During The Reconstruction Of The Oil Pipeline, They Found An Ancient Settlement About Three Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

During The Reconstruction Of The Oil Pipeline, They Found An Ancient Settlement About Three Thousand Years Old - Alternative View
During The Reconstruction Of The Oil Pipeline, They Found An Ancient Settlement About Three Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Video: During The Reconstruction Of The Oil Pipeline, They Found An Ancient Settlement About Three Thousand Years Old - Alternative View

Video: During The Reconstruction Of The Oil Pipeline, They Found An Ancient Settlement About Three Thousand Years Old - Alternative View
Video: Tales from a Prehistoric Landscape 2024, September

While designing a new oil pipeline, the specialists of the Transneft-Siberia Company came across an ancient settlement. Archaeologists are working there now.

Pieces of pottery are scattered all over the shore. Archaeologists have placed flags and are awaiting a response from the Ministry of Culture to collect artifacts. The finds confirm that people lived here about three thousand years ago. A thorough analysis will allow you to say where they came from, where they got the clay and what technologies they owned.

“Ceramics is an archaeological material. This means that you will be closer to the truth when you study it. After all, the task is to recreate exactly the history that was,”says the head of the archaeological team Vadim Dolganov.

This is a rescue expedition. Oil pipelines need to replace part of the existing pipeline. And without archaeological excavations it is impossible to do this. “Part of the monument has ended up on the territory that we will use during the reconstruction of the oil pipeline. Accordingly, we must excavate a part of this monument and take it out - to save history,”explained Alexander Mataev, head of the planning and project preparation department of Transneft Siberia, JSC.

Joint Stock Company Transneft-Siberia plans to replace more than one hundred kilometers of the Krasnoleninsk-Shaim-Konda oil pipeline. The site that touches on history is only nine kilometers away. But it is because of him that construction is not started. Until the archaeologists pick up all the artifacts, the equipment will not enter this territory.
