Secrets Of The Possible Descendants Of Jesus - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Possible Descendants Of Jesus - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Possible Descendants Of Jesus - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Possible Descendants Of Jesus - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Possible Descendants Of Jesus - Alternative View
Video: Why Did The Gospels Try To Erase Mary Magdalene? | Secrets of The Cross | Timeline 2024, September

It is still an open question whether Jesus was married and whether he had descendants. For example, the hierarchs of the Church deny the very fact that Jesus was married. But, at the same time, the churchmen make every effort to extinguish the discussion in the community of the Savior's family.

But some scientists-theologians do not hide their findings. For example, Harvard theology professor Karen King demonstrated the result of a study of an ancient papyrus found in a private collection. It had only eight lines written in Coptic and, most likely, it was a fragment of the Gospel and it said about the wife of Jesus Christ - "Jesus said to them: my wife." In addition, there is still a mass of circumstantial evidence that the Savior was married. And this information violates the official version of the Vatican.

Experts know that there are several versions of the Gospel, some of which were destroyed by the churchmen. But, having declared information about the Savior's personal life a heresy, the hierarchs of the church could not really get rid of it. Only four Gospels are recognized as canonical, the rest are not recommended for reading by the Church. The texts of the Gospel of Mary, Thomas and Philip, which became available only recently, became such "rejected" by the Church. And although they were written later than the Gospels of John, Mark, Matthew and Luke, this fact is not a reason for mistrusting them.

It should be noted that information about the marital status of Jesus was deliberately not included in the text of the New Testament, so as not to single out any of the disciples of Christ. Nevertheless, the early Christian writers of holy texts repeatedly mentioned the words "consort of Jesus." Even in the canonical Gospels, one should pay attention to the fact that after the resurrection, the Son of God appeared before all of Mary Magdalene. It is unlikely that he could appear to an ordinary woman (even if she was a former harlot who took the righteous path), if she was not a close person to him, but most likely a wife. If you remember the traditions, then an unmarried woman could not be among the disciples of the prophet during the wandering. In one of the “rejected” Gospels of Philip, it is said that Jesus' disciples were jealous of Mary Magdalene for their teacher. They were especially outraged by the factthat the prophet kisses Mary Magdalene on the lips. If this is the case, then it is unlikely that Mary was an ordinary follower of Jesus - a more plausible conclusion suggests itself that she was the wife of a prophet.

There is a description of a certain ceremony observed by the disciples of Christ - Mary Magdalene washed the Savior's feet and wiped them with her hair. But this, according to ancient traditions, is one of the rituals of the wedding ceremony. Another circumstantial evidence of the marriage ceremony is the conversation between Jesus and his mother about the lack of wine at the table. It was then that the prophet turned the water into wine, which caused the admiration of the guests: “Every person serves good wine first, and when they are drunk, then the worst; and you have kept good wine until now."

It is also known that Jesus had a positive attitude towards marriage. The Gospel of Luke says: “Haven't you read that the Creator created man and woman from the very beginning? So let the man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two will be one flesh. " By the way, according to Hebrew customs, an unmarried man could not become a teacher. The law said - "An unmarried person does not dare to teach others."

Historians are sure that the ancestors of Jesus are the Hebrew kings David and Solomon - therefore, the inscription on the cross "King of the Jews", on which Jesus was crucified, was not a mockery, but a statement of fact. Perhaps the cruelty with which Jesus was treated by his executioners was related to his right to the throne of Jerusalem. True, there was one problem - for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, although Jesus was a noble family, for them he was an alien. By marrying Mary Magdalene, who came from these places and was a descendant of a princely family, the prophet and his heirs became a significant political figure in Jerusalem. The Gospels of Thomas and Philip speak of the children of Christ. The widowed Mary Magdalene, after the execution of her husband, left Judea with her children. According to eyewitness accounts, it was she who took the Holy Grail (blood of Jesus) with her,which has become the most revered relic of Christianity.

According to some reports, the family of Jesus moved to the south of France and lived in one of the Jewish communities. Researchers Henry Lincoln and Richard Leigh analyzed many traditions and legends that exist in Provence (France). They wrote the most interesting book The Sacred Riddle. In it, the authors refer to the fact that the Albigensians (a Christian religious movement in the south of France) “surfaced” the Holy Grail. In addition, it is in the south of France that there are many cathedrals and churches dedicated to Mary Magdalene.

