C. Nenner: The US Financial Elite Is Preparing For The Collapse Of Markets And The 3rd World War - Alternative View

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C. Nenner: The US Financial Elite Is Preparing For The Collapse Of Markets And The 3rd World War - Alternative View
C. Nenner: The US Financial Elite Is Preparing For The Collapse Of Markets And The 3rd World War - Alternative View

Video: C. Nenner: The US Financial Elite Is Preparing For The Collapse Of Markets And The 3rd World War - Alternative View

Video: C. Nenner: The US Financial Elite Is Preparing For The Collapse Of Markets And The 3rd World War - Alternative View
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On March 9, 2011, a real "information bomb" exploded on the American Fox TV channel: Charles Nenner, a well-known predictor of the 2008 global crisis and former leading analyst of one of the world's most influential financial companies Goldman Sachs, publicly announced that at the end of 2012, a world war will break out, leading to the largest economic collapse

Through the TV screen, the expert advised his clients to start getting rid of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) right now, since during the tragic events he predicted, all financial markets in the world would inevitably collapse.

Can we trust Charles Nenner's prediction?

According to analysts of the fellowship of the United States and Canada of the Masterforex-V Academy, the strangeness of the situation is that Charles Nenner is not a journalist of the "yellow press" (which writes about the end of the world every day, warning about UFOs, meteorites, etc.), but a serious researcher known in USA as:

• Accurate forecaster and long-term leading analyst at one of the largest investment banks in the world, Goldman Sachs, which has become perhaps one of the most influential financial companies on the planet.

• talented mathematician. Charles Nenner heads the Charles Nenner Research Center, which uses mathematical models and special computer programs (predicting various behavioral patterns) to predict market trends.

• uses the latest forecasting methods. His latest methods of socio-economic forecasting are successfully combined with global trends in global politics. As a result, rather original conclusions are obtained, which, by the way, many business people tend to trust.

• has accurate predictions in the past. It was Charles Nenner who at one time incredibly accurately predicted the financial collapse of 2008 (then they also laughed at him). Two years before the bankruptcy of the Lehman and Bear Stearns banks, he foresaw the collapse of the real estate and securities markets. This Nenner, in fact, became famous throughout the world. Charles Nenner has a reputation for being a very serious analyst. He is distinguished by an academic style of presentation and accuracy of wording. In the world of American (and not only) business, Mr. Nenner is considered not only a brilliant financial strategist, but almost a “market prophet”.

From all of the above, the obvious conclusion suggests itself: the words of Charles Nenner should be taken as seriously as possible. That is why, by the way, Foxbusiness hosts David Asman and Elizabeth MacDonald, having heard Charles Nonner's words, did not even have anything to say. They were in a kind of numbness and only exchanged glances, the news announced in the studio was so overwhelming. Journalists who professionally cover the world of economics know very well that the head of the Charles Nenner Research Center is never joking and is almost never wrong.

What exactly did the talented forecaster Charles Nenner predict for the global economy?

1. The collapse of the Dow Jones. In his opinion, at the very end of 2012 the record collapse of the Dow Jones Index should take place - it will drop to the level of 5000. For comparison: in the midst of the last financial crisis, in March 2009, the previous minimum stopped at around 6.547. Before that, however, the indicator will reach the level of 13000, after which a sharp decline will begin, which will replace the two-year stable growth of the stock market. The fall itself will last for several months, from about the middle of next year. Therefore, all major players in the market (primarily pension and hedge funds, as well as large corporations and all serious investors) should wait for the maximum rise in the Index (up to 13,000) and then immediately leave the market. The maximum market growth, according to Charles Nenner's forecast, will be in 2011.

2. Massive collapse of all financial assets (stocks, bonds, futures). This process will begin in 2012 and will continue for 2-3 years. The main and only reason for the decline, according to the expert, will be the change of cycles - "war" and "peace". That is, governments will actively invest in wars, wishing to stimulate their own economic development by building up the military-industrial complex.

Nenner himself did not name the participants and instigators of a future world war, and the TV presenters, apparently, were so shocked by the guest's statements that they could not get more specific comments from him.

What conclusions suggest themselves from all that has been heard?

It is rather difficult to comment on such a short and at the same time global forecast, but experts of the Masterforex-V Trading Academy want to draw attention to the most key points.

• let's omit the conventional arguments about the world behind the scenes, to which Goldman Sachs allegedly belongs, let us digress from the Jewish hat of Charles Nenner and other hoaxes about which many world media immediately recalled. The main thing is to understand what remains, so to speak, in the bottom line.

• it is clear that not just a forecast was announced on the Fox TV channel. A financier and investor like Nenner will not risk his reputation to chase the sensation and instant popularity that he already has. This is either a warning for insiders or part of a program to start a new bearish trend. The second is even more preferable.

• such financial giants as Goldman Sachs (and Charles Nenner, albeit a former, but still her employee) do not always try to follow the market conjuncture, they themselves are able to determine it. In other words, they are able to create trends.

• therefore, Nenner's forecast is not a guess or even a calculation, it is the preparation of public opinion, the necessary sentiments among investors and traders.

• It is not so difficult to calculate trends in world politics now. Events in Tunisia, Egypt and especially in Libya have shown how fragile power is in the oil-rich region. It is already clear that the chain reaction of the "Arab revolutions" with their unpredictable consequences is unlikely to end.

And here at least two possible scenarios are possible - and both lead to an escalation of the situation

• The first scenario: while the uprisings are taking place in the countries that are insignificant exporters of energy carriers, the resulting deficit is covered by Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia. But when the "revolutionaries" get to them, then foreign intervention will be needed (either to help the rebels or in opposition to them - it depends on the relationship of the ruling regime with the US and EU). Libya is just an example that pushes to such a conclusion. Then the shocking forecast of major military operations, up to World War 3, will not seem like an analyst's fantasy.

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• The second scenario (simpler, and therefore more understandable): everything will be in relative order with oil, but the "Arab revolutionaries", faced with numerous problems in domestic politics, will want to teach Israel a lesson. All in the region (including Shiite Iran and even NATO Turkey) will definitely support them out of Islamic solidarity. America, of course, will come to the aid of the Zionist state, and there will be a short-lived (according to Nenner - less than a year), but a rather capital-intensive war, which, like the previous wars in the Middle East, will lead to a collapse of financial markets.

• Israel, by the way, can also provoke a war in order to force the US to strike at its enemies and at the same time bring down their economies. One should not forget about the religion of Charles Nenner.

A survey of the editorial board of the "Market Leader" magazine and experts of the Masterforex-V academy at the traders' forum: do you think that Charles Nenner is right about the imminent start of the Third World War?

• Yes, there is some truth in his words: Arab revolutions and the struggle for oil can provoke military actions from rampant terrorism to a direct clash between the United States and China;

• yes, in part: a collapse of world markets is being prepared, as Charles Nenner correctly warned about. All military conflicts in the modern world can only be local;

• no, the world is emerging from the crisis of 2008-10. Either Charles Nenner was wrong, or the world's banks are looking for "victims" who will start to play for sell.
