The Legacy Of The Ancestors Of The Third Reich. Part One - Alternative View

The Legacy Of The Ancestors Of The Third Reich. Part One - Alternative View
The Legacy Of The Ancestors Of The Third Reich. Part One - Alternative View

- Part two -

In 1933, the ideologist of racial hygiene Walter Darre, together with Professor Hermann Wirth, organized a large demonstration exhibition "German heritage of the ancestors". The National Socialists were very interested in the study of ancient history, as they hoped to find evidence of the exceptional antiquity of Aryan man. But the exhibition was indirectly related to National Socialism: it was funded by Darre. Professor Wirth was primarily a scientist. His politics didn't care. He was only interested in history. But Darre understood how history could be used for the benefit of ideology.

He invited Heinrich Himmler to the exhibition. Himmler loved history. For him, she was colored by the sweet light of mysticism. Himmler, as Speer said in his memoirs, “… with the help of scientists, he organized excavations from prehistoric times. “And why only do we insist before the whole world that we have no past? - Hitler sarcastically noticed this. - Not only did the Romans already erect huge structures when our ancestors still lived in adobe dwellings, so Himmler now began to excavate these settlements and falls into ecstasy from everything that comes across, a clay shard and a stone ax. By this we only prove that we still hunted with stone axes and huddled around an open fire when Greece and Rome were already at the highest stage of culture. We have more than enough reason to keep quiet about our past. And Himmler is ringing about it everywhere instead. One can imagine with what contempt today's Romans laugh at these revelations."

Hitler was simply shaking when he watched the Reichsführer's eagerness posing in front of the camera against the backdrop of certain excavations. But Himmler, like a child, rejoiced at every pot or old fortress masonry he found. It is not surprising that, finding himself at an advertised and grandiose exhibition, Himmler was terribly excited and even shed a tear. He immediately offered Virtue to head the "German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Ancestral Heritage." On the basis of this society, a new institute was soon formed, which it was decided to call the "Legacy of the Ancestors", that is, "Ahnenerbe".


Wirth was initially very pleased with the deal. He saw nothing wrong with Himmler becoming its master. Rather, the opposite: the all-powerful Reichsfuehrer SS allocated huge funds for research.

Any professor would envy Virt. Money means trips, excavations, the purchase of rare documents, the ability to pay for the work of specialists. True, Himmler set the most specific task: to find ancient artifacts in order to prove to the world once and for all the superiority of the Nordic genius and the antiquity of the German people. But Himmler was at least so good that he did not control the research itself, he was content with reports and understood that the result may not be very soon.

Hermann Wirth had his own idea about the origin of humanity. Since he had been looking for traces of the ancient Aryans all his life, but he found all the same scrapers and shards in quite historical times, when remarkably civilized Romans lived next to the ancient Germans, he began to consider these ancient Germans as descendants who had lost the great culture of the Aryan race.

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Traces of a great culture had to be looked for not at all on German soil. Wirth believed that humanity came from different ancestors: in the north it was Arktogea with the Nordic type of people, which is characterized by high spiritual and organizing power, an aspiration to heaven, these were the inventors of the proto-language of mankind, and in the south - Gondwana, with the Gondwana type of people, more inclined to value the material world, striving to the earth, born from dust and disappearing into dust, that is, much less valuable for history. The northern people practically left no traces of their lives, because their ancestral homeland perished, but they managed to move to the south and brought their own language, their proto-runic writing. The centers of the Nordic culture and civilization were still preserved in historical times, then they also disappeared. Wirth found the last habitat of the Aryans on the Dagger bank (shoal) in the North Sea, but we do not know anything about these studies, all the materials have disappeared.

Proceeding from the fact that it was very beneficial for the Germans to inform the whole world about the fantastic finds confirming the superiority of the Aryans, the finds themselves were not so large-scale. Most likely, they were similar to the modern finds of atlantologists - incomprehensible structures, apparently created by a human hand, but located at a depth, that is, objects that are not too accessible for researchers today, and in the 30s they were practically inaccessible, because the only only submarines were the means of exploring the depths.

