Iron Pot From A Coal Mine - Alternative View

Iron Pot From A Coal Mine - Alternative View
Iron Pot From A Coal Mine - Alternative View

Video: Iron Pot From A Coal Mine - Alternative View

Video: Iron Pot From A Coal Mine - Alternative View
Video: ЭКОНОМИКА ТРЕТЬЕГО РЕЙХА: Крупп 2024, September

There are more and more artifacts that are not even tens, but hundreds of millions of years old. Many of them then disappear without a trace, settle in private collections, are recognized as modern fakes, and only a few of such fragments of the past remain in museums. After all, they are not recognized by official science, which means they do not formally exist.

This unrecognized but museum-preserved artifact is a metal pot, which was discovered back in 1912 by two simple workers who grinded large pieces of coal for the Thomas power plant in Oklahoma, United States of America, and, splitting another large block, they found artifact.

This metal vessel was given for examination to geologist Robert Fey and he gave the conclusion that this fragment of the past has an age of at least 300 million years.


Unfortunately, the rest of the world scientific community flatly refused to recognize the very existence of such an artifact. For them, this metal pot simply does not exist. But this artifact did not share the fate of its "missing brothers", it can still be seen within the walls of the Museum of Creationism.


If you imagine for a minute. that scientists have recognized that the bowler hat is of such an ancient origin. Then all modern theories of human development will have to be abandoned. Absolutely all work will have to start from the beginning. All world foundations will be completely revised. And no one will go for it.

Therefore, it is much easier to say that this fragment of an unknown Pracivilization, which lived on earth many millions of years ago and had a very high level of development, simply did not exist. It's much calmer this way.

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