Green Moon And Other Luminaries That "do Not Exist" - Alternative View

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Green Moon And Other Luminaries That "do Not Exist" - Alternative View
Green Moon And Other Luminaries That "do Not Exist" - Alternative View

Video: Green Moon And Other Luminaries That "do Not Exist" - Alternative View

Video: Green Moon And Other Luminaries That
Video: Scientific Controversies: Event Horizon 2024, September

So, eyewitnesses have repeatedly told us about "Zhiguli mirages" - observations of strange and, possibly, unrelated landscapes to our planet. In these "mirages" the heavens there were not illuminated by our Sun and Moon, but by the luminaries that simply do not exist in our world. At least it doesn't exist in our time.

Zhiguli mountains, early 90s of the twentieth century

Here's another observation from our archive. The hilly Zhiguli landscape smoothly turned into the landscape of a place that “does not exist” in our reality. The observer got a good look at the reddish plain, which revealed a fairly large area of an unknown world. On one side of this landscape, there was a river surrounded by meadows. Closer to our observer, the meadows were replaced by rocky areas overgrown with something like feather grass.

The plain was framed by mountains, and between the mountains and the river was the city. He was seen very clearly. Its two main streets were located parallel to the river and connected in some place, forming an area resembling a frozen lake (perhaps this is how the covering of this square looked like). The houses felt rich and well-groomed.

In the northeast of that place (it is clear that the observer was able to determine this direction only in relation to our landmarks), these were transparent six-sided houses, somewhat reminiscent of modern earth energy storage devices. In the northwest (again in our landmarks), these were structures similar to the minarets of Southeast Asia. And around them were skyscrapers. From the north, the city was surrounded by huge black "boxes" of protective buildings (for some reason the observer realized that they had just such a purpose), interconnected by a white wall. From the south, all this jumble of styles was surrounded by a low rampart.

And - now, finally - in the sky above this city four green moons shone simultaneously.

Promotional video:

On the waves of memory …

In the previous part of our documentary narration, I only casually mentioned that some of the eyewitnesses of anomalous phenomena decide to try the regression search technique on themselves. Having plunged into a light trance state (but without losing self-control over themselves and over everything that happens around), they allow their memory to give out pictures of events that once happened to them before.

Almost forgotten pictures of youth, childhood, and very early infancy can be remembered. But, starting such a practice, we could not imagine in any way into which unknown worlds human memory would allow us to peer, which in the ordinary everyday state of consciousness almost does not reveal itself in any way. Unless it manifests itself in rare unusual dreams, the plots of which cannot be taken from the everyday life of these people. Or the agonizing questions and doubts that run from early childhood through your whole life, and which are not always easy to express in words. Questions that often do not find their answer.

Each of these unique stories, if viewed in isolation, may seem like a product of creative fantasy. But this is only the first impression. None of our regressors expected that during a regressive search session his subconscious mind would give him pictures of his own past life in the conditions of other civilizations, other unearthly forms of life. And each of them, as it turned out, has a specific task that needs to be solved during the current earthly existence. And it is precisely because of this task that certain events occur with each of them in the current life, the meaning and relationship between which cannot be understood, focusing only on the usual ideas about the structure of human civilization.

By the way, one of the most famous and authoritative specialists in this field, Dr. Stanislav Grof, as a result of almost thirty years of studying extraordinary states of consciousness, created a new scientific direction - transpersonal psychology. He identified four main types of experiences experienced by his patients:

- the area of current sensory experiences;

- the area of the individual unconscious (including forgotten events of the current life from birth onwards);

- perinatal experiences (accurate descriptions of specific and real episodes of the life of the embryo at those stages of its biological development, when, it would seem, a person has nothing to think and feel with, since the corresponding sense organs have not yet formed in his body);

- the area of transpersonal experiences.

Dr. Stanislav Grof
Dr. Stanislav Grof

Dr. Stanislav Grof

So, the most serious challenge to the generally accepted concept of the world comes precisely from transpersonal experiences, common to which is a person's feeling that his consciousness has expanded beyond the "ego" and has overcome the boundaries of time and space.

