"Man Is A Hybrid Of A Chimpanzee And A Pig" - Alternative View

"Man Is A Hybrid Of A Chimpanzee And A Pig" - Alternative View
"Man Is A Hybrid Of A Chimpanzee And A Pig" - Alternative View

Video: "Man Is A Hybrid Of A Chimpanzee And A Pig" - Alternative View

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The human species is the result of copulation of a wild boar and a female chimpanzee, such an assumption was recently put forward by one of the leading geneticists of our time.

The sensational statement was made by Eugene McCarthy of Georgia State University, who is also one of the world's leading researchers in animal hybridization. He points out that while humans have a lot in common with chimpanzees, the human genotype has many traits not found in other primates.

Dr. McCarthy says these characteristics are most likely the result of interspecies crossing that occurred at the dawn of time. Moreover, he believes, there is one animal that has all the traits that distinguish humans from our primate cousins.

"What is this other animal that has all these traits?" - he asks a rhetorical question. An ordinary pig, he answers to himself.

Dr. McCarthy develops his astonishing hypothesis in an article published on the website he oversees. The geneticist tries his best to emphasize that this is just a hypothesis, but he presents strong evidence to support it.

Scientists currently believe that chimpanzees are the closest evolutionary relatives of humans living today. This theory is strongly supported by genetic evidence. However, as Dr. McCarthy points out, despite these genetic similarities, there is a fairly large number of different anatomical characteristics that distinguish the two species. These distinctive characteristics, including bare skin, a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, light eyes, protruding noses and heavy eyelashes, are the hallmarks of a pig.

There are also a number of less obvious, but no less cryptic, similarities between humans and pigs in the structure of skin and organs.


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In fact, pig skin and heart valves can be used in medicine because of their similarity and compatibility with the human body. Dr. McCarthy says humans may be the result of successive generations of backcrossing with chimpanzees, as humans are more like chimpanzees than pigs.

It also helps explain the problem of infertility in hybrids. Dr. McCarthy points out that the belief that all hybrids are sterile is actually false, and in many cases, hybrid animals are able to breed with members of the same species as one of their parents.

After several generations, the hybrid strain could become strong enough for the new species to begin multiplying among themselves, McCarthy says.