For an archaeologist, this is not the best deep-sea vehicle.

But why then did Wirth associate the Dagger bank with the Aryans?

This is not a question of science, but a question of faith. The finds, which were mentioned in passing, could not relate to any existing civilization, it was revealed in the north of Europe, all over it came out - Aryans. Ancient Hyperborea could be located there.

The testimonies of the ancients about the world of Hyperborea are echoes of the past, a kind of memory of the race. Wirth published his first (monumental) book back in 1928, it was called neither more nor less "The Origin of Mankind." In it, he, relying on information from geology and geography, in particular on the works of Viginer, explains how the settlement of humanity depended on the divergence and shifts of the continents, changes in the inclination of the earth's axis. It is these catastrophic movements of lithospheric plates that explain why the northern people were forced to leave their native places and begin to develop other, unlike their homeland, lands. Atlantis, Hyperborea, Arctida were searched for even before Virt. But in his writings the continent Mo (My) looked much more convincing and justified than among the carriers of esoteric knowledge. Unlike esotericists,Wirth tried to link ancient information with modern science. He placed one of the Aryan lands in hard-to-reach regions of Central Asia, where the waters of the ancient inner sea once splashed, and now lay the terrible and merciless Gobi desert. There, according to the stories of the ancients, in the middle of the sea was the White Island, Shvitadvip, which was famous for a highly cultured people possessing knowledge, completely incomprehensible to its neighbors. He assigned the same role of the former land of the Aryans to South America, where, long before the Indian peoples known to scientists, there was already a developed civilization.which was famous for its highly cultured people possessing knowledge, completely incomprehensible to its neighbors. He assigned the same role of the former land of the Aryans to South America, where, long before the Indian peoples known to scientists, there was already a developed civilization.which was famous for its highly cultured people possessing knowledge, completely incomprehensible to its neighbors. He assigned the same role of the former land of the Aryans to South America, where, long before the Indian peoples known to scientists, there was already a developed civilization.

Herman Wirth argued that the ancient inhabitants of America belonged to a different race than the modern American Indian peoples. It is enough to look at the sculpture of the Toltecs to understand this. And these peoples built strange cities, with similar to the Egyptian pyramids, used a strange writing system and built tunnels, a huge number of tunnels that stretch for many hundreds and thousands of kilometers! And they were also laid in a very original way - it feels like the tunnels were melted inside the rocks! A technology beyond the reach of primitive cultures.

Here, in South America, absolutely incomparable products from rock crystal were found - the so-called crystal skulls, to which the most incredible magical properties were attributed. Wirth understood that none of the known South American civilizations was able to process fragile crystal, even if it was done for a very long time and very carefully: the material tends to split along the line of application of force, and without pressure it is impossible to cut out a single worthy figure from the crystal. With skulls, it is completely incomprehensible to today's science and technology, according to the conclusions of experts, these works of ancient art simply should not exist. But they do exist. And these artifacts did not give rest to Virtus alone. If works of this level are found,then you can definitely find a civilization unknown to science somewhere in the jungle or in underground passages and caves. He thought that these would be the Arias. More precisely, the traces of the Aryans. It is not surprising that the institute created by Himmler sent its expeditions to South America, but Himmler wanted an immediate result, but there was no result.

So these studies were frozen. In vain, by the way. If not traces of the Aryans, but traces of ancient peoples, about which nothing was known, scientists could find there. But even for the "Ahnenerbe" South American expeditions were monstrously costly.

Obsessed with Hyperborea and Atlantis, Herman Wirth honestly did his research. He saw traces of the "land of ancestors" everywhere. She was for him now Iceland, then Greenland, then Brittany, then an island in the ocean, then suddenly floated out somewhere in the south. Therefore, Wirth's research scampered across all continents. Wherever Wirth found cyclopean buildings, he immediately "found" the land of his ancestors. Indeed, according to Herman Wirth, the Aryans were distinguished by their taller growth and stronger physique, so their structures had to be larger than the modern humanity that replaced them. In addition to megalithic constructions, runic symbols for him were proof of the existence of the Aryan race in ancient times. He believed that the race had fallen, but the writing invented by it remained, its descendants were kept and passed on as sacred.

