Fate Of Atlantis: The Version Of The Esotericists - Alternative View

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Fate Of Atlantis: The Version Of The Esotericists - Alternative View
Fate Of Atlantis: The Version Of The Esotericists - Alternative View

Video: Fate Of Atlantis: The Version Of The Esotericists - Alternative View

Video: Fate Of Atlantis: The Version Of The Esotericists - Alternative View
Video: ASSASSIN'S CREED ODYSSEY The Fate of Atlantis Walkthrough Part 5 - Episode 1 Fields of Elysium 2024, September

Malta - a surfaced remnant of Atlantis?

According to esotericists (who picked up this information in the "higher spheres") Atlantis was and died in the Mediterranean Sea. The island of Malta is a part of this legendary island that has survived to this day … At one time it was the highest peak of the mountain range in this country and at first, like the whole land of Atlantis, sank under water, but then reappeared on the surface. It is worth noting that our point of view (based on geological data) does not coincide with the opinion of esotericists - we still believe that Atlantis was located in the Bermuda-Bimini-Bahamas, i.e. in the Atlantic Ocean, closer to the American continent, as Plato wrote. However, we are also ready to consider and listen to the opposite version.

Esotericists claim that Atlantis was a land of priests, sorcerers, magic. Every inhabitant of Atlantis believed in one God, but every city of Atlantis had its own God. Moreover, people only observed sacred rituals and, by inertia, performed them, not at the behest of the soul, not out of love for their God, but only out of fear of being punished by them.

Their magic largely replaced the technology that we possess today. The Atlanteans were a developed people, but at the same time they unwisely used the abilities and talents that they had. They sent corruption and troubles at each other, conjured, killed, fought for power and recognition. At the same time, they were not curious, they lived in their own, narrow circle (contradicts the data on "sea civilization" and colonies, we note). They believed that they were "alone on Earth, the rest are wild people."

Since the energy of magic, witchcraft, witchcraft was used by them abundantly, beyond measure, then, ultimately (according to esotericists, the civilization of Atlantis existed for 2 millennia), this led to a violation of the structure of the magnetic lines of force of the Earth, a change in the direction of electromagnetic waves. The result was the rupture of the earth's crust in northern Africa and part of the land on which Atlantis was located began to plunge into the Mediterranean Sea. At the same time, faults, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions also took place across the entire surface of Atlantis. Rescue in such conditions was impossible for people, animals, flora and fauna …

But not all Atlanteans died. A small part of them (no more than 1000 people) were warned in advance by the "gods" about an imminent cataclysm and managed to leave. These were those people who possessed high knowledge, but did not use it for evil and destruction.

Some of them went to Egypt, where many became priests or teachers of the people who inhabited this country, since they were higher in their education and spiritual knowledge. One of them became king of Egypt.

The other part reached the island of Crete, and then they appeared in Greece. After some time, their descendants, driven by love for wandering, reached the island of Sicily and the Apennine Peninsula. Almost all of them later assimilated with the local population, dissolving without a trace.

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Esotericists also say that a very small group of black magicians (up to 100 people) from Atlantis also escaped. They swam across the Atlantic Ocean and settled in what is now Mexico.

This is the version of modern esotericists about Atlantis. It is worth noting that it does not coincide with what, for example, Edgar Cayce and some other psychics of the past said …