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The family tradition of one of the oldest families in France, the Seniors de Trancavel, has survived. They descend from the Merovingian dynasty. De Trancavel are sure that the legendary Merovei, who gave the name to his family, is a direct descendant of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. All descendants of the Merovingian dynasty wore long hair, had a cross-shaped birthmark and had a special cut on the head, which was intended for communication with God (Jesus had a similar cut). There are still legends that the Merovingians were endowed with miraculous abilities: they knew how to turn water into wine, heal serious illnesses. An interesting fact: one of the descendants of the Merovingians, Gottfried of Bouillon, took part in the crusade to Jerusalem. After entering Jerusalem, when the question arose of his accession to the Jerusalem throne, he refused, referring to the fact thatthat he will not be crowned in the city where Jesus was executed.

Also in 480, the Merovingians saved the Roman Church from the actions of the Visigoths, which weakened the power of Rome and destroyed Christian churches - the fate of Rome hung in the balance. In this situation, the Pope makes an unexpected and far-sighted decision. Knowing the truth about the origin of the Merovingians, he concluded a pact with a descendant of the dynasty, the Frankish king Clovis I. Its essence is that Clovis accepts Catholic Christianity, and the Church names him New Constantine and transfers all the lands of the Roman Empire to him under his control. Automatically, the Roman Catholic Church acquires the status of the main European Church, and the Merovingian clan acquires the status of emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, which arose on the ruins of old Rome. The Franks convert to Christianity. New Constantine begins to fight the enemies of Rome. In 507, Clovis finally defeats the Visigoths at the Battle of Vouille,then frees Carcassonne and Toulouse. Clovis I died in 511. His empire was divided into four parts among his sons. For more than a century, the Merovingians ruled almost all of Europe. But, the Merovingians made a fatal mistake for the dynasty - they ruled by the hands of their administrators-majordomo. For this, the people called the Merovingian "kings-idlers" and such a disdain for the management processes led to the tragedy of the entire dynasty. For this, the people called the Merovingian "kings-idlers" and such a disdain for the management processes led to the tragedy of the entire dynasty. For this, the people called the Merovingian "kings-idlers" and such a disdain for the management processes led to the tragedy of the entire dynasty.

A wedge of discord between the Catholic Church and the Merovingians was driven in after the insidious murder of one of the Merovingians, Dagobert II. This descendant of Jesus had a difficult life. At the age of five, he was kidnapped by a major domo and sent to Ireland. After 15 years, he married the Visigothic princess Gisela (the city of Razes) and, living surrounded by the Visigoths, is imbued with ideas that deny the role of the Church in communion with God. In 674, Dagobert II takes the throne, according to inheritance law. He had many plans to strengthen his kingdom, but he was cunningly killed while hunting. The murderer planned to destroy the entire family of the king, but the sister of the ruler was able to transport the son of king Sigibert IV to his mother's relatives in Razes in time - since then the boy was called Plant-Ar, which meant "an ardent escape". The Church justified the assassination of Dagobert II - and from that moment on, a time of confrontation began between the dynasty of Jewish kings and the Catholic Church.

In 741, the throne of the Merovingian dynasty was seized by Karl Martel's son, Pepin the Short. The new ruler named his dynasty after his father - the Carolingians.

But the Merovingians also had a fiefdom - by this time a small independent state had formed around the city of Razes, where the descendants of the Merovingian dynasty ruled. The Carolingians recognized this state, and the Church pretended not to know anything about the existence of this state. The Church goes to forgery - promulgates a false "Donation of Constantine", according to which it receives not only all the rights and state of the Roman emperor from the Merovingians, but also arrogated to itself the right to appoint kings. Crowned by the church on the throne of the Roman Empire, Pepin the Short understands that he occupies this post illegally, because the throne of the Roman Empire could only be occupied by a descendant from the Merovnig dynasty. To somehow disguise this betrayal, the Carolingians marry Merovingian princesses. It follows from this that all subsequent descendants of the Carolingians, in the female line,also belong to the Merovingians.

