Guests From The Fog - Alternative View

Guests From The Fog - Alternative View
Guests From The Fog - Alternative View

Video: Guests From The Fog - Alternative View

Video: Guests From The Fog - Alternative View
Video: Ghost - Square Hammer 2024, September

It was an ordinary cloudy day or, more correctly, morning. It was damp and cold outside. A barely noticeable veil of fog covered the entire village, listening to the lonely song of the drizzling rain. In such weather, you don't even want to look out the window, let alone be in the middle of this despondency.

I finished my business and went to the computer to browse the Internet on my favorite sites over a cup of warm tea. But I was in for some unpleasant news - an icon showing the absence of a network. "Damn provider" - I thought at first, but then I had doubts: did I put the entire amount on the balance or was not enough. After all, it was the end of the month and the lack of an exact amount on the balance sheet did not count towards paying the next one. Even if 10 kopecks are not enough - a stupid system.

I picked up the phone to see the latest SMS from the provider on the account status. The truth was close, but I could not use it - the phone showed the absence of a network, and after a few moments it completely froze.

“What the fuck is that! No UFO hovered over the house! I exclaimed in my hearts and glanced out the window. Something was really moving in the sky. Further events are difficult to describe in words and they lasted no more than 5 seconds. A huge disc peeped through the fog, the nearest side of which was already beginning to cast a shadow over the house. Feelings of horror, surprise and admiration bound my body like strong chains. Part of me wanted to run, the other wanted to watch silently.

At the moment when the UFO passed over the roof, for a moment it became darker and a vague rumble was heard. I rushed to the opposite window - the disc passed over my house and melted in the morning fog. Then everything was quiet. There was only rain, fog, a sleeping village and me, looking at the gray sky for a long time.