When Will The Earth Give Birth To A Sister For The Moon? - Alternative View

When Will The Earth Give Birth To A Sister For The Moon? - Alternative View
When Will The Earth Give Birth To A Sister For The Moon? - Alternative View

Video: When Will The Earth Give Birth To A Sister For The Moon? - Alternative View

Video: When Will The Earth Give Birth To A Sister For The Moon? - Alternative View
Video: How Does Life Enter The Body? Sadhguru Answers 2024, July

In the past few decades, something completely inexplicable and strange has happened with the planet: volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have become more frequent, magnetic poles are floating, people everywhere hear some frightening "roar of the Earth".

What is happening - the officials do not explain, but, according to the general opinion of the conspiracy theorists, we are talking either about the arrival of the hypothetical Nibiru in the solar system, or about the shift of the Earth's poles.

Which of these or many other theories is more correct, we do not know, but one cannot discount another, little-studied possibility: the birth of a second Moon by the Earth. How likely it is - judge for yourself.

In the late 1970s, a new and very promising method of studying the Earth - seismic tomography - got into the geologists' toolbox. In principle, it is similar to ultrasound research, based on the fact that media of different density have different acoustic impedance, therefore, analyzing the anomalies of the sound wave passing through the body, a special program builds a three-dimensional picture of these anomalies, which looks like “internal organs” on the monitor:

With seismic tomography, everything also happens approximately the same way, only earthquakes or strong ones, including nuclear explosions, are used as a source of waves.

After an earthquake or a special underground nuclear explosion, a whole network of seismographs around the world records the time of arrival of the so-called shear waves (S-waves), after which all this data is processed by special programs and, as a result, a picture of the internal structure of the Earth is built.

And the first thing that the stunned geologists who conducted the first tomogram of the planet saw were huge mountains of rocks with a changed density, growing from the core towards the lithosphere.

Promotional video:


There was nothing like this in any geological theory, so the newly discovered gigantic objects were called the term Large low-shear-velocity provinces, LLSVP.

It can be translated into Russian as “large areas with low shear rate”. From them, like branches from a tree trunk, mantle plumes and plume clusters grow, so LLSVP is sometimes called superplumes for convenience.


What these "superplumes" are and what they are made of geologists have no idea.

As geologist Ved Lekich of the University of Maryland says in an interview with EOS (American Geophysical Union) “LLSVPs are some of the largest objects in the interior of the Earth. However, we know almost nothing about their nature, where they came from, how long they have been there and what they are doing.”

Thus, the famous adepts have been puzzling over superplumes for forty years, but they do not know what it is. Meanwhile, everything is quite simple there.

There are only two superplumes: the so-called Pacific and African - their names reflect approximate projections onto the lithosphere of the places where these superplumes are located:

Now let's look at a contour map of what the projections of these superplumes look like on the ground:


As you can see, on Earth, it somehow surprisingly coincided that right above the Pacific superplume is the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, the origin of which the officials also cannot explain.

The lithosphere is not an integral formation and consists of plates, but for some reason, only in the Pacific Ocean, the mantle from the faults seems to be squeezed out, as if something is being pushed out from the inside. But what can push it out? Why does the Pacific Plate shake all the time?

For readers who have never done biochemical research, we strongly recommend watching a short instructional video about how a laboratory centrifuge works:

As you noticed (and biochemists already know this) - while preparing the apparatus for operation, the aunt-ekperd neatly places the test tubes in ALL holes in the rotor. Of course, it is not necessary to fill all the wells, but if you have one sample prepared for centrifugation, you need to put an equal mass Teflon tube with water on the opposite edge of the rotor, otherwise the apparatus will first start roaring and jumping loudly, after which the consequences can be very different …

Somewhere in the early / mid-1980s, at the Kirov Military Medical Academy, the famous SIEMENS company supplied a supercentrifuge for protein sedimentation, on which famous Soviet captains and even colonels carried out great scientific experiments. And everything was good for a while, until one day an adjunct major or a blade (clinical resident) from a very glorious high-ranking Soviet family arrived at the lab.

The future beacon of Soviet military medicine was doing some very important scientific work, for which a supercentrifuge was needed to precipitate the precious elixir invented by the major. And when he began to precipitate it, then, apparently for the first time in his life, going up to the centrifuge, he forgot to make a counterbalance, that is, he put only one test tube the size of a glass of vodka in the rotor. Well, since the centrifuge was a super-centrifuge and began to rotate at some unthinkable, unparalleled speed in the world, something irreparable happened.

At first, the building began to shake and cracks appeared on the floor. Then there was a roar, reminiscent of either the sound of a fighter on the gas site, or the sound of the Trumpets of the Apocalypse. And then a gap formed in the wall of the lab and a disc-shaped UFO flew out from there, which began to fly down the corridor, destroying doors and walls.