In 928, the descendant of the Merovingians, Godfroy of Bouillon, created the Order of Zion. The main task of the order is to prove that Jesus did not die on the cross. The goal of the Merovingians is to repay the Catholic Church for the betrayal. If the order of Zion reveals the earthly nature of Jesus, the church will lose its meaning and become unnecessary. The Order of Zion functions to this day. He became the source of the most mysterious secrets in human history. The Merovingians organized a Crusade to free the Holy Sepulcher from Muslims and returned it to Christians in 1099 - the Kings of Israel, after more than a thousand years, regained their rightful place. Immediately, the Merovingians gave instructions to build on Mount Zion the well-fortified abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion, which became the main base of the Order of Zion. Heirs of the Merovingians,Appreciating the role of Godfroy of Bouillon in the return of the dynasty to their homeland, they elected him king of Jerusalem, but he gave up this honor in favor of his brother Baudouin I.

Another most mysterious branch of human history is the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ (Templars). The order was founded by the Grand Master of the Order of Zion - Hugo de Payne. It was believed that the Knights Templar was founded to help pilgrims moving along the roads of Palestine. But the Templars were not patrolling the Palestinian roads at all, they were looking for Formal Proof for the Order of Zion. And they found him. Found Merovingian Proof is hidden in Rennes-le-Château (formerly Razes), where all the Merovingian treasures were kept. The Church decides to recognize the Knights Templar. The order itself is gaining strength, power and is rapidly growing rich. Since 1146, the Merovingian sign appeared on the cloaks of the Templars - a red cross with bifurcated ends. The time has comewhen the Priory of Zion and the Knights Templar were ruled by the same Grand Master Bertrand de Blanchefort, the organizations merged into one. Bertrand de Blanchefort in 1156 called on the German miners, who, with the strictest secrecy, built underground storage facilities in abandoned mines. It was under de Blanchefort that the Knights Templar became the most powerful organization that intervened in the politics of world states at the highest level. But the luxury and permissiveness of the Templars destroyed the Order. After the death of King Baudouin IV of Jerusalem, the Templars break the truce with the Muslims and two years later the soldiers of Allah enter Jerusalem. The Templars return to France. There is a rift between the Order of Zion and the Order of the Temple. A radical restructuring begins in the Order of Zion. They leak the Holy Grail,to divert everyone's attention from the main secret of the Order - the mystery of the crucifixion of Christ.

The entire subsequent history of Europe is filled with attempts by members of the Order of Zion to enter the highest echelons of power in all European countries, the return to the throne of the descendants of the Merovingians and the constant rocking of the foundation of the Catholic Church.

But the Church is also taking action to destroy the Priory of Zion. And the reason was found - the murder in 1208 of the Pope's legate - Pierre de Castelnau. The Albigensian crusade begins, in which the 30 thousandth army of the crusaders participates. This army of ruthless killers destroys everything in its path. “Kill them all. God will then sort out his own! - the legate of Pope Innocent III gives them parting words. The most famous episode of these times is the capture of the Montsegur castle by the crusaders, where the main shrine of the Merolingi was kept. On the night of March 16, 1243, before the fall of Montsegur, four initiates carried the Merolingian treasure from the castle. The crusaders burned all the remaining defenders of Montsegur at the stake.

King Henry III of Austria threatened the Templars with confiscation of their property and received an answer from them: “As long as you are just, you will reign; but if you break justice, you will cease to be a king! This arrogance did not go unpunished - on October 13, 1307, by order of the King of France Philip the Fair, all the Templars were arrested, their property found was confiscated. In 1314, the last Grand Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, went to the stake. However, the mythical treasures of the Templars have never been found.

There is a legend that when Saint Remigius baptized Clovis of the Merovingian dynasty, he predicted that the dynasty's rule would last until the End of the World. It seems that the prediction comes true - almost all the kings of France were descendants of the Merovingians, as well as the rulers of other countries, for example, the Spanish Bourbons. Some of the rulers of Russia - Ivan the Terrible and representatives of the Romanov dynasty are considered to be the descendants of Clovis.

The mystery of the descendants of Jesus will always excite the minds of people. Today we only know a very small part of the information about the possible descendants of the Savior. I would like to believe that over time, humanity will become worthy to learn the truth about Jesus and his family.