Altar Of Hyperborea Or A Simple Boulder? - Alternative View

Altar Of Hyperborea Or A Simple Boulder? - Alternative View
Altar Of Hyperborea Or A Simple Boulder? - Alternative View

Video: Altar Of Hyperborea Or A Simple Boulder? - Alternative View

Video: Altar Of Hyperborea Or A Simple Boulder? - Alternative View
Video: Altar of Oblivion - Language of the Dead (Official Track) 2024, September

Altar of Hyperborea or an ordinary boulder? Local historians say that in the forest on the outskirts of Roshchino there is a real sanctuary of ancient pagans. Two boulders in the form of a chair and the third is a sacrificial stone.

All together - a mysterious complex, the purpose of which remains to be seen. If the assumptions are confirmed, Roshchino's history will have to be seriously revised, according to the discoverers of the stone throne. However, the ancient chronicles and topography confirm that this is the place for such an altar.

The sanctuary is oriented strictly to the cardinal points, the stones stand on the top of a high hill, not far from the river, along which in the old days an important trade route passed. The waterway was also used by the Vikings. They, most likely, left behind mysterious stones, local historians are sure.

However, scientists do not share the confidence of enthusiasts yet. The stones were badly damaged during the war. Serious research is needed to prove that this is a sanctuary.

The author of the find is a local historian Stanislav Druzyak. Stanislav himself believes that this is the legendary "Throne of Odin", the altar of the ancient pagans, which became widespread in the North. They are often associated with the mystical Hyperborea - a pre-civilization that supposedly existed in the north-west of Eurasia in primeval times, and then disappeared, like Atlantis.


Mysterious temples - stones-tracers, stones-cups, seids and labyrinths have been found on the Karelian Isthmus before, but such as this one has not yet existed, says the researcher. The complex stands in the middle of the forest at the top of a high round hill. The throne itself is two large boulders set at right angles to each other. The "back" is clearly visible, but the "seat" went deep into the ground - to find the boulder, Stanislav had to rake the moss and Christmas tree needles. And then it became clear: the throne is oriented strictly to the east.


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In the ancient view, east is life, west is death. That is why behind the throne itself, strictly to the west of it, is the second stone - squat and flat. This is an altar, Stanislav is sure. Once upon a time it was on this stone that people and animals were deprived of their lives in order to appease the harsh northern gods.

Of course, at first glance, the stones look like ordinary forest boulders. 99 out of 100 will pass by without paying any attention to them. But Stanislav Druzyk turned out to be the 100th who noticed: in a strange way, nothing grows on the temple, except for moss - there are thickets of blueberries and lingonberries around, and around the stones - bare earth covered with pine needles.


I began to peer more closely, put a compass. I was finally convinced that these were sacral stones when I cleaned off the moss and found mysterious runes on the altar - they are carved right into the granite surface. And on the back of the throne there were traces of a solar symbol - a half-erased circle. In addition, the throne is dotted with lines that are unlikely to be of natural origin, the local historian is sure. Unfortunately, the throne was badly damaged during the war: two shells flew right into the ancient stones, as evidenced by deep cracks in the granite and debris scattered around in fair numbers. Here, right next to the throne, we found two spent Soviet shells - apparently, the shooter used the throne as a cover.


The find of Stanislav needs to be closely studied by specialists - perhaps we have a really amazing monument of ancient times before us. Moreover, very close by is the Roshinka River, or Raivolanjoki. In times immemorial, when there was more water, the Vikings went here on their drakars, moving in streams and portages to Ladoga. This means that the legendary Scandinavian deity - Odin - is not such an unexpected guest in these places.

Based on materials from and