Stone Tomb Near Melitopol - The Most Ancient Settlement Of Aliens - Alternative View

Stone Tomb Near Melitopol - The Most Ancient Settlement Of Aliens - Alternative View
Stone Tomb Near Melitopol - The Most Ancient Settlement Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Stone Tomb Near Melitopol - The Most Ancient Settlement Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Stone Tomb Near Melitopol - The Most Ancient Settlement Of Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Artefact From Space Discovered Inside A Tomb | Egypt's Unexplained Files | Channel 5 #AncientHistory 2024, September

Much has been written about the Kamennaya Mogila archaeological site not far from Melitopol with its unique inscriptions and drawings [petroglyphs] in the grottoes - thousands of years ago. Dozens of scientists have been studying the ancient sandstone hill for almost a hundred years. Among them are archaeologists and historians, geophysicists and even linguists.

Many tried to decipher the stone grave petroglyphs [they, by the way, were systematized by the first director of the National Historical and Archaeological Reserve "Stone Tomb" Boris Mikhailov], but the natural phenomenon near Melitopol is able to keep its secrets: no one has yet succeeded in explaining its purpose clearly. Ukrainian Stonehenge, God-mountain, the underground hermitage of the Azov Sea - it's all about the Stone Tomb. More recently, I came across an article by the Ukrainian astrophysicist Anatoly Ivanov, who suggested that Kamennaya Mogila is one of the oldest settlements of astronauts in Ukraine from neighboring star systems. Having contacted Anatoly Grigorievich [he lives in Chernigov], I received permission from him to use his assumptions in my publication. They are, of course, not indisputable, but very interesting.

Vladimir SHAK, journalist.


So what exactly is the astrophysicist's article about?


The Stone Tomb was at different times the residence of astronauts from the binary star systems Sirius and Nemesis.

In particular, in grottoes 25-27, drawings are carved on the walls, which are interpreted as drawings of flying horses because the symbolic line of the earth is not even drawn under them. The author showed the drawing of such a "horse" to different people and all as one said that these were images of a dog [picture # 1]. But this dog is itself a symbolic image. It symbolically depicts the constellation called "Big Dog", which contains the binary star system Sirius. From this constellation, astronauts flew to Earth and built themselves a dwelling in the sandstone. Inhabitants of the planets of this star system, on which intelligent life existed, were forced to leave them due to the fact that in the near future Sirius B had to destroy his hard dark crust.

Promotional video:

Figure # 1
Figure # 1

Figure # 1.

In addition, the drawing discovered by researchers on panel 37/4, which is mistakenly believed to be a team of two bulls with a harrow, most likely illustrates the landing of two astronauts' spacecraft - the staircase symbolically conveys the landing process [Figure 2].

Figure # 2
Figure # 2

Figure # 2.

There is also evidence of the residence on the Stone Tomb of representatives of a civilization that came to Earth from the binary star system Sirius: four animals are depicted on the ceiling of the Mammoth Grotto [Figure 3]. It is believed to be an image of four iconic bulls. In fact, before us is the image of four bears, which symbolically show the location of the constellation Ursa Major in the sky for one year [autumn, winter, spring, summer]. Winter is depicted as the top bear [the bucket rests on its handle, or the bear on its tail].

Figure №3
Figure №3

Figure №3.

Why are bears depicted, and not bears? The brightest star in the constellation Ursa Major in Arabic is called "Dubhe", which means "bear" in Russian. In all likelihood, the astronauts from the binary star system Sirius called the well-known celestial "bucket" not the Big Bear, but the Big Bear and, accordingly, symbolically depicted it. Moreover, 15-16 thousand years ago Sirius was part of the so-called "Sirius supercluster" of this constellation.

The final point in this question is put by the petroglyph with the image of the horseman [picture №4]. Above the Mizar star, located in the handle of the "bucket", there is a barely visible dim star Alcor. Both of these stars are interpreted as "Horse and Rider". In all likelihood, the horseman petroglyph symbolically depicts the Mizar star and the Alcor star from the constellation Ursa Major. It can be assumed that it was the astronauts from the binary star system Sirius who began to symbolically depict these two stars as a horse and a rider, and later this image came to the Arabs and spread throughout the world.

Figure №4
Figure №4

Figure №4.


Astronauts from the binary star system Nemesis also left traces of their stay on the Stone Tomb. In the same "mammoth grotto" on panel No. 9, the figure of an animal is carved, which became the cause of controversy among scientists [Figure No. 5]. Some of them believe that this is a mammoth figure, while others prefer a bull. Of course, 16 thousand years ago, people could carve a mammoth figure on the wall. But this is not a mammoth or a bull, but a symbolic image of the constellation from which the astronauts flew - from the binary star system Nemesis. This is the figure of a capricorn. Scientists who studied this petroglyph did not pay attention to the depressions on the "body" of the animal and in its neighborhood. After all, this is a map of a part of the starry sky, as it looked 14-16 thousand years ago. And the round grooves are a symbolic image of the stars. Likely,it is in the constellation of Capricorn that the binary star system Nemesis is located.

Figure №5
Figure №5

Figure №5.

In the caves and grottoes of the Stone Tomb, there are also petroglyphs with a symbolic image of spaceships, on which astronauts flew to Earth from the Nemesis binary star system. It is mistakenly assumed that these are prints of human feet. For example, the petroglyph, which is interpreted as a "footprint in a sandal" [Figure 6], is a symbolic image of the internal structure of one of the spaceships, on which astronauts from the binary star system Nemesis arrived on Earth. Probably, in the lower part of the spacecraft there were living compartments, and in the upper part, the rooms from which control was carried out are shown.

Figure 6
Figure 6

Figure 6.

Now let's pay attention to the petroglyph of plate 34 "b" with images of many "traces" [Figure 7]. Symbolic images of spaceships are drawn here chaotically. In all likelihood, such petroglyphs served as wall paintings that reminded astronauts and their immediate descendants of the flight to the solar system. In addition, they were intended to convey information about the appearance of their civilization on Earth to future generations of earthlings.

Figure №7
Figure №7

Figure №7.

Of course, in different parts of the Earth there are drawings on rocks that are really meant to depict human footprints. For example, in one of the temples in Tokyo is kept a stone with the alleged imprints of the feet of the Buddha. But this does not mean that all images, similar to the images of human footprints, symbolically depict footprints.


There is one petroglyph on Kamennaya Mogila, which contrasts sharply with the rest of the petroglyphs of this archaeological site. Archaeologists and historians have suggested that this is an image of a dragon [Figure # 8]. This is the deepest delusion. People who symbolically depicted the constellations and their spaceships possessed unique knowledge both about space and, of course, about the structure of the human body at the genetic level. In all likelihood, the "dragon" petroglyph is a symbolic image of a molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). For comparison, the author of the article has placed a photograph of a real DNA molecule next to the petroglyph [Figure 9]. The similarities are striking.

Figure №8
Figure №8

Figure №8.

Figure №9
Figure №9

Figure №9