The Most Convincing Evidence Of The Authenticity Of The Shroud Of Turin Has Been Obtained - Alternative View

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The Most Convincing Evidence Of The Authenticity Of The Shroud Of Turin Has Been Obtained - Alternative View
The Most Convincing Evidence Of The Authenticity Of The Shroud Of Turin Has Been Obtained - Alternative View

Video: The Most Convincing Evidence Of The Authenticity Of The Shroud Of Turin Has Been Obtained - Alternative View

Video: The Most Convincing Evidence Of The Authenticity Of The Shroud Of Turin Has Been Obtained - Alternative View
Video: The Shroud of Turin - The Evidence of Authenticity 2024, September

Having examined the burial cloth of Jesus Christ in an electron microscope, scientists assure that the blood of a person who was cruelly tortured was preserved on the fibers of the tissue.

Italian researchers (Elvio Carlino, Liberato De Caro, Cinzia Giannini) from the Institute of Crystallography in Bari, Italy, led by Professor Giulio Fanti from the University of Padua, used the most modern equipment for what to consider in the smallest - nano - details of the fibers of the Turin Shroud. The Transmission Electron Microscopy and Wide Angle X-ray Scanning Microscopy, which they acquired, made it possible to see things that had previously escaped the field of vision of their predecessors. The Italians believe they have found blood particles on the tissue - real human blood. And in them - ferritin - a biological substance based on iron and creatinine - an amino acid complex,which enters the bloodstream from the muscles. These substances were present in such a characteristic form, which made it possible to conclude: the blood belongs to a person who was mercilessly tortured - tortured and not allowed to drink.

Jesus died a terrible death. But then he rose again, as the Bible said
Jesus died a terrible death. But then he rose again, as the Bible said

Jesus died a terrible death. But then he rose again, as the Bible said

The results obtained refute the assumptions of skeptics that the substances containing iron were part of the red paint, which depicted wounds and blood leaks on the body imprinted on the shroud.

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth 437 centimeters long and 111 centimeters wide. It is kept in the Italian city of Turin in the Cathedral of John the Baptist. On the canvas there are two negative misprints of the human body with traces of mutilations - in front and behind.

Some believe that it was in this canvas that the Savior taken from the cross was wrapped, whose body was imprinted on the fabric in a supernatural way.

Skeptics doubt it. And they suspect that the shroud is still fake. That is, the image on it, if not drawn, is somehow obtained artificially. Both sides have been arguing bitterly for years. With varied success.

Skeptics cite research from 1988, when three independent laboratories carried out radiocarbon dating of tissue. Result: the shroud was made in the period from 1260 to 1390. That is, from the conclusion follows: it cannot be real, since the Savior was crucified in 33 AD. And the Vatican, considering the shroud a most valuable relic, does not recognize it as a genuine burial painting of Jesus.

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In the Vatican, the shroud is considered a shrine, but it is not recognized as genuine
In the Vatican, the shroud is considered a shrine, but it is not recognized as genuine

In the Vatican, the shroud is considered a shrine, but it is not recognized as genuine

Enthusiasts rely on scientists who find more and more oddities in the image printed on the canvas. The current finds are among them. Found on the figure's leg. It was from there that the samples of fibers provided for "nonoscopic" studies were taken.

The Italians published the results in the scientific journal PlosOne called Atomic resolution studies detect new biologic evidences on the Turin Shroud. Accompanied by pictures. One of them has a thread of fiber with red balls adhered to it. Scientists claim that these balls are blood particles.

A thread of fiber from the Turin Shroud with blood particles (shown by red arrows)
A thread of fiber from the Turin Shroud with blood particles (shown by red arrows)

A thread of fiber from the Turin Shroud with blood particles (shown by red arrows)

Other images show what is inside these adhering particles. There are even smaller biological objects - creatinine particles in combination with ferritin. These substances are part of the blood, their concentration increases in people who have received numerous injuries. And also with dehydration and heavy physical exertion.

Part of blood from the shroud with the inclusion of smaller biological nanoparticles
Part of blood from the shroud with the inclusion of smaller biological nanoparticles

Part of blood from the shroud with the inclusion of smaller biological nanoparticles

Conclusion: on the shroud is the blood of a martyr. Most likely - Jesus Christ. Why not? After all, many believe it. And the Son of God suffered the way you would not wish anyone: his whole body was beaten, he experienced the hardest loads, when he carried his cross to the place of execution, he suffered on the cross, having spent several hours in the scorching heat. In a word, it all fits.


