Destruction Technology: "Overton Window" - Alternative View

Destruction Technology: "Overton Window" - Alternative View
Destruction Technology: "Overton Window" - Alternative View

Video: Destruction Technology: "Overton Window" - Alternative View

Video: Destruction Technology:
Video: #16 The Power of The Overton Window: How Unthinkable Ideas Become Accepted. 2024, September

"All progressive humanity", as we are told, "absolutely naturally accepted" pederasts, their subculture, "the right to marry", adopt children and promote their sexual orientation in schools and kindergartens.

The lie about the "natural course of things" was refuted by the American sociologist Joseph Overton, who described the technology of changing the attitude of society to the fundamental issues of morality and ethics. After reading this description, it will become clear how global degenerates legalize homosexuality, same-sex marriage, pedophilia, incest, child euthanasia and other previously completely impossible phenomena from the point of view of traditional, Christian morality

What other dehumanizing vices can be dragged into our world using the technology described by Overton?

Joseph P. Overton (1960-2003), senior vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Killed in a plane crash. He formulated a model for changing the perception of the problem in public opinion, posthumously named "Overton's Window".

This model shows how ideas completely alien to society were lifted out of the sewer of public contempt, laundered and, in the end, legally enshrined.

Overton showed that for each of the most impossible ideas, in society there is a so-called. "Window of opportunity". Within its limits, the idea can (or cannot) be widely discussed, openly supported, promoted, and tried to legislate. The window is moved, thereby changing the fan of possibilities, from the “unthinkable” stage, ie. completely alien to public morality, completely rejected up to the stage of "actual politics" (as already widely discussed, accepted by the mass consciousness and enshrined in laws).

The technologies for changing public morality are very subtle. They are made effective by consistent, systematic application and invisibility for the society-victim of the very fact of the impact. However, their recipe is not new. So, on January 18, 1832, it was recorded how an Italian Jewish Mason, known under the nickname Piccolo-Tiger, strongly advised his accomplices: "… let poison in small doses into selected hearts; do it as if by accident, and you yourself will soon be surprised by the results ".

Overton more specifically described the technology as how the Judaized "masters of global discourse" (from the Latin discursus - "running back and forth; circulation; conversation", chatter) break traditional Christian morality.

Promotional video:

Let us analyze with a specific example how, step by step, society begins to first discuss something unacceptable, then consider it appropriate, and in the end it resigns itself to a new law that consolidates and protects the once unthinkable.

Let's take something completely unimaginable. Let's say cannibalism, that is, the idea of legalizing the right of citizens to eat each other.

It would seem that today there is no way to deploy "direct propaganda of cannibalism" - society will rears up. This situation means that the problem of legalizing cannibalism is in the “zero stage of the window of opportunity” (in Overton's model, the “Unthinkable” stage).
