About The "Mongol-Tatar Yoke" - Alternative View

About The "Mongol-Tatar Yoke" - Alternative View
About The "Mongol-Tatar Yoke" - Alternative View

Video: About The "Mongol-Tatar Yoke" - Alternative View

Video: About The
Video: History of Russia [882- 2018] Every year 2024, September

One of the main myths of the falsifiers of history is the myth of the "Mongol-Tatar yoke" that arose in the middle of the 19th century, after another catastrophe and a new redivision of the world, which appeared at the suggestion of Polish historians who fought for independence from the Romanov Russian Empire. I will not dwell on explaining why they needed the myth of the semi-Mongoloid Russia-Horde, which was also actively used not so long ago to plant Nazi Russophobia on the territory of that part of the Commonwealth, which is now known as Ukraine (Outskirts). However, this pseudo-historical myth itself about the next "invasion of Mongoloids" was supposed to explain the defeat of the crusader armies of Europe and present the Russian people as half-Asians, half-Mongols.

However, modern genetic research has completely dispelled this outright lie. Moreover, it turned out that Russians have even less foreign genetic impurities in the gene pool than the same Russophobic Poles and Western Ukrainians. In addition, no burials of Mongoloid warriors on the territory of Russia and Europe were also found, just as no Mongoloid "trace" was found either in culture, or in language, or in genetics. And this alone proves that there was no mythical “Mongol-Tatar yoke”, just as there were no “Mongoloid invasions”.

But what happened then? Here is what the well-known Russian alternative researcher O. Pavlyuchenko, author of the ASPIK channel, told about these events in one of his videos:

This is what the forgers and their servants were trying to achieve - to hide behind the "Mongol Empire" they invented the existence of the Siberian civilization of the white race - the Rus, Aryans and Slavs, which was the center of the world before the catastrophe that turned the north of Siberia into a deserted ice desert, and provoked a redistribution of power in the world … The new "center" of this post-sweat world first shifted to the Vatican (under whose leadership the first stage of falsification of history began), and then, after the last disaster of the mid-19th century, to the City of London (under whose leadership the second stage of falsification of history is still being carried out).

This all also explains why, along with the new "center of the world", the zero meridian shifted from Pulkovo, ancient, to Greenwich, parasitic, focused not on the ancient cities of a single Vedic civilization, but on the "capital" of the parasitic banking system, which entangled the whole world its new "owners". Just like the previous "masters" of the Vatican enveloped the world in a spider web of secret occult-religious societies.

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