He was ready to proclaim any antiquity that did not have an exact link as an "Aryan artifact."

At the exhibition, which Heinrich Himmler visited, there were enough such artifacts, declared by the scientist to be truly Aryan: everything that Wirth, a Dutchman by origin, had collected over the years of expeditionary work, was presented there. The scale is very impressive. Where he just did not have time to visit before he was involved in the creation of the institute! He worked in Palestine, Egypt, Iceland, Siberia, copied the most ancient inscriptions, and conducted excavations. And he sincerely considered all the inscriptions he collected as an Aryan runic script. But he not only collected runic inscriptions, but also tried to understand what ancient symbols could mean to their creators. Since by that time the Ariosophists had already interpreted the language of the runes and tied it to northern mythology, Wirth tied the origin of the runic script to the habitat of the Aryans. The ancestral home, without a doubt, was northern. And the outlook of the Aryan was the outlook of a northerner living in the Arctic Circle.

It is because of the geographical position of this ancestral home that this race developed a special perception of space and time. They perceived the world as the embodiment of time, that is, not linearly (past, present, future), but cyclically, in its circular version. Naturally, the main idea of their religion was to be the struggle between Light and Darkness, in which the divine light conquered death, and then Darkness came again and deprived the world of life for a long time, but people believed in the return of Light, and it came. This alternation of a long period, when the Sun does not set, and an equally long period, when the polar night triumphs, created a special understanding of God: it could only be the solar disk, Light, Fire.

No other people could come to a similar conclusion, because they did not live in conditions where the environment itself pushes for the creation of a grandiose cosmogonic myth. Aryans could perceive the seasons of their strange world in the way that we change the time of day (morning-spring, day-summer, evening-autumn, night-winter). Of course, Light and Day were seen as Good, Night and Dark as Evil. Their struggle gave birth to all living things. Therefore, he believed that only one could become the main holiday of such a people - the day of the winter solstice, when the first rays of the Sun begin to penetrate the dark earth. In this context, the day of grief became the day of the summer solstice, from which the Light began to weaken and then left for six months from the ancient sky. The peculiarities of life made the consciousness of the Aryans heroic. In our minds, due to the constant change of day, such a perception is dismembered,but among the Aryans Year and Day (in the sense of a day) were synonymous.

“The cycle of the day," Wirth explained, "develops in its constant continuous repetition the cycle of the Year, and the Year develops the circle of human life. Circulation, movement in a circle, rotation in itself is the highest cosmic law of God, the ethical Foundation of the Universe of all existence. Every experience of God and every sense of justice is based on this principle. The law of eternal rotation, whose revelation is space and time, and especially in the Year, was realized by the Atlanto-Nordic race in the symbol of the Year and World Tree, the Tree of Life. We can trace this original concept to all Atlanto-Nordic languages and cultures."

From this perception, a mystical connection of everything with everything was born among the Aryans. The idea of the center of the world as a point where there is a constant struggle between Good and Evil appeared.

Graphically, this central point of the world could only be designated as the intersection of two axes - that is, in the form of a cross. It was this model of perception that gave the sign of the cross - its center is the center of the world. The cross, on which the northern peoples set the Christmas tree, is the embodiment of an ancient idea: the world tree, standing in the center of the world. The spruce symbolized among the Aryans an unfading, eternal year (a tree that always turns green, regardless of the season). Its other meaning is the meaning of light, sun, life and - of course - she is Yggrdasil - the world tree. And the New Year's rituals with Santa Claus and Snegurochka, known to all Europeans, are the mystery of meeting a new day-year, therefore, a solar circle was painted on Santa Claus's red coat, he was a solar god who came into the world to give him strength and growth. And the Snow Maiden was not the granddaughter of Santa Claus,but the Mother of Light, the White Goddess, who gives birth to a renewed world. So the modern New Year's holiday, in fact, turned out to be some kind of ancient magical rite. So, probably, in immemorial days, the inhabitants of the Aryan polar land danced around the Yggrdasil tree and sang the corresponding hymns to the birth of the solar disk.

