If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part Two - Alternative View

If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part Two - Alternative View
If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: Freaky Clips That'll Have You Questioning Reality 2024, October

Start: If you look closely at the gods. Part one

Version two: the "flying saucer" belongs to someone else, but will transfer the pharaoh to Orion.

Maybe it's time to turn to the versions? But first, let's make sure that the "Pyramid Texts" is not the only and, perhaps, not the most striking proof of aliens staying on Earth. After all, one example is, of course, not yet an example. Like it or not, but the myths about the gods are like two drops of water on each other. They differ in details, but "heavenly ships" and "heavenly chariots" are not just a poetic image, mixed with ancient life, reflecting only the impression of the Sun's journey across the sky?.. Therefore, we will not reproduce any other myth (although there are amazing details, especially ancient Indian ones!) It is better to look directly into history.

The oldest written source, which contains descriptions of UFO sightings, is considered to be a papyrus discovered in the collection of Professor A. Tully, director of the Egyptian department of the Vatican Museum, which was written in the 15th century. BC, during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III.

The papyrus says the following: “In the twenty-second year, in the third month of winter at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the scribes of the House of Life saw a moving circle of fire in the sky … Its dimensions were a cubit in length and a cubit in width … They fell down and reported to Pharaoh, and he pondered over this event … After several days these objects in the sky became numerous and shone brighter than the sun … And Pharaoh, together with the army, looked at them. By evening, the fiery circles rose higher and moved towards the south … Volatile matter fell from the sky … This has not happened since the very foundation of the Earth … And Pharaoh burned incense to the gods and commanded to record the incident in the annals of the House of Life."

The city of Innu (Pillar) was called so for a reason. In the capital of Ancient Egypt (called Heliopolis by the Greeks), there really was a pillar - a stone column, on top of which a fetish - the sacred Benben - stood out.

By all indications remaining in the scraps of information about him, Benben was an iron meteorite. It had a pyramidal shape given to it. And all the pyramids, which still amaze tourists and excite the imagination of scientists, were crowned with a "pyramidion" - a stone that was given the shape of Benben.

What did Benben "know how"? This will either forever remain a mystery with seven seals, or it will be deciphered much later. Or maybe we will find out about this by looking into the secret chamber located under the right paw of the Sphinx?..

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It is a pity that the original face of this human animal has not been preserved. It might have been easier to identify the Olmec heads and Ancient Egypt. Negroids, carved out of American stone, carry strange helmets on their heads, so reminiscent of today's astronauts' helmets … The Sphinx's face was carved later, it is also visually smaller in proportion to the figure, which is why the Sphinx even makes a somewhat repulsive impression. Ugliness is ugliness everywhere, even if it manifests itself in an invented animal. Or maybe in this figure the emigrant gods captured their "jackal" - Anubis, satellite and "opener of the ways", there, on the planetary mother? Then, indeed, the universal evolution of life is amazing: is the feline family next to man on Sirius and Mars?..

XI millennium BC … Thanks to the precession of the Sun in the sign of Leo …

And the first Pharaoh-god, to whom the priests gave the name Sun (Ra). They will list their names for the planets of the solar system, encrypting them in the pantheon of Egyptian gods. There are nine of them. The sun (Ra), and around it - Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Set, Isis, Neftis, Thoth … Most likely, Osiris is Sirius. Is Isis the Earth?

If they really did not "exclude" their distant Sirius from the solar system, then there is one more planet missing - Pluto. Is it not God Ptah?

Maybe Seth is Mars? He remained warlike, this future limit of two centuries of dreams of earthly science fiction writers. Was the crash of the Sirian ship an echo of interplanetary conflict? Conflict between "brothers in mind"? Then it really was the most important task to quickly civilize and arm the natives in order to attract them to fight on their side. Is it not an echo of this great battle of extraterrestrials that we read in the Mahabharata?

Ra wore on his royal headdress an urey, a snake-snake made of gold. The royal staff, which later became as a symbol of royal power an obligatory attribute of all earthly kings (Ra was old and decrepit, he needed a staff in life), a golden ureus and a lock of his hair, according to one of the myths, he put it in a Golden Box before his death and ordered hide it in the very east of Egypt.

