Ancient Divine Weapon: A Little Bit Of Mythology - Alternative View

Ancient Divine Weapon: A Little Bit Of Mythology - Alternative View
Ancient Divine Weapon: A Little Bit Of Mythology - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Divine Weapon: A Little Bit Of Mythology - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Divine Weapon: A Little Bit Of Mythology - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: DNA Reveals Human/Alien Hybrids (Season 7) | History 2024, October

In the past few years, scientific research has increasingly led to the conclusion that in ancient times, our planet was visited by representatives of highly advanced alien civilizations. According to researchers, ancient mosaics, cave drawings and many other images are nothing more than ships and other flying vehicles of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Science has also proven that many mysterious things have survived on Earth that have come from the past and that prove the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The science that deals with the study of weapons sent by the gods is called astravidya. Over the past century, the topic of divine weapons has been widely covered by scientists. Moreover, a certain classification of these weapons was even created. Despite the fact that some try to pass him off as legends and myths, there is evidence that the threat from him is real and very serious. However, in mythology there are also many references to weapons used by numerous gods.

One of the examples of divine weapons is the Black Sword. He has many analogues, in particular, Excalibur, Kusanagi, Narsil, Sword-kladenets, Eye of Rinn.

In many myths, information has been preserved about various kinds of swords, with which heroes and gods destroyed their enemies. There were so many swords that the names of all of them are almost impossible to remember. But the English science fiction writer Michael Moorcock put everything in its place, stating that all the heroes were actually the same Eternal Warrior, only in different guises, and all swords are his weapons in different incarnations. When the hero was incarnated in Elric, the Black Sword was known as the Stormcloak. The main feature of this blade was its ability to absorb alien souls, pre-hunting for them. At the same time, Elric could not do anything, and the sword was constantly feeding the hero's relatives and friends. At the same time, Elric himself increased in strength, who was by nature very frail. Elric took on the duty of carrying the cursed sword,but soon paid for it - the sword killed his cousin Simoril. Elric set out on a journey to get rid of the terrible weapon, but he failed, and ultimately the sword killed him.

Parallel to the existence of the sword as a weapon, there is an embodiment of the sword as a demonic entity (Hand of Kull, Eye of Rinn). The Black Sword, according to science fiction writers, is almost the basis of the Cosmic balance on which the Multiverse is held.

Among the mythological divine weapons, experts single out Areadbar, also known as the spear of Longinus, Gungnir, Ame-no-Nuhoko. Information about him is drawn from Irish mythology.

There are references to him in the Gospel of John. In particular, it is indicated here that this weapon (here it is called the spear of Destiny and the Spear of Christ) is one of the instruments of the Passion. This is the lance which the Roman soldier pierced the heart of Jesus Christ, who was crucified on the cross. This spear is considered one of the greatest relics in Christianity.

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As for mythology, there are a number of medieval legends that tell the prehistory of the spear before it ended up in the hands of Longinus.

At first, this weapon belonged to Aaron's grandson and the third high priest of Judea, Phinehas. He dug up this spear as a symbol of the magical powers of the blood of the Israelites as the chosen people.

As for the myths of Ireland, the main strategist during the war is a god named Lug. Such an honorable position was given to him for a reason: he is not only the sun god, but also the patron saint of crafts. Lug himself often entered the battlefield and possessed a significant arsenal (in mythology, the rainbow is considered a trace of his battle sling, and the Milky Way is called the chain of the Lug). But Lug's main weapon was his yew spear. It is recognized as one of the relics that were brought by the tribe of the gods Tuatta de Danaan from Gorias during the conquest of Ireland. This spear, according to myths, was obtained in Persia, from the king Pisir. This spear, the legends say, is poisoned, always strikes without a miss, and after a throw it always returns to the owner's hand.

With the same spear, Joshua rushed to Jericho. There are also mentions that it was this spear that Saul threw at David. Another owner of the spear was Herod the Great.

Then the spear arose in Antioch, and it was thanks to him that the knights of the First Crusade in 1098 defeated the atabek of Mosul.

Later, according to legends, the spear was owned by Constantine the Great, Theodoric I, King of the Goths, Emperor Justinian, Charlemagne. Later, it began to appear among the emperors of the Roman Empire, which makes it possible to assume that from some certain point we are talking about a real object or about several spears that were issued as one.

Currently, in many churches around the world, several relics are stored at once, which are called the Longinus spear or its fragment.

In the mythology of the Aztecs, you can find the name Shihuacoatl. This weapon is also called the sling of David, the sling of Lug or the mace of Sharur. According to myths, even before the birth of the god Huitzilopochtli, the evil sorceress Koyolshawki led a rebellion against his mother. Therefore, God made the only correct decision in this case - he was born immediately in battle armor. Having beheaded the sorceress with the help of the "spear thrower" Shihuacoatl, the god made the moon out of her head, and he himself vigilantly watched so that the end of the world did not come, because if the weapon did not receive new human sacrifices, the sun would last only 52 years in the sky.

