Strange Sounds From The Sky Again Frighten The Inhabitants. So What Is This? - Alternative View

Strange Sounds From The Sky Again Frighten The Inhabitants. So What Is This? - Alternative View
Strange Sounds From The Sky Again Frighten The Inhabitants. So What Is This? - Alternative View

Video: Strange Sounds From The Sky Again Frighten The Inhabitants. So What Is This? - Alternative View

Video: Strange Sounds From The Sky Again Frighten The Inhabitants. So What Is This? - Alternative View
Video: The Source Behind a Mystery Sound Heard Around the World 2024, September

Strangesounds: Strange sounds from the sky frighten the inhabitants again. In May, they were heard in California, Minnesota and Southampton (UK).

Mysterious sounds from the sky continue to scare and confuse people around the world. Sounds similar to a trumpet voice, and in some cases, to the sounds of a brass band, have been recorded all over the world in recent years: from Canada to Ukraine, through the USA, Germany and Belarus, and all this shows something strange happening over us. These eerie sounds have been constantly heard at different times and in different places for almost a decade.

Sounds were recently recorded over Bellflower, California, May 2018:

Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2018:

Southampton (UK):

People cannot understand what it is … there are only theories that it can be:

For example, physics professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice said it was electromagnetic noise from auroras and radiation belts.

NASA claimed that these are the sounds of natural radio emissions. The agency representatives explained: “If people had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear an amazing symphony of strange sounds that emanate from our planet. Scientists call them "atmospheric noise" or "atmospherics."

Promotional video:

David Deming, a geophysicist in Oklahoma, has stated that trumpets from the sky can be generated by airplanes or telephone transmissions. But his opponents have objections to this, since planes fly every day, which cannot be said about the appearance of terrible sounds in the sky.

Russian academician Andrei Tyunyaev explained these terrible trumpet sounds by the fact that a polarity reversal is taking place on Earth.

Seismologists say that this is caused by vibrations of the earth's surface: “The structure of the earth is changing. Roughly speaking, it starts to creak. This is especially noticeable in geologically stressed points like the craters of ancient volcanoes. When the Earth starts to make such a sound, this phenomenon is very powerful, someone can take it for a trumpet voice from the sky - because the sound comes from different directions. Probably, these are the harbingers of some catastrophes"

Adherents of the alien theory are sure that it is UFOs that create such sounds. Thus, they collect information about us and transfer it to their base.

Some believe that these sounds come from the use of some kind of secret climate weapon.

But until none of these versions is proven, strange sounds continue to be heard from the sky. A trumpet voice from the sky is heard in different countries and the sounds of a mysterious thousand-voiced "brass band" are pouring. As if the trumpets of Jericho are blowing. And there are many who believe that these are the harbingers of the coming Apocalypse.

What do you think about this? What is it?