In the New Year's holiday, the entire layer of the Aryan world outlook was compressed: “From the unity and life rhythm of the Year of God, the entire spiritual culture of the Nordic race once developed: the Year was the basis of its God-experience and knowledge of God, and from its imprinting in hieroglyphs, signs of the“sacred Yearly Series,”developed all writing systems in the world When today we transmit knowledge through writing, so once the writing itself arose as the transmission of the highest Knowledge of Divine Revelation in the Universe, Knowledge of the annual path of the "Light of the World" coming from God. But nowhere in our world is the experience of Light so deep as where the opposition of Light and Darkness, Day and Night, is most distinct. Only the extreme North knows God's Year in the complete unity of its opposites; in the law of his return, in the endless, eternal wealth of his movement,in which life is constantly renewed. Neither the eternal summer of the tropical regions, nor the pale compromises of the southern, Mediterranean climate know this experience. Only one and only Nordic Winter, when the Light of God descends deeper and deeper in its daily path, the day is shortened, the night is lengthened, until, finally, the Light completely drowns in the mortal darkness of the winter night, in order to then rise again to a new ascent and awaken from death all Life. The Mystery of the Winter Solstice is the most sacred and highest experience of the Nordic soul. It reveals the great, divine law of eternal return, the Law according to which all death is becoming, and death leads to Life through the Light of God. "Only one and only Nordic Winter, when the Light of God descends deeper and deeper in its daily path, the day is shortened, the night is lengthened, until, finally, the Light completely drowns in the mortal darkness of the winter night, in order to then rise again to a new ascent and awaken from death all Life. The Mystery of the Winter Solstice is the most sacred and highest experience of the Nordic soul. It reveals the great, divine law of eternal return, the Law according to which all death is becoming, and death leads to Life through the Light of God. "Only one and only Nordic Winter, when the Light of God descends deeper and deeper in its daily path, the day is shortened, the night is lengthened, until, finally, the Light completely drowns in the mortal darkness of the winter night, in order to then rise again to a new ascent and awaken from death all Life. The Mystery of the Winter Solstice is the most sacred and highest experience of the Nordic soul. It reveals the great, divine law of eternal return, the Law according to which all death is becoming, and death leads to Life through the Light of God. "The Mystery of the Winter Solstice is the most sacred and highest experience of the Nordic soul. It reveals the great, divine law of eternal return, the Law according to which all death is becoming, and death leads to Life through the Light of God. "The Mystery of the Winter Solstice is the most sacred and highest experience of the Nordic soul. It reveals the great, divine law of eternal return, the Law according to which all death is becoming, and death leads to Life through the Light of God."

Such a worldview and such an interpretation of the ancient Aryan world suited Himmler quite well. Wirth was looking for his lands, was engaged in trips to museums, unexpectedly discovering strange artifacts that no one had ever thought of studying closely before him. But I repeat once again: Wirth was an enthusiastic person and scientist. If all his research was based on pure altruism, then he drew his own conclusions from them, and he could not be forced to admit some opinion approved by the party. Penetrating deeper into the essence of the Aryan consciousness, he began to distribute the sounds of the runic alphabet along the four crosses of the world. He coped with this quite successfully. But then he asked himself the question: how is it that these sounds are present in all Indo-European languages?

The conclusion was simple: at first all of humanity was one, they had one language. And if humanity was one, then what races can we talk about? Races were formed already in the process of migration. And there are no pure races, no unclean races. All people became mestizos long ago. Modern Germans do not carry any Aryan blood, since they are exactly the same mestizo like everyone else.