It is noteworthy that this weapon existed in reality. It was a type of sling designed for throwing darts and spears, which began to be used in the late Paleolithic era. There were several types of spear throwers: wooden and rope. The former were widespread among the aborigines of Australia, as well as the inhabitants of North America and northeast Asia, among the Nivkh people on Sakhalin. The Eskimos, Aleuts, Chukchi, and also the Indians of the northwestern part of North America have similar weapons.

Rope spear throwers were used by the Irish, ancient Greeks, Scandinavians, some Polynesians and Indians, as well as northern peoples.

In Buddhism and Indian mythology, there are references to a weapon called the Vajra, which also has other names - the lightning bolt of Zeus, the mace of Hercules. This is a ritual and mythological weapon in Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism. According to legends, it was created from the bones of the sage Dadhichi by the artisan Tvashtar for Indra. Myths say that after Indra defeated the three-headed serpent, and arranged a real pogrom at the artisan, for which he was offended and in anger created the terrible demon-serpent Vritra. Indra hunted him for a long time, but still managed to win.

Vajra has great cultural and religious significance, its symbol spread throughout the world along with Hinduism and Buddhism. Mentions of this weapon can be found in Nepal, India, Bhutan, Tibet, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Korea, China, Japan, Mongolia and even Russia.

In Hinduism, the vajra is a powerful weapon that combines the properties of a mace, sword and spear. In Buddhism, this weapon is a symbol of fortitude and strength, as well as inviolability and eternity. In addition, the vajra symbolizes the masculine principle, therefore it is used in rituals along with the ghanta bell, a symbol of the feminine principle.

In Greco-Roman mythology, you can often find references to such a weapon as a trident. In another way, it is also called the trident of Shiva and the pitchfork of Satan.

This weapon actually existed. It consisted of a three-pronged arrowhead and a long shaft, and originated from the everyday peaceful tool used for fishing - the spear.

In ancient times, bones were used as the material for the trident. When the trident turned from a peaceful tool into a weapon, the hooks at the ends of the prongs disappeared. This weapon was not used in close combat, as it was ineffective. Most often it was used as a spear, and also with its help they seized weapons from enemies.

The trident was most widespread in the era of the Roman Empire among gladiators.

As for mythology, in Greco-Roman culture, the trident symbolized a lightning strike and was the weapon of the god Zeus or Jupiter. In addition, the trident was the most famous symbol of power and an attribute of the ancient Greek god Neptune (Poseidon). With its help, he calmed waves, and could cause a storm of any strength. On land, you can split the earth with a trident.

The trident is also a symbol of the ancient Minoan civilization.

In Christian culture, the trident is considered a symbol of the Trinity, but at the same time it is a satanic weapon: on many Catholic and Orthodox icons, devils torture sinners with the help of tridents.

In Buddhism, the trident is a symbol of the Buddha's Three Jewels. It is a symbol of the destruction of the three poisons: laziness, desire and anger.

In India, trishula (a weapon that looks very much like a trident) is the weapon of the god Shiva - creator, guardian, destroyer. He was depicted as a mark on the foreheads of Shiva's followers.

In addition, the trident is found in other cultures as well. So, in particular, according to legend, Paracelsus healed the sick with a trident. It was a personal sign of Genghis Khan and was minted on Batu coins.

In German-Scandinavian mythology, the name Mjolnir is found. This weapon is also called the hammer of Hephaestus and the ax of Perun. This is the hammer of the god Thor, which was forged with a very short handle. The weapon was so heavy that no one could lift it. And only Thor, putting on magic iron gauntlets, not only raised the hammer, but also hit the target. Mjolnir was such a powerful weapon that it could summon thunder and lightning.

According to myths, the hammer was forged by the dwarf dwarfs Sindri and Brock. They argued with Loki about who is the best master. Locke lost the argument and his mouth was sewn up. Mjellner was a universal weapon that lived its own life, it periodically flew away from Thor, then returned back, with its help it was possible not only to kill, but also to revive.

Mjolnir is the symbol of the god Thor. Replicas of the hammer were very popular among the inhabitants of Scandinavia, they were worn as amulets around the neck. In addition, weddings were consecrated to them, they were put under the bed for the newlyweds so that they would have many children.

In mythology, there are still many references to the most diverse weapons, and it will take a lot of time to name at least a small part of them. For the most part, however, they performed the same functions: they were not only weapons, but also magical symbols that were used for both physical and psychological intimidation.