Messengers Of Other Dimensions - Alternative View

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Messengers Of Other Dimensions - Alternative View
Messengers Of Other Dimensions - Alternative View

Video: Messengers Of Other Dimensions - Alternative View

Video: Messengers Of Other Dimensions - Alternative View
Video: How We Might Be Living In Other Dimensions Without Knowing - A Neil deGrasse Tyson Visualization 2024, September

Leading scientists are of the opinion that the human brain, like any smallest particle, has a holographic structure. Thanks to this, mysterious and inexplicable phenomena can be explained. For example, UFOs may not be messengers from other planets, but objects from other dimensions.

Someone else's dream came true

This happened on October 30, 2006. The summer cottage season, in fact, was already closed, the electricity was turned off, but the weather was so warm that I could not resist and went to my garden. We must imagine our suburban area, which arose more than forty years ago, when few people had their own cars. Therefore, only the main street is more or less wide, and the adjacent roads do not allow two oncoming cars to pass. Yes, and taxiing to your site even through the open gates is problematic, not everyone succeeds the first time.

So, I passed the main street in complete silence, no one was anywhere, turned into our lane, and suddenly I saw the passenger car of Volodya's neighbor in front. He sits behind the wheel, but somehow too erect, then smoothly drives into his garage without even slowing down. Well done, I think, just an ace. The day is wonderful, sunny. Soon other neighbors arrive, a married couple from "walruses". Everything is more fun. And Volodya seems to have a neighbor, Yuri, too. I hear them sometimes talking, only the voices sound unintelligible and strangely guttural, as if from another dimension. I don't see Volodya himself. I start to worry: he is disabled, he can hardly move, sometimes he falls. We ought to go to him. But in front of his house, an incomprehensible fear suddenly attacks me. Coming back. And then I see that my "walruses" are going to swim on the Volga. My name is, as always. I shudder at the thoughtAfter all, it's already deep autumn, albeit warm. But I ask them to look at Volodya. On the way back, they report that Volodya is not at the site, and the house and garage are locked.

Wow, I guess. And I begin to remember the details.

Why, when I was walking along the road, not a single car overtook me, and I saw Volodino's car already driving ahead? I clearly saw a car with a familiar number, a silhouette behind the wheel, but there was no engine noise. How could the driver drive into the garage on the move, because it must first be opened, like the gate, and for this to stop and get out of the car? Yes, and he was sitting behind the wheel on the right, but he did not have a foreign car. And why did I not immediately attach importance to these oddities? And the occasional guttural voices from the other side? And my unexpected feeling of fear?.. Lord, what was it? Long puzzled, but never came to anything.

Only the next year, when the new summer cottage season began, I was able to see my neighbor and tell him about what happened. He, of course, was surprised and said that he usually drives into the garage backwards, so it's easier. Of course, he does not remember what he did that day. Maybe he was sleeping, because it was morning. I slept and had a dream, how I arrived at the dacha, but did his dream seem to me to be real? How can this be?

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A few years later, something similar happened to my granddaughter Polinka, when she was resting in a children's sanatorium. Together with a girlfriend, they walked through the surrounding forest. The friend stepped aside, and Polina remained standing at the billboard. And suddenly I saw a car with the sign "Taxi", which was moving in her direction right through the trees. He stopped near the girl, taken aback with horror, blinked the headlights, drove on and slowly disappeared into the air.

Experience unusual states of mind

Over the course of my life, I have had to deal with various oddities and experience unusual states of mind more than once. This happened, for example, when I bought an apartment in the village of Volzhsky Uyos, but had not yet moved, continuing to work in Togliatti. On New Year's holidays I came here to do some renovations. On the night before Christmas I began to reread my favorite books "Teachings of Living Ethics". And I read until morning, I didn't want to sleep, because I felt an incredible joy, which I had never experienced before: it seemed that divine sounds were pouring from heaven, washing the whole world with light and love. It's hard to put into words. As if the sky came down to earth. And if it is always like this, then a man can move mountains. However, the next day everything was as usual, only a wonderful memory remained. What a pity that such moments rarely visit a person.

And another similar moment comes to mind. One spring I was walking down a street full of cherry trees. They bloomed and smelled together, the soul rejoiced. Suddenly everything changed: it became brighter, more saturated, voluminous. Seemingly familiar places, but some different, as if each leaf has been washed to a shine and shines with wonderful facets. This went on for several minutes, then everything became as before, as if the world had faded and became flat, although the sun was shining. This memory from a distant youth about a truly holographic picture is still stored in the memory.

The universe is a giant hologram

Stop! It seems that some kind of insight is coming, capable of at least somehow explaining the obvious - the incredible. We can say that all this is nonsense, hallucinations, and forget how often it happens in life, so people prefer to keep quiet about what they have seen or experienced. But skepticism is not always beneficial, much more often it becomes an obstacle to thinking. If we proceed from the opinion that our world is holographic, then we can probably try to represent it not in three familiar dimensions, but in many. It is clear that it is rather difficult for us, three-dimensional, to do this, but science fiction writers such as Vasily Golovachev do, and the most advanced modern scientists consider the Universe to be a giant hologram. And in accordance with the main property of any hologram, this means that each point of our Universe contains complete information not only about itself,but about the entire universe as a whole.

It is very difficult for our three-dimensional brain to imagine how this is possible at all. But now advanced scientists are of the opinion that the human brain, like any smallest particle, also has a holographic structure. Thanks to this, many mysterious and yet unexplained phenomena can be explained. Such, for example, as UFOs. Something too much evidence of them appears recently. Who knows, maybe these are not messengers from other planets, but objects from other dimensions of a complex holographic world. This world, like everything around, evolves, changes, turns different facets of being in front of the observer. Somehow favorable circumstances have developed - and our eyes are presented with a fragment from the life of an unknown parallel existence.

We must try to understand through some kind of analogy. For example, a certain young man walks through the forest and talks on a cell phone with his girlfriend. Suddenly she says that she has fallen in love with another. In a fit of anger, the young man tosses his phone so that it flies into a nearby tree with a whistle and falls to pieces. A squirrel sitting on a branch cannot see a person, but one can see how something unfamiliar flies past its head. Isn't it a UFO?

Olga Kravtsova