25 Main Orthodox Symbols - Alternative View

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25 Main Orthodox Symbols - Alternative View
25 Main Orthodox Symbols - Alternative View

Video: 25 Main Orthodox Symbols - Alternative View

Video: 25 Main Orthodox Symbols - Alternative View
Video: The icon of the Annunciation | March 25 | Orthodox Teachings with Fr. Ioan Bizau 2024, October

You can come to an understanding of Christianity by deciphering its symbols. They can be used to trace both its history and the development of spiritual thought.

1. Eight-pointed cross

The eight-pointed cross is also called the Orthodox cross or the cross of St. Lazarus. The smallest crossbar denotes the title, where it was written "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the upper end of the cross - the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, which Christ showed.


The seven-pointed cross is a variation of the Orthodox cross, where the titlo is attached not across the cross, but on top.

2. Ship

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The ship is an ancient Christian symbol that symbolized the church and each individual believer.


Crescent crosses, which can be seen in many churches, represent just such a ship, where the cross is a sail.

3. Calvary cross

The Calvary Cross is monastic (or schematic). It symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ.


Widespread in ancient times, now the cross-Golgotha is embroidered only on paraman and analava.

4. Vine

The vine is the gospel image of Christ. This symbol has its own meaning for the Church as well: its members are branches, and grapes are a symbol of Communion. In the New Testament, the vine is the symbol of Paradise.


5. Ichthys

Ichthis (from other Greek - fish) is an ancient monogram of the name of Christ, consisting of the first letters of the words "Jesus Christ the Son of God Savior" Often depicted allegorically - in the form of a fish. Ichthis was also a secret identification mark among Christians.


6. Dove

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. Also - a symbol of peace, truth and innocence. Often 12 pigeons symbolize the 12 apostles. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are also often depicted as doves. The dove that brought Noah the olive branch marked the end of the Flood.


7. Lamb

The Lamb is an Old Testament symbol of Christ's sacrifice. Also, the Lamb is a symbol of the Savior himself, this refers believers to the mystery of the Sacrifice of the Cross.


8. Anchor

The anchor is a hidden image of the Cross. He is also a symbol of hope for the future Resurrection. Therefore, the image of the anchor is often found in the burial places of ancient Christians.


9. Chrism

Chrism is a monogram of the name of Christ. The monogram consists of the initial letters X and P, on the sides of which the letters α and ω are often written. Chrism became widespread in Apostolic times and was depicted on the military standard of the Emperor Constantine the Great.


10. Crown of thorns

The crown of thorns is a symbol of the suffering of Christ, often depicted on crucifixes.


11. IHS

IHS is another popular monogram for the name of Christ. These are the three letters of the Greek name for Jesus. But with the decline of Greece, other, Latin, monograms with the name of the Savior began to appear, often in combination with a cross.


12. Triangle

The triangle is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Each side represents the Hypostasis of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All sides are equal, and together form a single whole.


13. Arrows

Arrows or a ray piercing the heart - an allusion to the statement of St. Augustine in Confessions. Three arrows piercing the heart symbolize the prophecy of Simeon.


14. Skull

The skull or Adam's head is equally a symbol of death and a symbol of victory over it. According to Holy Tradition, the ashes of Adam were on Golgotha when Christ was crucified. The blood of the savior, having washed the skull of Adam, symbolically washed all of humanity and gave him a chance for salvation.


15. Eagle

The eagle is a symbol of ascension. He is a symbol of the soul seeking God. Often - a symbol of new life, justice, courage and faith. The eagle also symbolizes the evangelist Jaonna.


16. All-Seeing Eye

The Eye of the Lord is a symbol of omniscience, omniscience and wisdom. Usually it is depicted inscribed in a triangle - the symbol of the Trinity. Can also symbolize hope.


17. Seraphim

Seraphim are the angels closest to God. They have six wings and carry fiery swords, and can have from one to 16 faces. As a symbol, they mean the cleansing fire of the spirit, divine heat and love.


18. Eight-pointed star

The eight-pointed or Bethlehem star is a symbol of the birth of Christ. In different centuries, the number of rays changed, until finally it reached eight. It is also called the Mother of God Star.


19. Nine-pointed star

The symbol originated around the 5th century AD. The nine rays of the star symbolize the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.


20. Bread

The bread is a reference to the biblical episode when five thousand people were fed with five loaves. Bread is depicted in the form of ears (the sheaves symbolize the gathering of the apostles) or in the form of loaves for communion.


21. The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd is a symbolic image of Jesus. The source of this image is the Gospel parable, where Christ himself calls himself a shepherd. Christ is depicted as an ancient shepherd, sometimes carrying a lamb (lamb) on his shoulders.

This symbol is deeply penetrated and entrenched in Christianity, parishioners are often called the flock, and priests - shepherds.


22. Burning bush

In the Pentateuch, the Burning Bush is a thorny bush that burns, but does not burn. In his image God appeared to Moses, calling him to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. The burning bush is also a symbol of the Mother of God, who was touched by the Holy Spirit.


23. Leo

Leo is a symbol of vigilance and Resurrection, and one of the symbols of Christ. He is also a symbol of the Evangelist Mark, and is associated with the power and royal dignity of Christ.


24. Taurus

Taurus (bull or ox) is the symbol of the Evangelist Luke. Taurus means the sacrificial service of the Savior, his sacrifice on the Cross. Also, the ox is considered a symbol of all martyrs.


25. Angel

The angel symbolizes the human nature of Christ, his earthly incarnation. It is also a symbol of the Evangelist Matthew.