Shu inherited power from Ra. His reign was overshadowed by conspiracies and intrigues, the struggle for power or influence at court.

Geb, who took the throne from his father after his forced abdication, ordered to find and deliver him the Golden Box, hidden from all the dying Ra. Of course, Geb did not allow the relic to remain a symbol - he immediately opened the Golden Box and then … Yes, then almost according to "Indiana Jones": everyone who participated in this act was killed by "the breath of the divine snake", and Geb himself was only by a fluke, scorched and pitiful, remained to live.

The glorious sage Thoth, "who understands the secrets of everything that is hidden under the firmament," made sure that the treasury of knowledge brought by the gods to Earth did not disappear or turn to dust. It was he who hid precious scrolls in different parts of the planet Earth, in which the entire history of the Earth before the catastrophe is recorded and, presumably, the true story of the alien immigrants. So, most likely, there really is something under the paw of the Sphinx.

Osiris lived on the water, in a "hut of living snakes." His counterparts from America - Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha - left America "by water, on a raft of snakes." Apparently, they were "water" people. Snake lovers.

Is it really right to think that the myths converge because of the ancient ties between these two lands - Egypt and the American continent? Isn't it easier to assume that apart from the Golden Box, those and other gods had something and more that the earthlings did not have? Namely - a house, or a raft, or a vehicle in general …

However, when Quetzalcoatl arrived with his companions from across the sea, arrived in his ships, their "sides … shone like a snake's skin!"

But what was Quetzalcoatl doing in the Andes, where different tribes called him differently - Kon-Tiki, Tunupa, Tupaca, Illa …

“Working great miracles with his word, he came to the Kanas region, and there, near a village called Kacha … people rebelled against him and threatened to throw stones at him. They saw how he knelt down and raised his hands to heaven, as if calling for help in the trouble that befell him. According to the Indians, they then saw fire in the sky, which seemed to be everywhere around. Filled with fear, they approached the one whom they wanted to kill, and begged to forgive them … And then they saw that the fire was extinguished by his order; the fire scorched the stones so much that large pieces could easily be lifted by hand - as if they were from cork. And then, they said, he left the place where it all happened, went ashore and, holding his robes, headed straight into the waves. They never saw him again."

Well, the celestial affairs of Osiris, Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha are very similar to the behavior of UFOs. But what does the sea, water and snakes have to do with it? Quetzalcoatl is translated as the Feathered Serpent (even the appropriate name!).

Without making allowances for the rich imagination of our distant ancestors, we observe in the pantheon of deities of any of the peoples the echoes of visiting some powerful creatures who laid the foundations of creative activity and the level of civilization of the population of our planet. The Elohims, Prometheus, Osiris, Marduk, actively interfering in the life of the primitive people, giving them power over fire, teaching them writing and calendars, - about all the stories of contemporaries survived, which later took on an allegorical form.

The interpretation of the mysterious creations of ancient civilizations as echoes of their contacts with aliens was proposed long before our time by various authors, but Erich von Deniken made this idea popular. He argued that the ancient "gods" are nothing more than alien astronauts who have visited the Earth.

The huge drawings found in the Nazca desert in Peru are one of the world's greatest mysteries. This high, bare plateau is covered with images of birds, animals, spider, monkey, killer whale, triangles, spirals and over 13,000 absolutely straight lines. Some of them, forty kilometers long, pass without deviation through heavy, mountainous terrain. The mystery lies in the fact that only shallow depressions are visible from ground level, cut into the surface to reveal the yellow ground below. The Pan American Highway was built across the desert with no drawings at all.

Probably created between 400 BC e. and 660 AD, discovered from the air in 1927, they can only be seen from a bird's eye view. This led Erik von Deniken to argue that the Nazca lines should be the guiding signs for ancient spaceships.