He did not hide his discovery. The work has been published. Among racologists, this caused shock and horror. What to do with Wirth now, they did not know. And then they slipped him an ancient artifact, the so-called "Chronicle of Ure-Linda", Wirth, of course, grabbed the find, deciphered it, translated it, printed it … and the official circles immediately responded to the publication by accusing the professor of complete incompetence! Of course, after such a review, Wirth was quickly removed from his high post, and another scientist, Wolfram von Sievers, was put in his place. And Wirth almost ended up in a concentration camp, only Darre, who was close to Himmler, persuaded him not to touch the professor. For Wirth, trips, excavations and visits to distant museums ended at once.

Himmler wondered how could he be so deceived that a hidden enemy controlled his brainchild, the great Ahnenerbe Institute ?! However, he did not reject all of Wirth's ideas. Those that benefited the Reich, he perfectly remembered and exploited. Of all Wirth, he learned only two: the search for the ancestral home of the Aryans for the sake of obtaining ancient artifacts and the remarkably fertile idea that “God creates by thinking” or - as it is given in Dugin's explanation that “Knowledge is Being - both coincide, nothing has no birthright. Therefore, to understand and create are one and the same. Tradition is not a collection of simple descriptions of historical facts. This is an absolutely living thing. She is above time and space. The one who will be able to reveal its secrets will change not only in the sense of expanding information, but will transform internally. The latter idea was close to Himmler for its magical background,the first is that the search can give some magical objects that give an imperfect person the opportunity not of internal, but of external transformation. The Reichsfuehrer SS had a particular weakness for magic, magicians.

It was by his grace that a strong "magic layer" appeared among the scientists of the Ahnenerbe. The highest place among institute magicians was occupied by a person who possessed an amazing gift of memory of past lives. He alone accumulated the entire memory of the Aryan race. So he spoke. The magician's name was Karl Maria Wiligut. If Wirth was needed by Himmler as a propagandist of Aryan antiquity and a getter of magic items, then Karl Maria Wiligut himself was a magic artifact. Himmler believed him unconditionally. So immediately after the creation of the Ahnenerbe, he took a worthy place there and began to write down the history of the Aryans in those days when they were gods, but Wiligut's participation was not limited to this: Himmler dragged him everywhere and made him a member of the SS, so that, according to his extremely distant memory, it was correct restore the ancient Aryan customs and introduce them into the emerging SS Order. Joining the SS, the magician Wiligut received the name Westhor. Normal scientists from the institute were shaking at the sight of Patriarch Wiligut, they were afraid of only one thing that, by the grace of this SS magician, they would receive the task to find something that did not exist: the memory of Karl Maria was too far.

228,000 years ago, he said, there was a race of gods on Earth. Then lived on our planet giants, dwarfs and completely mythological creatures, and three suns shone in the sky at once. However, this period was remembered with difficulty, very unclear. Himmler was struck by the very possibility that one can look into such depths of the past, so that he did not ask for details, and arranged an unclear veil. The real, that is, the already clear memory of Wiligut began at a time closer to us - 78,000 years ago. Then the ancestors of Westhor, who bore the family name Adler-Viligothen, founded the ancient city of Gotslar. But he remembered even better what happened 14,500 years ago.

At this time, the entire population began to worship the god Christ, who was at enmity with the god Wotan. However, 11 600 years ago, as a result of an ancient revolution, the teachings of the god Wotan triumphed, and the prophet of the god Christa Baldur-Krestos was crucified by the supporters of Wotan, then rose again and began to teach his faith to the Asian peoples. There was no place for him in his native land. All became notorious Wotanists. Wiligut's ancestors believed in the god Christ, they called their religion Irminism. In the year 1200 BC, the Wotanists encroached on the holy relic of antiquity - the city of Gotslar, they completely destroyed the Irminist temple in it. Wiligut's ancestors had to leave their native land and look for a new home. They found such a place in the picturesque corner of Germany, Esterstein. There they founded a new temple. But in 460 AD, the Wotanists came again, and again the temple was destroyed. It still existed for some time, but in the 9th century it was finally destroyed by the troops of Charlemagne.

