Are The Spy Planes Already In The Sky? The Last Message About The Mysterious Plane - Alternative View

Are The Spy Planes Already In The Sky? The Last Message About The Mysterious Plane - Alternative View
Are The Spy Planes Already In The Sky? The Last Message About The Mysterious Plane - Alternative View

Video: Are The Spy Planes Already In The Sky? The Last Message About The Mysterious Plane - Alternative View

Video: Are The Spy Planes Already In The Sky? The Last Message About The Mysterious Plane - Alternative View
Video: The U-2 Spy Plane That Got Lost in an Aurora and Almost Started WW3 2024, September

Over the years, there have continued to be many varied reports of "mysterious triangles" that differ significantly from conventional military aircraft and are often characterized by eyewitnesses as UFOs or "flying saucers".

First, let's remember the planes that were sighted and photographed over the cities of Wichita, Kansas and Panhandle in the Texas Bulge in mid-2014. The appearance of flying wing aircraft in the sky, called "flying dorito" after the famous triangular dorito chips, has led to theories about the possible existence of a classified manned reconnaissance aircraft, which is currently in service with the US Air Force or some other military organization. …

However, at a time when the conversation turns to various spy planes, there are eyewitness reports of objects with very unusual characteristics. This applies not only to the appearance of the aircraft, but also to the technologies it uses.

In a report received on April 6, 2017 from a Kansas City resident, it is said about this type of aircraft:

“I went out to the cafe around noon for a cup of coffee and looked up. A B-2 bomber was flying in the sky above me. At some point, he suddenly stopped in the air for several seconds, and then, rapidly gaining speed, rushed to the horizon. I tried to find a logical explanation for how the B-2 could stop in the air and then fly away instantly. It reminded me of the posts describing strange black triangles. Perhaps these people could have watched the updated B-2 models. I saw the bomber very clearly because it was a beautiful day and the plane was clearly visible against the blue sky. It was incredibly sorry that I didn’t have time to photograph him. But the imagination drew a newer and more sophisticated model of the B-2, probably the B-3, which has the ability to float in the air."

Discarding any optical illusions that the B-2's "flying wing" might have caused to an eyewitness, it is intriguing that there may be "updated" models of some aircraft that have unusual characteristics. Indeed, such an aircraft or its updated model may well be mistaken for a UFO in the form of a black triangle, especially when observed at night.

Back in the early 1990s, information appeared about the secret development of strategic supersonic aircraft. Without doubt the most famous of these was the Aurora Project, which was the successor to the SR-71 Blackbird, which was decommissioned in 1998.

As part of Project Secrecy, led by Stephen Aftergood, the Federation of American Scientists over the course of the 1990s oversaw a series of updates to the Government Bulletin regarding the mysterious plane. In January 1993, an interesting report appeared in the Bulletin concerning such observations:

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“The evidence to support the existence of Object Aurora as the next model of the SR-71 Blackbird is surprisingly diverse, though hardly conclusive. At the same time, evidence to refute its existence, obtained from official statements and related policy decisions, cannot be easily dismissed. (This evidence was collected and analyzed in the FAS updated Mysterious Airplane report, August 1992). US Air Force Secretary Donald B. Rice has vigorously insisted that there is no secret program in the US Air Force or elsewhere (Washington Post, 12/27/92, p. C6)."

If what the government says were true, while the secret supersonic aircraft is already in service, the most important thing would not be in the very existence of such an aircraft, but rather in the amount and insolence of lies with which attempts are made. hide it.

Voronina Svetlana