Having discovered cases of the emergence of memories of the existence of an individual in a previous incarnation in the human body or in the bodies of various animals or plants, Grof therefore wrote about: “… it is possible to visit the consciousness of the entire creation, the entire planet or the entire material Universe. Those who have encountered transpersonal experiences … often have access to detailed … information about the relevant aspects of the material world, which far exceeds their general educational background and specific knowledge in this area. For example, those who reported episodes of conscious identification with plants … had extraordinary insights into botanical processes such as seed germination, photosynthesis in leaves, pollination or exchange of water and salts in the root system.

But still, we are now talking about the luminaries, which supposedly "do not exist." So it is interesting that the type - or, let's say, the image of the places that observers of Zhiguli spatio-temporal anomalies see, and the places whose images are stored in the memory of our fellow citizens - they are somewhat very similar to each other. Maybe there really is a physical mechanism that, albeit extremely rarely, can allow so simply, stepping over the threshold of his world, to find himself in some other world?

Somewhere far in space … And in time …

Here they are, examples of such memories stored in the memory of some Togliatti residents and guests of our city.

Evgeniy: The lighting of the place where I am now is closer to the blue spectrum. The main vegetation is purple. There are two suns in the sky. One is about the size of our Sun, and the other is about the size of the Moon. Even our Moon, it seems bigger in the firmament …

Valentina: Around the water, so greenish, beautiful. This is an underwater world, a bright world, illuminated. The sky is green for some reason. There is a large violet luminary in the sky. It creates a kind of field that penetrates the water and allows everything to develop. But the deeper you are in the water, the less the impact.

Tatiana: I quite clearly remember the night sky of this world with its bright, like crystal, blue planet-moon. This planet in its apparent size is much larger than our Moon, and some other satellites were visible in the sky, two or three, I don’t remember exactly, but much smaller - three or four of our Venus in apparent size, and they were lifeless. She really attracts me. When she appears in the firmament, I look and admire her all the time. And I know that there is life. The color scheme of the planet where I am (Note - on which she, according to the memories, lived in some of her past), it is darker - dark green and a lot of purple. And the one that I see in the sky, it evokes a comfortable feeling.

If the personality of a woman named Tatiana, indeed, once existed on one of the planets of the solar system and saw the prehistoric Earth in her then sky, then what happened to this planet then? Indeed, now, as we know, besides the Earth, there are no other inhabited planets here. Maybe it was the same mythical Phaeton, as a result of the destruction of which the asteroid belt was formed? Or Mars, which was once a living planet, and there is more and more evidence of this? There is no answer yet. But even the modern level of knowledge about the nearest space confirms that the events described above could well have been in reality.

When humanity really goes out into space, it will surely find other living or even intelligent communities living on other objects in outer space. In the meantime, we can only add to the databank reports of eyewitnesses who unexpectedly stepped through the “door between worlds” and returned back to tell about their exciting experience. Here are a few more such real stories told by eyewitnesses.

Near Samara, June 26, 1989, 21-15

One of the members of the Samara research group "Avesta" accidentally noticed how an almost regular square hole appeared in the thunderclouds, a bright red ray ran along its perimeter, then the ray flashed brightly, turned around like a fan and went out. After that, a picture appeared in the cloudy "window". It was a landscape of a sea bay, bounded by a ridge of low hills overgrown with sparse forest. From them a chain of sand dunes ran down to the water. Above this world existed its own sky, illuminated much brighter than ours. For 15 minutes, the field of view slowly turned in a horizontal plane, hiding the hills and revealing the water area of the bay. A lot of black dots suddenly appeared over the hills, which could not be seen in more detail, as the clouds began to move and quickly tightened the hole.

Ulyanovsk region

The father of an employee of one of the Togliatti universities, when he was young, lived in a village in the Ulyanovsk region. Once he was returning home from somewhere, walking along a country road and already approaching his village. I went up to it, even entered it and walked through its streets, but … it was not his village, although it was located in the place where his village stood. Not understanding anything, the young man turned around and walked back along the same path along which he had come. After some time, when the “other” village disappeared from view, he turned and walked in its direction again, and came to his own village. Old-timers confirmed that the same thing happened before in these places.

