What Does Life In The Body Of An Animal Teach - Alternative View

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What Does Life In The Body Of An Animal Teach - Alternative View
What Does Life In The Body Of An Animal Teach - Alternative View

Video: What Does Life In The Body Of An Animal Teach - Alternative View

Video: What Does Life In The Body Of An Animal Teach - Alternative View
Video: Inside the minds of animals - Bryan B Rasmussen 2024, September

"What kind of animal was I in a past life?" - have you asked yourself such a question? For the first time I thought about the possibility of incarnation in an animal body after watching the touching film "Fluke". In it, a man who was reborn as a dog remembered his former life and was looking for his family - his wife and daughter.

Recalling yourself in the body of an animal now seems not such a difficult task when you have the skill of viewing past incarnations.

Someone is afraid of such an experience, and someone is open to it. But anyone who has gone through the experience of remembering oneself in a “other body” will agree that the outlook on the animal world is changing, there is a feeling of unity with every living being on the planet and a deep understanding of the wise arrangement of life on the planet.

Stunned, surprised, delighted, incredible unity with nature, filling, pacification, buzz is felt - such emotions are written by those who first explored their inhuman incarnations.

What can the past life of an animal teach?

5 lessons of the animal world

Lesson number 1 "Family is a community"

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Animals teach us to be a "clan", to take care of family relations. After all, when relatives are together, they are a huge force.

And sometimes we behave like tossed cuckoos, trying to break any family ties.

An example of loyalty and devotion is a pack of wolves, where there is respect for their elders and each animal subordinates its interests to the interests of the entire "collective".

“I saw myself as a wolf. The feeling that everything around is your home - one for everyone, as an extension of you. And there was a sense of unity with all other animals, no matter whether they were large or small, unity with the whole world.

I saw myself in the tall grass, ahead of the sunset, the bright disk of the sun. Another picture is the night, the stars are in the sky, I stand on a high cliff, in the forest and howl, thus collecting feedback from my relatives. They answer, who is where I answer. And a picture of the location of other wolves appears in my head! Great! Olga M.

“I was embodied as a lioness and experienced maternal love. I realized for myself that the tenderness, care and love of a lioness for little kittens is not at all like human love and care.” Larisa K.

“We sailed as a huge family of dolphins, and in this we felt power, strength, beauty.” Svetlana G.

It is not for nothing that dolphins are considered a symbol of devotion and mutual love. Protect the purity of your relationship!


Lesson # 2: Don't Take Life So Seriously

I think if animals could talk, they would tell us, "Don't take life so seriously."

Animals, despite the fact that they need to find food, feed their offspring, they never miss an opportunity to have fun.

Enjoying life is one of the lessons that animals teach us.

“I saw myself as a wild black horse in the herd, running along the prairie, the region of America. It gives me pleasure to bathe in the wind, the wind washes me all over. - Marina N.

“I was an elephant - a loner. The most striking was the picture of bathing: I enjoyed playing with water, doused myself and splashed in every possible way. - Marina J.

Animals have the ability to keep fun and light. They are great examples of how to keep our inner child alive and take a break from play.

They also encourage us to enjoy what we do.

Their enjoyment of running on the ground, flying high above the branches of trees is a reminder to us how to enjoy simple physical pleasures.

“I saw myself as a black dolphin swimming in the ocean, shimmering with all colors. Such beauty. I felt my strong, sturdy streamlined body, which I easily controlled. She could quickly pick up speed and stop easily. I loved jumping. It was amazing!”- Svetlana G.


Lesson number 3 “Don't fuss. Live in the here and now"

How often do we run through life, waiting for "tomorrow", which will be better than yesterday. And life is what is happening now.

Animals take their time, they live their lives enjoying the moment.

Stop, slow down, look around! Do not fuss, let go of emotions and breathe in the moment "now" with a full breast!

“I was a circus dog. They picked me up on the street, wet, dirty, hungry. When they took in their arms huge gratitude, trust and further attachment to a person. We perform in a circus with a clown.

I like it. In inhuman incarnations the realization came that everything is happening here and now, there are no such pronounced emotions, experiences. - Marina S.

In animal incarnation, everything is harmonious and everything is subordinated to a specific goal - survival. There is nothing superfluous that is inherent in a person, including emotions.

“I got a very interesting experience in the body of a wild cat. I felt her independent character, learned how she interacts with other animals, realized that animals tend to live “here and now”, in the present moment. - Victoria G.

“Thanks to such lives, I learned to hang in the moment and take the maximum out of it. And of course, all the discoveries that we make in the classroom are inextricably linked with ordinary life, because in it I, too, are all running somewhere, trying to do everything, and in the evening the feeling that another day has passed, the same as yesterday and something it’s not that, although I managed to do everything …”- Maria S.

“Nonhuman incarnations teach a lot (or, more correctly, you remember what you know but forgot). The animal lives in the here and now, does not plan life ahead of time. - Elena K.


Lesson # 4: "Your perception is very limited."

If you look at nature through the eyes of an animal, you can see the world through the eyes of nature itself.

Stop for a moment and gaze at the sunset, and it will swallow you, connecting you with all that exists.

The experience of perception of the world in animals is more extended than in humans. And we can learn this if we want to.

“I overlooked the incarnation in the body of an eagle. There was an endless sense of unity with nature. The joy of flying and the thrill of the chase. An unforgettable sense of speed. Going through these memories, I began to understand myself better.

Now I know why I do not like sitting still for a long time, why I love novelty and the feeling of speed so much. In my youth I was a gambling person, and now I am mired in household affairs. And here long forgotten feelings return to me! Svetlana Ch.

We really begin to feel the oneness of all life as we expand our perception of the world.


Lesson number 5 "Accept your spots"

Animals, unlike humans, have no doubts, fears, uncertainties.

There are no all the troubles "what will they think of me", "and if I fail." There is a sense of self-awareness, with and without spots, there is an understanding of one's nature and

Watch the animals, they are not afraid to stand out.

You have a choice, to doubt yourself, or to “accept your spots” and do what you feared or did not dare to do for a long time.

“The most interesting thing in the life of birds is that when they learn to fly, they don't have any insecurity, fear or anything. They see their mother bird flying and they know they can do and repeat the same. People lack this confidence. Belief in your own strengths and your own capabilities. - Daria K.

“I reincarnated as a young leopard. Wandered across the savannah, perhaps in search of her place in life. I like non-human incarnations because everything is quite simple there compared to human social life. Life is determined by instincts and animals are in harmony with nature. Tatiana M.



Nature has immense wisdom and lessons learned with those who are ready to learn. As children, we are open to nature, but as adults, we forget about our connection with the world. We become less sensitive to the voice of nature.

Experiencing your experience in the body of animals leaves a lasting impression. Then I often remember the phrase from Mowgli's book “You and I are of the same blood! You and me.

Although for many, such an experience is just an amazing adventure: "In general, feeling in" skin "or" feathers "is an incomparable sensation"