UFO Has Become A Religion - Alternative View

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UFO Has Become A Religion - Alternative View
UFO Has Become A Religion - Alternative View

Video: UFO Has Become A Religion - Alternative View

Video: UFO Has Become A Religion - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

The craving for knowledge of the innermost secrets of the universe has always been inherent in man. But if, for example, a hundred years ago, creative search was the prerogative of the educated class, reading intelligentsia, then in the 21st century anyone can do it, you just need to turn on the TV or walk to the bookstore. (from the author of the site: Or get on the Internet …) But it is obvious that the popularity of esotericism is caused not only by the literacy of the population

Moreover, esotericism itself, under the influence of the technocratic nature of modern civilization, now appears in a completely new light and offers new sources of truth. They reinterpret the myth of Atlantis in a new way, looking for extraterrestrial civilizations. A new, modern myth is being born before our eyes. You just need to remember that everything new is well forgotten old.

Since school, we have become accustomed to the fact that the world is cognized with the help of science. Moreover, among the majority of scientists there is an opinion that with the development of science, religious beliefs should first recede into the background, and later die out. But it also happens that discoveries in the field of science generate a certain stir in the circles of seekers of spiritual truth. Paradoxically, the progress of science and technology is creating new forms of religiosity.

The further into the depths of the pyramids Egyptologists move, the more hypotheses about the essence of the pyramids themselves arise. If, say, a hundred years ago, occultism drew ideas from the Egyptian religion - one can recall the "Book of the Law" by Aleister Crowley, "dictated" to him through his wife by the servant of the god Horus - now the material remains of the Nile civilization are spinning their heads. Some see in the pyramids only religious buildings and tombs of the pharaohs, others insist that the largest of them are not human creations at all.

Based on the size of the structures and the scale of the entire complex, the seekers of the hidden truth conclude that this place is nothing more than a "spaceport for alien flying ships." This idea is beautifully played out in Luc Besson's The Fifth Element. Moreover, the Egyptian pyramids are not the only such spaceport on our planet. Geoglyphs on the Nazca plateau in Peru and the Teotihuacan pyramids in Mexico also received such a function from the light hand of ufologists and everyone else who is looking for traces of contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations.

These opinions gave rise to a number of hypotheses about the origin of not only religion - supposedly ancient people mistook aliens for gods - but life in general on Earth.

Warm up interest in extraterrestrial civilizations and such "untwisted" mysteries of nature, such as the Bermuda Triangle and "crop circles". A certain aura of mystery coiled around these images. Academic science is unable to answer these questions, and traditional religions are simply not interested in this. The phenomenon of crop circles is indeed very mysterious - the nature of these patterns is not yet clear. But not for everyone. Many see them as nothing more than encrypted messages from aliens. These messages are interpreted in different ways, it simply does not make sense to list the essence of all possible "translations", it is only worth noting that often these interpretations are of an apocalyptic nature.

It is interesting that the very possibility of contacts with alien civilizations gave rise to a cult around them. The most famous movement of this nature is the Raelites. It is a community founded in 1973-1974 by the French journalist Claude Vorillon, who later took the name Rael. On December 13, 1973, he came into contact with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, who called themselves Elohim (in Hebrew it means "God"). The revelation of the Elohim was that people and life in general on Earth are a product of their purposeful activity. All the prophets - Buddha, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad - were sent by them to enlighten mankind. The last prophet is Rael, and he proclaims the final truth. In the near future, the Raelites await their creators on Earth and are preparing for their visit.

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The classic of modern psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, in the religious belief in UFOs and in everything connected with them, saw a consequence of the modern manifestation of the archetypes of the collective unconscious against the background of mass human neurosis. From his point of view, the modern crisis of humanity has given rise to a reinterpretation of the old beliefs in savior deities into a new, technogenic, way.

But this is not the only ancient mythologeme reviving before our eyes. The state of the current protracted crisis gives rise to a variety of doctrines offering ways out of it. One such path is to turn to some kind of "golden age". "Retro-utopias" have arisen in the history of thought more than once - to recall at least Confucianism, for which the ideal of political, religious and social life was already realized in antiquity, and progress in Confucianism is aimed precisely at returning to this "golden age" … So now they are trying to find an ideal way of life in a number of ancient civilizations - Sumerian, Egyptian, etc. And some authors go even further and develop a concept according to which one, or even two civilizations already existed on Earth before humans, which were at an incomparably higher level of development,rather than modern humanity. These civilizations are Atlanteans and their predecessors, the Lemurians.

The idea of such authors is that these civilizations possessed an incommensurably large amount of knowledge and stood at a higher stage of development than our civilization. However, then some man-made disasters happened in turn, leading to the death of the Lemurians first, and after a while the Atlanteans. A similar story can be read in the books of the writer Barbara Marsiniak, who broadcasts revelations to mankind, allegedly given to her by representatives of extraterrestrial civilization from the Pleiades star cluster. It is obvious that a didactic element is clearly present in these mythologemes. Modern humanity is trying to operate with forces that can, if not destroy the Earth, then at least make it so that it again becomes "formless and empty." Splitting atoms, taming the plasmathe nuclear programs of individual "rogue" states invariably scare people. And as a result, there is a didactic myth about the existence of civilizations that "played out" with such indomitable forces, and they were much more developed than we are, so it is better for us, unreasonable, not to get into these atomic energies at all.

As it turned out, the progress of science and technology does not lead to the withering away of religious beliefs, but rather, on the contrary, creates their new forms.