Strange Characters Found In USCYBERCOM Logo - Alternative View

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Strange Characters Found In USCYBERCOM Logo - Alternative View
Strange Characters Found In USCYBERCOM Logo - Alternative View

Video: Strange Characters Found In USCYBERCOM Logo - Alternative View

Video: Strange Characters Found In USCYBERCOM Logo - Alternative View
Video: USCYBERCOM 10 Year Anniversary 2024, September

The emblem itself.

In the world of deliberately mysterious symbols, with which the overseas power separates itself from the world, another mystery has emerged. Among the traditional symbols, the USCYBERCOM emblem has something new and curious

For a day now, the world community of cryptographers, programmers, computer, military and political analysts has been discussing ways to storm a new mysterious symbol of the American establishment in general, so prone to mysterious symbolism.

Let me remind you that USCYBERCOM (US Cyber Command) is Cyber Command - a division of the US Strategic Forces Command, which will conduct electronic warfare. More details can be found here.

First discovered that something was wrong, apparently, Computer Systems Specialist Bruce Carlton (Bruce Karleton) from California. As he noted on June 27, 2010 in his blog, the new emblem of the US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) in the space traditionally filled with symbols is something new and curious.

On the inner, gold ring of the emblem, there is a set of 32 sequential symbols that are easy to read by anyone attentive.

This sequence is: 9EC4C12949A4F31474F299058CE2B22A

It is easy to read, harder to interpret. By now, the opinion has been formed that in this case we are talking about an encrypted - possibly in the form of a hash code - message or, for example, a service motto.

Promotional video:

Given the propensity of the American establishment to dramatize its tasks in a global and even broader perspective, as well as to deliberately obscure their formulations, it would be interesting to interpret the message.

Perhaps it contains a functionally significant code or cipher in a hashed form - and in this case, breaking it becomes an important task not only for amateurs.

The MD5 generator is sometimes cited as the likely source of the hash, but whether or not this is true is unclear.

The problem of breaking the hash code is complicated by the fact that it is still impossible to solve the inverse problem, and it is necessary to guess the text of the message - and then check the guess, making sure that it is translated by the hash code generator exactly into the sequence indicated on the logo, and not into any other.

So far, this task has not been solved.

Another interesting aspect of the problem of incomprehensible code is the rapid organizational and staff perturbations in which USCYBERCOM is being formed.

For example, last year, the Commander of the US Space Forces (AFSPC), General Robert Koehler, formulated the concept of a fundamentally new space of global domination - "Geocentric theater of operations", arising from the fundamental provisions of the principle of Situational Awareness and new methods of working with localized in space and in time information.

A logical consequence of the new concept and the new formulation of the question was the proposal to include cyber command in the structure of space forces.

In May 2009, the US Senate considered and approved General Kohler's idea.

In April 2010, the inclusion of cyber troops in the structure of space forces was reaffirmed at the 25th US National Space Symposium, which has the status of a programmatic event.

Later that month, the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force, General Norton Schwartz, approved the design of the new US cyber troop emblem, as well as the rules for wearing it by the military.

At the same time, a month later, USCYBERCOM found itself subordinate to a different structure - the US Strategic Command (Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska).

What is behind the rapid changes in the status of cybernetic forces is unclear. This may be a rethinking of the range of their tasks, and, conversely, masking the goals previously announced by General Kohler with excessive candor.

Perhaps, a strange code on the emblem of the US cybernetic forces will help to unravel the complex tangle of at first glance illogical actions of the American establishment.

The code has not yet been decrypted, and everyone can practice cryptography.