Vigigut's ancestors had to flee again. It was hard for them to part with Bungerland (the region of Austria, where Vienna is now located), but the choice was not great - death or life. The Viligotos came from a royal family that possessed magical powers, they came from the union of the forces of air with the forces of water, that is, they had a divine lineage. But they could not fight alone with the Franks. First, they fled to an island in the Baltic Sea, then to the lands of Lithuania, where they built the city of Vilnius, but the Wotanists were on their heels. They forced the Viligotos to flee to Hungary in 1242. Himmler listened to his magician in fascination. The mage's family tree was also stunning. He even related Armin Cherusker and Wiggukind to his family.

To Himmler, these names sounded like sweet music. The magician convinced his SS Reichsfuehrer that he should order the institute to urgently go in search of the holy relics of the Wiligut family and ancient cities with the ruins of Irminist temples. The coordinates of the Wiligut crown and the sacred sword were so vague that the search was pointless. It is clear that the crown and the sword lie somewhere near Vienna, but where? The crown is in Gotslar, said Karl Maria, and the sword is under the Steinamangere slab; under the gravestone, Wiligut specified.

But where is Gotslar?

Where is Steinamanger?

Himmler believed that relics existed and that they gave true power to their owner. He dreamed of possessing such treasures. But it was all in vain. Wiligut could not clearly remember where they were buried. But the mention of Exterstein stirred Himmler's imagination.

The fact is that the followers of Liszt and Liebenfels, even before 1914, chose this pretty corner with ruins and picturesque rocks for ancient Aryan pagan rituals. Exterstein was, so to speak, mastered by the romantic Germans. Apparently, Exterstein has been used as a sanctuary for centuries, and many caves have been found in it with drawings and traces of human presence. True, to what time it belongs, they argued: some attributed the sanctuary to prehistoric times, others - to the quite understandable XII century, when the first rock monasteries began to appear.

One of the scientists - Wilhelm Teudt - put forward the idea that Exterstein is located at the intersection of sacred lines that connect the mysterious megalithic object with other stone structures and hills in Germany, and if you stand on the top of Exterstein, then the directions of the sacred lines will show the way to other ancient German occult sanctuaries. This is the so-called theory of sacred lei, according to which all temple structures are built at the intersections of such lines of force. At one time, the theory was very popular.

Wiligut immediately confirmed that everything was so, and reported such details about Exterstein that Himmler immediately ordered Wilhelm Toydt to be included in the Ahnenerbe Institute and then conduct Exträstein as a scientific project. They were going to carry out excavations in the complex, for some time they were engaged in it, but Himmler liked the beautiful place so much that the complex was restored, and then it served as the SS as a sacred place for some secret runic rituals.

It was at this time that the large-scale practice of returning the power of the runes began. Two scientists from Ahnenerbe, Kümmer and Marby, were involved in applied runology. They developed a system of magical movements and special chanting of runes to heal the decaying Aryan people. Stadagald (or rune gymnastics) even became widespread, but Karl Maria did not like it. He whispered to Himmler that these two were engaged in profanation of the sacred runes, and the runologists had to part with Ahnenerbe.

Karl Maria gained more and more weight in the Order of Himmler every year. He took up the rebuilding of the Wewelsburg castle, which became the main castle of the SS. The premises of this castle were redesigned or completed according to the visions of Wiligut by the architect Bartels. According to Weisthor, this ancient place was destined to become that middle point of the earth, where the armies of Good and Evil, West and East, that is, Europe and Asia, will converge in battle. And the one, naturally, who owns the place, owns the situation.

One of the rooms was designed as a meeting room for SS leaders. There were twelve leaders, and otherwise they were called "the twelve faithful." It was a huge room, 35 meters long and 15 wide, with a round oak table in the center and 12 massive oak chairs with upholstered in pigskin (the national animal of Germany) and personal coats of arms in a circle … Other rooms of the rebuilt castle were also vast and are monumental. For the Grand Master of the Black Order of Hitler, apartments were provided in the southern wing of the castle. The basement was equipped with its own crematorium: there, in the furnaces, the coats of arms of the deceased members of the High Council were to be indulged in the cleansing Fire. In the basement of the castle, under the crypt, the Gruppenführer Hall was located. The Gruppenführer Hall is a special place in the castle, on its marble floor the symbol of the "black sun" was laid out in mosaics,there were twelve columns around, according to Himmler's plan, after the death of the bodies of the Gruppenführer, the bodies of the Gruppenführer were to be burned, and the ashes in the urns were displayed in 12 urns.