Togliatti, Tsentralny district, Pobedy street

The mother of the head of one of the children's sports organizations had lived in the Old City for several decades and knew everything in it, as they say, "inside and out." Once she was walking along Pobeda Street from the city park towards the Vesna department store. Unexpectedly for herself, she realized that she was walking along the street of some city, but this was not Victory Street - everything was different, and this place did not look like any of the streets of the Old City either. Possessing a naturally strong psyche, she was not frightened and did not go into details, she just turned back, and after a few dozen steps she realized that she was back on her street.

Intersection of K. Marks street and Freedom Square

Not far from the place where the bust of the founder of Marxism was still standing, the guy was crossing the street and, taking another step, realized that the urban environment around him was gone, and he was standing among the endless steppe overgrown with tall green grass. The noise of the city was also not heard. The vision lasted for several seconds, then the guy did not understand how he "returned" back.

40 kilometers from Tolyatti

Another example of such an anomaly (local residents will understand what place they are talking about, for others, let it be called so - Miracle forest). In this forest, there have been numerous cases of mushroom pickers getting into a place that is completely different from the local upright pine forest on sandy ground. Mushroom pickers, independently of each other, describe what is happening in the same way: at some point in time, a person realizes that there is a "deaf silence" around him, and he walks not along hard sandy soil covered with characteristic forest vegetation, but along bog bumps covered with high and large moss. The hummocks are noticeably springy and fall underfoot as it would be in a real swamp. The man in fright and bewilderment turns and goes back into the normal forest. Really, there is no such place in this forest,since it has been walked and studied by mushroom pickers a long time ago, the village is still pre-revolutionary … And, of course, this does not happen to everyone.

Togliatti, mid-March, shooting a story for REN-TV

A few days ago, in mid-March, a film crew from one of the central TV channels came to our city once again. This time they filmed a plot for the program “We never dreamed of”, which is aired on Ren-TV on Wednesdays. The topic of the show is about ghost towns. Among the questions that interested Moscow television journalists was the following: are there any signs by which one can determine that a portal, a passage between the worlds, will soon open somewhere? And one more thing: in what places do “Zhiguli mirages” appear most often?

I had to disappoint them: no regularity in the place and time of the appearance of space-time anomalies has yet been found. But nevertheless, it has been noticed that such space-time anomalies are often (although not always!) Inherent in some signs that, with a person's attentive attitude to the environment, will allow him, at least with some probability, to avoid falling into an unpleasant situation in a different time or in a different space.

The first effect is that space-time anomalies are often accompanied by anomalous changes in the magnetic field. Of course, not all of us will have a compass with us, and not every fluctuation of the magnetic field should be attributed to the anomalous zone. However, you need to know this feature.

The second effect is that in places with space-time anomalies, especially during the period of their activity, atypical fogs or fog-like formations are observed - either colored, or localized in a certain place and not spreading under the gusts of wind, or illuminated and faintly flickering (see part 3 " Chronicle "the story of the loss of time by our guest named Venus). And such observations are also interesting because UFOs periodically also appear from foggy-cloud formations and disappear in them … The same physical mechanism that we do not yet understand and cannot use?

The third effect is the so-called “dull silence effect” (as in the example with the castle illuminated by the moon). Sometimes eyewitnesses report not about a "dull silence", but about a gradual weakening of the sounds of our world as we move into another world. It is interesting that this effect appears not only with space-time anomalies.

For example, what was reported by Ruslan M., a resident of the Avtozavodsky district, on December 22, 2006, at about 23-00. While on the banks of the Volga, he noticed the appearance of a large bright red glowing ball over the water area of the reservoir. During the observation there was a "dull silence" - there was no wind noise, no other sounds, although after the disappearance of the object the sounds appeared immediately. Perhaps this effect indicates some properties of such transition points, when there are obstacles to the propagation of sound - mechanical vibrations (longitudinal waves), while transverse (light, etc.) have no obstacles to propagation.

Samarskaya Luka, near the village of Podgora

And that “walking through the anomalous zone” is far from safe, at least such a case underlines. Employees of the Samara Committee for Nature Protection (I cannot name their names for quite understandable reasons), who traveled to the area of the village of Podgory, made some part of their route on foot along a country road. In front of them, not far away, they saw a light spherical object and two travelers walking in the same direction as them. At some point in time, these two fellow travelers disappeared before their eyes. They didn't leave, didn't sit down, no - they just were and disappeared.

Tatiana Makarova
