star, which after a while led to cerebral circulation and the death of the actor.

Whether the authors of the mysterious version are right or wrong, we will never know. This secret, as they say in such cases, was taken with him to the grave by Bruce Lee. If he himself, of course, was in the know. But after the death of the great actor, the entire modern Western world almost for the first time heard about the deadly art of dim-mak. And he got scared.


The first mentions of dim-mak are found in Chinese treatises thousands of years ago. Nevertheless, little is known about this style of kung fu. There are only a few masters who know the art of delayed death. They do not advertise their skills and are in no hurry to share knowledge with the uninitiated. But the foundations and principles on which this deadly fighting style is based is not at all a secret behind seven seals. Actually, all the same lies at the heart of traditional Chinese medicine - the ancients' ideas about human anatomy and physiology. And in the Celestial Empire, as in the East in general, they have always been very different from ours with you. So…


In a very simplified way, everything is based on qi energy. Literally from Chinese this word is translated as "air, breath, vitality." Everything that exists was created from it and with its help, it permeates everything around, lives in all objects and organisms. And all the time it is in motion, flowing from a material substance to an energy one and back. An individual's internal qi interacts with the external qi of everything around us all the time.

In the human body, qi circulates along the meridian channels, which are energetically connected with all the most important human organs. There are 14 permanent meridians, 8 non-permanent meridians are included during diseases. On the surface of the body, the meridian is a conditional line that connects the acupuncture points located on it.

Acupuncture points (by the way, all over the world they have long been called BAP - biologically active points) are, according to Chinese physicians and philosophers, a kind of meridian gateways that go to the surface of the body. At present, there are about seven hundred such BAPs, and most of them are in the face, neck, ears, hands and feet. And each of the acupuncture points is very important for the proper circulation of qi energy in the body.

The human body is, roughly speaking, a complex system of communicating vessels filled with constantly moving internal qi. It is believed that the work of all organs and systems of the body depends on this omnipresent substance, or rather, on its correct circulation along the meridians.

In 24 hours, a full circle of qi circulation in the human body is completed. During this time, the state of maximum qi tension in each meridian is replaced by the state of minimum tension. During this process, our qi interacts with internal organs, blood, lymph, and at the acupuncture points with the external environment. This interaction is also cyclical. Moreover, qi energy can both enter the human body from the surrounding space and pour out of it.

Why are we explaining all this? And to the fact that in the event of a violation of qi circulation and its interaction with internal organs, their normal functioning is also disrupted, certain symptoms of diseases appear. And the more significant the violation of the circulation of this energy, the more serious the illness.

And so the main task of traditional Chinese medicine is precisely the normalization of qi circulation. It is for this purpose that the ancient Aesculapians developed methods of influencing acupuncture points by pressing, moxibustion and acupuncture. All this together is called zhen-chiu therapy.

Heals and hurts

Now let's get back to the fun part. Most of the eastern styles of martial arts are aimed primarily at harmonizing a person's inner qi with the outer qi of the universe. And not just to harmonize, but to develop the ability to manage your own energy. And this is not fantasy. The use of specially designed complexes of physical and breathing exercises in combination with many years of meditative practice and mastering perfectly Zhen-Chiu therapy allows the most diligent and diligent adepts to achieve results that modern medicine is simply unable to explain.


Thus, a person who has learned to direct and strengthen his qi energy can influence the circulation of qi in another person's body. And, of course, not only to heal, but also to cripple. After all, do not forget that the goal of martial arts is superiority over an opponent, victory. Moreover, the energy impact on the enemy does not look like a punch. This can be a light touch or even a non-contact effect. There are no visible bruises, abrasions. On the other hand, internal injuries and violations can be quite significant.



In the Chinese methodology, three levels of point energy effects are described.

The most easily achievable (relatively, of course) is called dim-ching. The impacts of this level are aimed at affecting vulnerable areas of the human body: nerve nodes, tendons, joints. In principle, strong blows in these areas also incapacitate a person, but one should not confuse brute force with energetic influences.

The next level is dim-xue. These are influences aimed at the immediate defeat of the internal vital organs of the enemy: heart, liver, spleen, intestines, nerve and lymph nodes. This level is very difficult to achieve and requires many years of training and special knowledge and skills.

And finally, dim-mak. The most complex art, covered with secrets and legends. Energetic impact on acupuncture points in order to disrupt the circulation of qi in the enemy's body. The energy of attack, applied at the right time and to the right place, can seriously or slightly disrupt the patency and voltage phases of the corresponding meridian. This will lead to a gradual disturbance of blood circulation and lymph flow, which in turn will inevitably lead to ischemia or, conversely, apoplexy of the corresponding organ. The person will look absolutely healthy, only a slight malaise will gradually build up, and the internal destructive process will be in full swing in the meantime. And at one moment, by no means beautiful, against the background of almost complete health of the broads - a serious illness or painful death …


This is what some martial arts experts believe happened to Bruce Lee. A few weeks or months before his death, the actor had a short skirmish with some random middle-aged bully. Bruce emerged victorious from this nonsense scrape, ignoring the somewhat strange, light touch of the old Chinese. In the meantime, apparently, the meridian, which regulates cerebral circulation, was blocked, which led to cerebral edema. An indirect confirmation of this version is the fact that a few weeks before his tragic death, Bruce Lee began to complain of sudden and unreasonable headaches. The medical examination did not reveal any significant diseases or disorders at that time. And the attending physician did not think of anything better how to prescribe a strong pain reliever to the actor.

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Then everything was written off for his overdose. Modern medicine has refused to acknowledge that the fatal cerebral edema could have been caused by exposure 2-3 weeks ago. Confidence generated by ignorance?.. Well, the matter, as they say, is the master's. And the Chinese wisdom says: without hearing the precepts of your ancestors, you will not know the greatness of learning.


According to traditional Chinese philosophy and medicine, the art of delayed death is not fiction, but a very real way to achieve victory. But…

Do not rush to buy a tutorial or download it from the Internet. To master dim mak, it is not enough just to exercise hard. It is impossible to learn the art of delayed death from a book or by studying for a couple of years at a paid school at the Shaolin Monastery. Some masters say that this knowledge cannot even be passed on to a student, since it comes along with the union of a person with the cosmic energy of qi, and this is a very intimate and individual process. And not everyone who has spent decades of their life on this can achieve the cherished knowledge. And the one who nevertheless grasped this art is unlikely to ever apply it, since he has already got rid of the need to fight, let alone maim or kill anyone.

So for you and me, ordinary people, the ancient art of dim-mak will still remain a secret, sinister fairy tale. Indeed, in real life we with him - pah-pah-pah - will never collide …