In the future, Himmler was going to thoroughly finish building the castle. The plan for the reconstruction of the castle and the construction of a new city around it was calculated for 30 years, so much time was not given to the Third Reich.

By 1960, Wewelsburg (according to Höhn) should have looked like this: the castle is being completed and improved, all villages are being transferred a considerable distance, but the construction of a “grandiose architectural complex, consisting of halls, galleries, towers and turrets, fortress walls made in the form of a semicircle on the hillside of the main defense of the original medieval castle. " Wiligut took an active part in the development of the new appearance of the castle. He was just as attentive to the symbols of the SS. Himmler, of course, was eager to highlight his best Aryans with a distinctive uniform, but he did not have artistic flair, then Karl Maria Wiligut had an excellent mystical flair. In addition to the military uniform, he developed a whole system of distinctive signs that distinguished the SS men from other military personnel so much. The system of runes with his light hand was introduced to denote SS units. The SS insignia were "marked" with runes.

Ring "Death's Head" - Himmler awarded them to the SS


The most famous ring of the Third Reich - the Death's Head - had runic symbols. Himmler sincerely believed that this ring was capable of connecting each SS member awarded to him with the spiritual center of the Black Order - Wewelsburg Castle and its owner.

Explaining the essence of the symbols of the ring, Himmler even composed an accompanying text so that each owner of the "dead head" was clear what kind of shrine he wears on his finger. The Reishführer deciphered the signs of the ring for his subordinates as follows: “The skull on it is a reminder that at any moment we must be ready to give our lives for the good of society. The runes opposite the dead head are a symbol of prosperity from our past, with which we have renewed contact through the worldview of National Socialism. Two zig-runes symbolize the name of our guard squad. The swastika and the Hagal-rune should remind of the unshakable faith in the victory of our worldview. The ring is covered with oak leaves, a traditional German tree. This ring cannot be bought and should never fall into the wrong hands. After your exit from the SS or death, it returns to the Reichsfuehrer SS. Copying and tampering with a ring is punishable and you must stop it. Wear your ring with honor!"

After the death of the owner of the ring, it had to be returned to the castle: Himmler believed that by collecting rings of deceased SS members in Wewelsburg, he not only pays tribute to their courage and memory, but also creates a bridge between the living and the dead. These rings of the dead were kept in a special room, and the more ring carriers died, the more they accumulated in Himmler's castle. He probably believed that the forces of the dead and the forces of the living can be combined for the common good - a victory that he pictured as a triumph of the spiritual over the material, the swastika over the star. All these symbolic innovations were simply impossible without the "memory of the race" of the SS member Weisthor. The Wewelsburg Order Castle was to become the center of the revival of the ancient faith in the future.

Himmler had already begun to introduce paganism into the life of the Germans, tainted by Christianity. Himmler regarded Christianity as a religion of slaves. And although Hitler said that Christ himself was not a Jew, Himmler preferred a truly Aryan heritage. Under his wise leadership, pagan festivals began in Wewelsburg. The holiday of Spring, Harvest, Summer Solstice was introduced, and not only the inhabitants of the castle, but also the entire surrounding population were involved in the holidays. SS rites now completely ignored Christian customs. Moreover, one could become an SS man only by renouncing faith in Christ. Not a single SS man celebrated Christian holidays. Instead, their own order traditions appeared.

“The place of the priest at the wedding,” says Hene, “was taken by the local SS Fuehrer, and instead of baptism, the first child on behalf of the Reichsfuehrer SS was presented with gifts - a silver glass, a silver spoon and a blue silk scarf; the chain of the clan you are only a link."

- Part two -