Romanian Scientists: Schizophrenia Is Not A Disease, But Demonic Possession - Alternative View

Romanian Scientists: Schizophrenia Is Not A Disease, But Demonic Possession - Alternative View
Romanian Scientists: Schizophrenia Is Not A Disease, But Demonic Possession - Alternative View

Video: Romanian Scientists: Schizophrenia Is Not A Disease, But Demonic Possession - Alternative View

Video: Romanian Scientists: Schizophrenia Is Not A Disease, But Demonic Possession - Alternative View
Video: Matthew's Book / Demon Possession vs Mental Illness 2024, September

Romanian scientists from the University of Bucharest have devoted several years to the study of this ailment. The first half of the report is no different from any other article on medical topics - the symptoms of schizophrenia, treatment methods, and so on are described in detail. But the second half of the report was not at all like a scientific work.

Scientists note that in Eastern Europe there is a special attitude towards demons and evil spirits. They are considered to be intelligent and invisible creatures that live among people. The ability of evil spirits to infiltrate a person and subjugate him gives demons almost unlimited power, which they have been using for millennia.

Romanian scientists note that demons are able to take possession of a person and live in his body and that there are many similarities between schizophrenia and obsession, including delusions and hallucinations. These symptoms can be the reason that the evil spirits are trying to take over the human mind, and form false interpretations of reality. Auditory hallucinations, when the patient hears several voices, may mean that the patient is possessed by several demons at the same time.


Further in their report, the scientists described a real case. A priest from one small village asked the "good" demon to move into himself, so that he would drive out the "evil" from him. Thus, the scientists came to the following conclusion:

The time has come when medical professionals need to start considering obsession with evil spirits in the treatment of schizophrenic patients, first of all, they should pay attention to those patients whose illness is accompanied by hallucinations and delusions. Perhaps in such cases it is worth involving religious healers.