The Lord Communicated With Moses And The Jews Using An Ionophone? - Alternative View

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The Lord Communicated With Moses And The Jews Using An Ionophone? - Alternative View
The Lord Communicated With Moses And The Jews Using An Ionophone? - Alternative View

Video: The Lord Communicated With Moses And The Jews Using An Ionophone? - Alternative View

Video: The Lord Communicated With Moses And The Jews Using An Ionophone? - Alternative View
Video: The Bible Confirms Moses made a pilgrimage to Mecca | Interesting Testimony of a Jewish writer 2024, September

The mysterious Ark of the Covenant - a purely technical device?

We all (at least in general terms) remember the events of the Old Testament, and that passage when Moses communicated with the Lord through the Ark of the Covenant. It happened as if at a distance, Moses heard only a voice coming from the lid of the ark. The quote reads: "Above the cover of the ark, I (God - approx.) Will appear in a cloud and talk to you" (Ex.25: 22, Lev.16: 2). There are also many, purely technical, details of this communion with the Lord. If we compare all this, then we can assume that this communication was carried out using an ionophone - a modern acoustic device.

The ionophone is the highest quality speaker system existing today, it fully corresponds to the description - the voice of lightning between two "cherubs" -electrodes. It is a remote communication reproduced "with lightning, glow and smoke." It's just that the ancient authors of the Testament, bringing these events to us, could not know the language of science and what we already know, but described what they saw and told as they could and could, using the means available to them …

Ionophone (English Ionophone) or singing arc - plasma loudspeaker. There are two main types of such loudspeakers - based on corona discharge (discharge occurs near one electrode) and electric arc (discharge occurs between two electrodes). The principle of sound emission for both types of loudspeakers is the same - a high-frequency discharge is created, the discharge current is modulated by an audio signal, this causes volumetric pulsations in the discharge body, which, in turn, cause oscillations of the air surrounding the discharge. The main feature is that plasma loudspeakers do not introduce mechanical distortions into the sound, are not subject to various acoustic resonances and, therefore, have the quality of reproduction of the mid-frequency and high-frequency ranges unattainable for other types of loudspeakers. This is due to the fact that ionophones,in fact, there is no diffuser, and the mass of the moving system is vanishingly small, since it is determined by the mass of air occupied by the discharge (plasma). Corona-based ionophones are now widely used as commercially available devices.

Let's take a close look at the passage from 1 Kings Chapter 3 (synod):

1. The youth Samuel served the Lord under Elijah; the word of the Lord was rare in those days, visions were not frequent.

2. And it was at that time, when Eli was lying in his place, - but his eyes began to close, and he could not see, -

3. And the lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel lay in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God is;

Promotional video:

4. The Lord called to Samuel: And he answered: Here I am!

5. And he ran to Eli and said: Here I am! you called me. But he said: I did not call you; go back, lie down. And he went and lay down.

6. But the Lord called on Samuel another time: He got up and came to Eli a second time, and said: Here I am! you called me. But he said: I did not call you, my son; go back, lie down.

7. Samuel did not yet know the voice of the Lord, and the word of the Lord was not yet revealed to him.

8. And the Lord called to Samuel the third time. He got up and came to Eli and said: Here I am! you called me. Then Eli understood that the Lord was calling the boy.

9. And Eli said to Samuel: Go back and lie down, and when the Calling One calls you, say: Speak, Lord, for your servant hears. And Samuel went and lay down in his place.

10. And the Lord came, and stood, and called, as on that and the other time: Samuel, Samuel! And Samuel said, Speak, Lord, for thy servant hears.

11 And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I will do the work …

You can also watch a video of how the ionophone works today. Isn't it very similar to the description?..
