Fir. What Was He Like? The Secret Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple - Alternative View

Fir. What Was He Like? The Secret Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple - Alternative View
Fir. What Was He Like? The Secret Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple - Alternative View

Video: Fir. What Was He Like? The Secret Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple - Alternative View

Video: Fir. What Was He Like? The Secret Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Confirm the Oak Island Mystery Is Solved (2020) 2024, September

Our Russian Orthodox Church is one of the most mysterious public entities in Russian history. Despite the seemingly official revival of it at the state level, it is in no hurry to reveal its very recent pages of history. Almost all media channels are happy to show us how monasteries and individual temples are gradually being restored from ruins, but nowhere and never was it mentioned that someone tried to fill them with the main filling that distinguished them from all other structures - oil and goodness.

The mentioned categories are not an ephemeral property of biblical sources and not a figment of the imagination of the sovereign clergy of the period from Peter to the famous events of the 20th century. These were quite tangible physical processes that were formed due to the interaction of the construction of temples and church attributes. When influenced by a person, they discovered in him unknown properties, thanks to which he was healed spiritually and physically, and also, according to some information, began to possess properties that were not given to him outside the temple walls. Alas, now all this has been forgotten and replaced by other values, and only such lines remain in memory:

But let's try to understand what the oil was from the preserved sources. A first rough search reveals that this is regular olive oil or any vegetable oil. Why is there such an association? To understand this, let's take an ordinary 19th century temple of an ordinary district town of Murom, or rather, miraculously preserved materials from the decoration of this temple.

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Officially, the Nikolo-Mozhaisky temple of the city of Murom, aka the temple of the Kazan Mother of God, was first mentioned in the annals in 1574, operated until 1930. In 1939 it was demolished to zero, and not even partially, as was done with many temples at that time. Very few high-quality photographic materials about the appearance of the temple have come down to our time.


Now, at this place, there is an ordinary square; in general, nothing at all reminds of the existence of the temple. Even nothing significant has been built on this site since the demolition of the temple.


Old-timers said that when the temple was being demolished, they even dug up the graves of clergymen near it. The children then collected the skulls and played them in the towns. What to do, these were the morals at that time. And there was also a water source near the temple, which, in fact, is also not surprising - temples were often built near such sources.


If we look at the surviving photos, we can conclude that the side chapels and the bell tower of the temple were built later than the main building. This can be seen in the differences in architectural style. On the east side, the temple had three altar parts. Obviously, it was designed for a large number of parishioners. A high-quality photo of the interior decoration of the temple during its operation has survived, which room can no longer be determined.


Look closely at this photo with the eyes of an engineer. Find technical oddities. Of course, for example, for me a lot of them climb at once. So, the metal connections of the arch, which come almost from the edge of the arch and do not carry reinforcing functions at all, but judging by the distance, their weight is quite decent. What are they for? Or incomprehensible lamps at the edges of the arch. They look like icon lamps, but the wicks are not visible in any. Or an icon frame made of some kind of tubes in the shape of a star. Perhaps this star is provided for by the canons, but only specialists will answer here. And the most important thing is some objects in the background, if not visible, then I attach enlarged fragments:


Very strange devices stand on candlesticks. They look like some kind of ceramic tubes, around which short-circuited turns of a sheet of tin are made, which, in turn, are galvanically connected to a candlestick through mannered rods. On the floor where the candlesticks are, most likely metal tiles. There are also small objects that look like metal nuts, which are circled in red. If you look closely, they are on all such structures. And in all the ceramic tubes there are cups in which some kind of liquid is poured.

And what exactly is this?

A very strange design at first glance. On top there are ordinary lamp containers, no one doubts this fact. Logically, if there are ordinary candles nearby, this design could not produce any other effect. But why did the lamp container have to be placed on stands? The riddle would be from the category of unsolved, if a little earlier from one reader (many thanks) there would not have been a photo of an incomprehensible lamp.


Anyone can view it in the house-museum of the Arkhangelskoye estate. Now take a close look at her and at the photo of an incomprehensible structure in the temple. Find the similarities.

And the similarities lie on the surface, they do not need to be viewed with a magnifying glass. The first is strange short-circuited loops around small containers. In one case, they were in the middle, in the other - at the bottom. The fact that they are now below does not say anything, this exhibit is of venerable age, and it is quite possible that these turns were bent back. The second is some kind of metallic connection between these small containers and some kind of central barrel. In the temple structure, this is the lower part of the tubes that fit into the candlestick; in the lamp, these are two tubes soldered to the central container. In both cases, these were clearly not communicating vessels for fluid, judging by the level. In both cases, on the tops of small containers, there were some bowls, in which, obviously, a fire was burning.

From the point of view of modern physics, it looks like a complete absurdity, but these things were originally intended to be in a space closed on all sides by metal bonds converging on the dome. In one case it was a temple, in another case it was a house with an individual dome system. What happened when we found our structures in such a space?

Inside space, there were strong fluctuations in the electric field, induced by the potential of metal bonds. They were transferred to metal structures, in the case of a temple - to a floor candlestick, in the case of a lamp - to a central container. When a substance concentrating ether was in small containers, significant circular currents arose in short-circuited loops caused by changes in the electric field. As a result, a glass bowl of unctuous oil was exposed to strong changing fields. And what was the result? And the same oil was obtained, it is in modern chemistry a simple ether. But not the one that chemists extract from hydrocarbons, but a kind of under-gas that affects the brain and causes euphoria in humans. Since it does not have the properties of an ordinary gas, it does not react with human organs,therefore, this gas does not cause any consequences of a certain kind. How do you find out that the oil is being released? It is very simple, it is enough to set fire to the intended area of its selection.

Actually, it turns out nothing more than cold combustion. This is how one explains the fact that there are no wicks in glass bowls. With the special composition of the oil in the bowls, you can get a fairly bright flame, the intensity of which will depend on the fluctuations of the electric field in the surrounding space. There is a lot of information in the sources that this is exactly the very blessed fire about which there are so many rumors. Nowadays, by the blessed fire they mean ordinary fire. In addition, this source of fire in many ancient writings is called the Burning Bush. This name is given from a biblical plant that burned and did not burn and did not emit heat. Actually, this plant is shown in the main picture. That's the whole secret. Alas, now there are rudiments of all this in the form of icons and icon lamps. But as they say,everything is the will of the Lord.

The temple, apparently, was demolished to zero for nothing. Judging by the photo, the electricity worked well in it, a lot of objects talk about this. And it was not for nothing that the icon at the entrance was framed with a star made of cut pipes. On the sharp edges (in the slots), a cold discharge formed, which illuminated the icon and made a very unusual bewitching effect. Maybe it was the same holy spirit. But the oil itself was not limited only to this, there were still many other technical devices (more on this somehow separately).

In conclusion, I would like to tell a story from life, which I personally witnessed in 2004. Once I had a chance to be present at the high-pressure gas pipeline, through which natural gas flows in its rawest form, not even odorized yet. According to the current work plan, two locksmiths opened the filter on this gas pipeline to clean it, and within ten minutes went into ecstasy. After some time, they also came out of it. When asked what it actually was, then for the first time I learned about this under-gas, which, together with normal gas, comes out of the bowels, but settles in the filter for the lightest fractions. And he removes the residual effects of the Russian disease itself better than any medicine. So the secret of oil is not that difficult.

Author: tech_dancer