Probably it is still He

This is not the first time that Professor Giulio Fanti, a renowned expert in mechanics and thermal measurements, has argued for the authenticity of the Turin Shroud. He has a whole book of them. For example, the scientist has no doubts: the fabric of the Turin shroud was made during the time of Jesus Christ. And even earlier - about 3 centuries before his birth. Such results, according to Fanti, were given by infrared spectroscopy and comparison of the fibers of the shroud with other ancient samples, the dates of production of which were known.

The professor knows about the "verdict of three laboratories." But he believes that the results of radiocarbon dating were distorted by the effects of fire and water on the tissue - it was damaged in a fire. Moreover, the shroud was boiled in sunflower oil, trying to cleanse it of soot.

In 2011, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Enea) published a report on the results of five years of research on the Shroud of Turin, in which a group of American scientists from the STURP (Shroudof Turin Reasearch Project) association took part.

“The double image, front and back, of a person subjected to torture and crucifixion, which is visible on the linen fabric of the Turin Shroud,” the authors of the report said, “has numerous unusual characteristics, chemical and physical, which at present cannot be reproduced in laboratory conditions, cannot be repeated and, therefore, falsify the images on the shroud. But this also does not allow formulating a reliable hypothesis about the mechanism of the imprint formation. Today science is unable to explain how the body imprint was formed on the shroud."


The Savior had a fourth blood type

Enthusiasts who believe in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud have long believed that the blood on it is real human. Even her group was identified - IV (AB).

“On the Turin Shroud, in addition to blood, traces of fluid released from traumatic wounds were also found,” said the famous American chemist Alan Adler. - This is ichor, or plasma. The fact that such a liquid exists in general, doctors became aware only in the twentieth century. Even the most skilled hoaxer could not have known that these marks should be applied to the fabric. She was in contact with a real body - no more than three days.

Long before the current "nanoscopic studies", some scientists argued that the blood on the tissue has an increased content of bilirubin. And it testifies that the person died under stress, under torture. Allegedly, by the set of chromosomes in the leukocytes, it was possible to determine that the sex of the one whose blood was shed on the shroud is male.


Traces of torture

The image on the fabric is also distinguishable with the naked eye. But it is more noticeable in photographs that were taken at different times. Especially with the help of methods used by forensic scientists - shooting in infrared, ultraviolet rays, polarized light. One can see, according to Professor Carleton Kuhn, the features of the face "belonging to the Semitic type." A small beard, mustache, hair, individual strands of which are braided in pigtails, are noticeable.

The wounds that can be discerned on the body, imprinted on the Turin Shroud
The wounds that can be discerned on the body, imprinted on the Turin Shroud

The wounds that can be discerned on the body, imprinted on the Turin Shroud

The face is all beaten. According to doctors, the blows were inflicted with a stick about 5 centimeters thick. Wounds on the back, forearms and legs. Of these, 98 are very characteristic. The researchers checked: these are the ones that leave the flagrooms - ancient whips with strips of hard leather, to which metal pins are tied.

There are multiple - 30 - punctures on her head, as if she were wearing something prickly with long sharp spines. And under the heart - a slot in the form of a narrow oval measuring 44 by 11 millimeters. It looks like from the wide blade of a spear.

In the Middle Ages, to which, according to skeptics, the Turin Shroud belongs, it was customary to depict Jesus crucified on the cross with his hands nailed to the crossbar through the palms. And with his feet pierced with one nail. On the fabric, something completely different was imprinted.

There are two wounds on the left leg - one on the ankle, the other on the foot. And the right foot is punctured in one place. In other words, at first the left leg was nailed to the vertical beam with one nail. Then the right foot was pressed against it, into which the second nail was driven. He passed through his left foot. Anatomists believe that only such an arrangement of the nails prolonged the torment of the victim, allowing him to lean on them.

A through wound is also noticeable on the left arm. It was left with a sharp object of a small - 8 square centimeters - section. But not on the palm, but on the wrist. The right hand is not visible - it is covered.

French surgeon Barbet proved that it is pointless to drive nails into the palms of your hands. Under the weight of the body, they will be torn apart. Only in the area of the wrists there are special gaps between the bones, allowing you to hang.

Recently, during excavations in Israel, a skeleton of an executed on the cross was found around the 1st century. With similarly punctured wrists and feet.

Total: the totality of injuries present on the imprint of the body corresponds to the tortures and torments of Jesus described in the Gospels. Hence, his imprint. And blood too.