From this small digression it should be clear what centrifugal force is. The Earth, of course, does not rotate like a centrifuge, but the superplume is not a Teflon tube, but approximately 4% of the mantle or 2% of the Earth's volume. That is, colossal forces are acting there.

At the same time, as shown by seismic tomography, the superplume under the Pacific Ocean is significantly inferior in volume to the African one, that is, the imbalance of masses is obvious. And when an imbalance arises in the centrifuge, sooner or later it all ends with “UFO flights”.

So far, the massive imbalance of superplumes is manifested in the intensified shaking of the Pacific plate, but sooner or later it will end with a break in the lithosphere and the ejection of a mantle clot into space, which will eventually become another satellite planet.


The fact that the Moon was born in a similar way and, in fact, is part of the Earth, was first hypothesized by astronomers, drawing attention to the following progression:

Jupiter - 79 satellites;

Saturn - 62 satellites;

Uranus - 27 satellites;

Neptune - 14 satellites.

That is, the larger the planet, the more satellites it has. This fact can be explained by gravity, but one can also think that the larger the planet, the stronger the centrifugal forces in its mantle and the more often it throws out satellites from itself.

The second curious fact, already obtained by the first expeditions of Soviet automatic stations to the moon, is the identity of moon stones with rocks ejected from volcanoes by the mantle. This can be explained by the collision of a large celestial body with the Earth, which sank into the mantle and, as it were, spat out the Moon from itself, but it can also be explained by the fact that a kind of “birth” of satellites is a natural process for all large planets.

In the same vein, Mr. Fatyalink, the author of a very interesting theory about the real internal structure of the Earth, which definitely, in principle, cannot be the same as it is drawn by geologists, argues.

His approach to the situation is clearly demonstrated by a funnel in a glass of tea, in which you stir sugar with a spoon. Only the mantle is not poured in an epic size of a cosmic basin, but is enclosed in a sphere, therefore, the funnel caused by its rotation is not a cone, but also a sphere - an area of low density (possibly even emptiness) in the core:


That is, it follows from simple logic that the densest inner regions of the Earth should not be in the core, but somewhere in the lower layers of the mantle - from where, as we know, superplumes grow.

And these formations are in a very complex web of forces, the first of which is gravity, under the influence of which the denser rock fragments sink into the core.

However, the second force, that is, the centrifugal force, acts the other way around, and it drives the denser rocks to the surface, that is, to the crust, on the reverse surface of which, in theory, they should settle, like on the walls of a centrifuge.

Most likely, the superdense region of Mohorovichich, located between the lithosphere and the mantle, was formed as a result of such “centrifugation”. That is, denser rocks settled on the surface of the lithosphere from the inside, while less dense rocks were squeezed out either into the lithosphere, or even to the surface:


Further, in addition to gravity and centrifugal force, the Archimedes force and the gravity of the Moon act on the mantle, therefore, if areas of less dense melt appear in the mantle, they will inevitably try to rise and squeeze out between the plates of the lithosphere.

Finally, inside the Earth, electric fields, which arise from the friction of different rocks against each other, are raging inside the Earth, and there are also some kind of turbulent dipoles inside the core. Perhaps there are even thermonuclear reactions taking place there.

Modern official geology does not take this into account, drawing the structure of the Earth in the form of a puff cake. In this case, the mantle is traditionally painted in red, although according to the composition of the rocks, it should definitely be green - this is a scientific fact.

Now, summarizing the above, we want to say that LLSVP regions are precisely the product of the activity of combinations of all forces acting on the mantle: the Archimedes force, the gravity of the moon, the total gravity of the Earth, centrifugal force, electric fields and everything else.

At the same time, since the rock from the LLSVP regions is not smeared over the entire mantle, like sour cream in fresh milk, but has already been formed into superstructures, one can think that a certain density balance has been formed in the Earth's internal system by now and less dense, lighter regions of superplumes are now are actively pushed to the surface.

The African superplume has moved farthest to the surface, which, apparently, will one day become the second moon, while the Pacific superplume is smaller in volume and does not come so close to the surface, upsetting the counterbalance of the “Centrifuge Earth”. This generates the vibration of the Pacific plate, earthquakes in the area of which are now radically frequent.

And since the "Earth-centrifuge" began to vibrate so wildly, one might think that the split of Africa and the splashing out of the African supeplume in the form of a new moon is, if not an event in the near future, then of a quite foreseeable historical perspective.

And there is no need to reassure oneself with the “slowness of geological processes”: the above picture of LLSVP was obtained as a computer processing of experiments carried out 40 years ago and what is happening with supeplums right now - no one knows for certain. It is possible that the “second moon” among the people of Congo is already somewhere floating underfoot.