"Overton Window" - Alternative View

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"Overton Window" - Alternative View
"Overton Window" - Alternative View

Video: "Overton Window" - Alternative View

Video: The Overton Window 2024, September

Today's attempts to pass off deviation as a norm, and a vice as a preference, have their goal to make people dumb amoebas. For this, special manipulation technologies are used.


The entire modern society, as we are told, in an absolutely natural way accepted homosexuals, their subculture, their right to marry, adopt children and promote their sexual orientation. We are told that all this is the normal state of affairs in society. But that's a lie.


One American sociologist Joseph Overton, who described the property of changing the attitude of society to the once radical and unacceptable things in this society.

Studying Overton's writings, one can see how homosexuality and same-sex marriage are legalized. It will become abundantly clear that the work on the legalization of pedophilia and incest will be completed in the West in the coming years. So is infant euthanasia.

The Overton window works flawlessly, absolutely for any type of propaganda. He described how principles completely alien to society were lifted out of the bin of public scorn, laundered, and ultimately legitimized.

Promotional video:


There is a window of opportunity for every idea or problem in society.

Within this window, the idea may or may not be widely discussed, openly supported, promoted, and tried to legislate.

The window is moved, thereby changing the list of possibilities, from the stage of the unthinkable, that is, complete absurdity within the framework of public morality, to the stage of the current norm, that is, already widely discussed, accepted by the mass consciousness and enshrined in laws.

The coolness of this method is that society does not have time to realize all the trash that is happening around. This is a very subtle technology with a structured sequence that allows you to hide the fact of long-term brainwashing from the mainstream.


Now you're crazy …

Overton described a TECHNOLOGY that allows you to legalize absolutely any idea. He did not offer an idea, did not formulate his thoughts - he created a specific technology, which you still do not know about …

There is a certain sequence of actions, the execution of which invariably leads to the desired result. As a weapon for destroying human communities, such technology can be more effective than a nuclear bomb.


Overton window
Overton window

Overton window.

Stage - Unthinkable

We will analyze the principle of the Overton window using the example of cannibalism. So far, this topic remains unacceptable for modern society.

Scientists are those n *****. Their level of permissiveness is much higher than that of ordinary people, therefore everything said by scientists automatically acquires a certain authority.

Scientists are allowed any kind of experiments, which means that discussing this topic in narrow, authoritative circles is no longer absurd. Here the Overton window slid.

Stage - Radically

The topic of cannibalism for the general public is still disgusting. At this stage, the stage of the existence of radical cannibals, the topic is picked up by the media and begins its work.

They raise the topic of cannibals, see them as an exclusively negative phenomenon, but at the same time compare them with some episodes from the past. For example, in wartime, when there was absolutely nothing to eat, some individuals resorted to devouring their own kind.

On this basis, the average person develops the opinion that cannibalism is inherent in humans, but only in emergency situations. The Overton window has come to the next step.

Stage - Acceptable

Now, when the fact of cannibalism is recognized by society, but is still condemned and rejected, this term must be given an appropriate "clever name", namely anthropophagy.

This play on words allows us to perceive cannibalism already from a scientific point of view, exclusively for research purposes.

The next step is to bring historical summaries, for example - in the 17th century, during the plague, when famine conquered all of Europe, the state decided to temporarily legalize cannibalism. So what? People need to survive, and that was the only way out.

The main task of the bacchanalia of this stage is to at least partially remove the eating of people from criminal prosecution. At least once, at least at some historical moment. The Overton window takes on the following status.

Stage - Reasonable

Then the media lays down some norms in society.

Such attitudes make society discuss cannibalism and, to some extent, consider it acceptable.

“Scientists” and journalists at this stage prove that humanity throughout its history has eaten each other from time to time, and this is normal. Now the topic of anthropophilia can be transferred from the rational to the category of the popular. Meanwhile, the Overton window moves on.

Stage - Standard

Cannibalism is no longer supernatural. They begin to discuss it in the mass media, some popular singer releases a new hit "Cannibal", new trends and subcultures associated with human eating appear.

Various talk shows are held, polls are conducted with former and current cannibals, various experiments are carried out to prove the "harmlessness" of anthropophagy. It turns out that one of the politicians turns out to be a cannibal since childhood - they recognize him and begin to imitate him.

And that's it, at this stage a total, irrepressible kapets begins. The Overton window is shutting down.

Stage - Normal

Cannibalism is okay now.

People are no longer condemned for eating their own kind, prison sentences for these articles have been canceled, because cannibalism has acquired new, modern trends.

At this stage, the standard foundations of society are broken. Now there are no prohibitions on cannibalism, and this is normal, people do not mind eating other people.

And those who oppose the newfangled trend are considered complete idiots, not tolerant, and uneducated.


That's all.

We are tolerant, unable to reason critically, and we ourselves have led society to discord. Anarchy begins in the world, which cannot be stopped.

Humanity will eat itself out while a bunch of puppeteers watch us with popcorn …