Then who created them and why? One evening in 1940, Professor Paul Kozok of the University of Long Island saw the sun setting exactly along one of the lines, which apparently confirmed his theory of the astronomical purpose of the drawings. In 1946, German astronomer Maria Reiche joined his work on clearing the lines. When the professor died in 1959, she continued her studies and published the book "Secrets in the Desert." Reiche claims that the people of Nazca were farmers who needed to know when to sow and when to harvest. Some lines (as is the case with the European rows of megaliths) indicate the points of rise and set of individual stars and planets. Others do not have such functions. Assumptions (as in the case of the European "lei" lines and the Chinese "lang mi") that the lines represent latent flows of geomagnetic energy,remain unproven.

In 1976, Maria Reiche visited Britain in search of clues to the methods and systems of measurement used by ancient builders. She concluded that the Nazca builders used the "megalithic yard" (2.72 feet; 83 cm) used in Britain and France, albeit 1,500 years earlier. Reiche also concluded that the asuka builders had transferred the small-scale model project to the desert plateau piece by piece. Each piece was marked with wooden posts. Reiche claimed to have found the original parts. In addition, she noted that Nazca, while the most impressive, is not the only such area in South America.

As for the huge symbolic figures and images of animals, they have no obvious practical functions. However, they, as well as gold and ceramic objects found in vertical graves throughout the area, prove the artistic ability (and possibly religious-magical concern) of the builders. However, there are secrets here too. One drawing represents a camel, but Peru does not, and probably never did have a camel. This makes it possible to make an assumption (as a possible use of the megalithic yard) about the transfer of cultural knowledge in ancient times on a wider scale than modern orthodox concepts allow.

But if lines, invisible from ground level, were created as astronomical markers, then how were they used?

How the earth-bound ancient Peruvians could create such geometrically correct shapes has long been a matter of controversy.

According to one assumption, the inhabitants of Nazca created the very first hot air balloon, which allowed to rise to a height of several hundred feet. From there, it became possible to correct the work being done below. This is confirmed by the found fragment of pottery with an image resembling a hot air balloon, and the fact that the indigenous population of South America in pre-Columbian times skillfully made fabric suitable for building a balloon. In 1975, a hot air balloon was successfully tested in the Nazca Valley.

American businessman Jim Woodman theoretically suggested that Nazca residents used hot air balloons to view their work from above. In 1975 (like Thor Heyerdahl, who used only local materials that were applicable in antiquity), he built a balloon from woven fabric (its holes were filled with soot), a gondola (from reeds from Lake Titicaca) and took off.

Coal burning in an earthen pot served as a source of hot air for lifting.

This aircraft was designed from drawings found in the Nazca desert. Woodman's theory is a hotly debated subject, despite the apparent success of his experiment. He practically proved that the inhabitants of the Nazca region could fly hot air balloons, but that seems a bit tricky when it comes to determining when to plant and when to harvest.

Von Deniken dismissed the idea that the Nazca paintings could be expensive and noted their similarity to modern airfields. Von Deniken's suggestion that Nazca could have served as a landing site for a spacecraft is easy to refute. An alien spacecraft hardly needed long horizontal stripes for take-off and landing if the ships were able to take off and land vertically, just like flying saucers do. Also, some of the images are intersected by hills and folds of the terrain, which can be inconvenient for the placement of airfield services. The soil of the Nazca Valley is soft and mostly composed of sand, while a sufficiently hard surface is required to land a vehicle heavier than air. Finally, Nazca art can only be seen during daylight hours, making night landings difficult.

According to another explanation, the enigmatic Nazca figures served as part of an astronomical observatory. The drawing of the bird, nicknamed the Condor, is reminiscent of the ancient constellation Peacock seen in the Southern Hemisphere. According to this hypothesis, the drawings denoting the constellations were made in order to draw the attention of the gods in heaven to the existence and activities of people.

It is still impossible to draw definite conclusions about the goals and objectives of the drawings in the Nazca desert. The purpose of creating lines remains as mysterious as the purpose of creating shapes. Once again, however, the disagreement between the modern theory of the past (orthodox or not) and the signs of this past, revealed through its inexplicable remains, only increases.

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.