Karma - The Main Concept Of Indian Philosophy - Alternative View

Karma - The Main Concept Of Indian Philosophy - Alternative View
Karma - The Main Concept Of Indian Philosophy - Alternative View

Video: Karma - The Main Concept Of Indian Philosophy - Alternative View

Video: Karma - The Main Concept Of Indian Philosophy - Alternative View
Video: Hinduism Introduction: Core ideas of Brahman, Atman, Samsara and Moksha | History | Khan Academy 2024, September

Recently, it has become very popular and fashionable to get carried away with oriental beliefs and trends. Someone goes to Tibet and learns all the wisdom of Lamaism, while someone is interested in Krishna teachings.

Regardless of what kind of Eastern religious movement you have chosen, it will often contain such a concept as karma, which in translation sounds like "deed". That is, according to Indian philosophy, all righteous and sinful actions have a great impact on the fate of the individual, which in the future will make him suffer and experience problems or, conversely, pleasant moments.

Karma, according to beliefs, is the result of the actions of all previous reincarnations of a person. That is, if he committed many sins in past lives, then in a new birth he will suffer so that his soul is cleansed of burdens. According to Hinduism, for the very first time a living being appears with impeccable karma in order to know all the wisdom of being. But very often, instead, a person gives himself up to vicious pleasures, which in the future will lead him to suffering, anxiety and incredible trials. The main purpose of this belief is to try to make a person think about his actions. This goes on until the time when his soul goes through a certain amount of suffering and realizes the principles of righteous existence.

Indian philosophy distinguishes 4 types of karma:

- Sanchita - represents the sum of all types of karma.

- Prarabdha is part of the previous kind of karma experienced by the being in his incarnation.

- Kriyamana - current actions of a person, which have already taken shape and cannot be canceled.

- Agama are actions that will take place in the future. That is, thoughts and plans of a person also work for karma.

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According to philosophy, a person builds his own destiny through actions, feelings and thinking. That is, if thoughts are good, then their power spreads in everything and causes only good deeds.