If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part One - Alternative View

If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part One - Alternative View
If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part One - Alternative View

Video: If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part One - Alternative View

Video: If You Look Closely At The Gods. Part One - Alternative View
Video: Lumity Is EVERYTHING & Philip Wittebane Breakdown! | The Owl House "Through the Looking Glass Ruins" 2024, October

The pantheon of ancient Egyptian deities is curious. Of the nine primordial gods, four were pharaohs, that is, mentors and leaders of the Egyptian people … And where did it start? As with all peoples - from the creation of the world.

Something called Nun filled the universe. Nun can be thought of as "nothing". A dry mountain grew out of this "nothing" (hence Nun is something watery?). On this mountain, the sun god Ra self-materialized. "There was only I, Atum (God appeared in the form of Atum), by itself … And there was no one to help me in my work …"

Atum is already going to work, that is, to work on the creation of all that exists. And from loneliness he gave birth to two children - Shu, the god of air and dryness, and Tefnut, the goddess of moisture. These two deities are depicted as lions and are considered Gemini. By the way, dryness and moisture are two of the four elements of which, according to Aristotle, all that exists. The other two are warm and cold.

From Shu and Tefnut came Geb and Nut - the god of the earth and the goddess of the sky. And these gods gave birth to two boys and two girls: Osiris and Set, Isis and Neptis (Neftis).

This whole pantheon - the beginning of all beginnings - originated in Heliopolis (the name later, Greek, - the city of the Sun), or the city of He (also later, biblical), or the city of Innu (and this name is ancient Egyptian and it means “pillar”). The "Northern Pillar", Innu, was considered the land of the Beginning, the First Time, and was always revered as sacred. Almost as sacred were the lands of Giza and southern Abydos. There, in the south, on the lands of the Upper Nile, their pantheons arose. And from Memphis came the god Thoth, who ruled “for 3226 years, the god of wisdom,” a ruler with the head of an ibis (sometimes a body too). He is the god of exact sciences. He gave the Egyptians astronomy, time reckoning, even the construction of a water clock! A very perfect calendar, only slightly corrected by us, was also invented by Thoth. And he is also the author of magic and the alphabet … With the Greek Prometheus,Who gave humanity, in addition to fire, the alphabet and crafts, Thoth has two sounds "t" in common, for Prometheus is a titanium. He or Titus …

Of the primary gods, the kings of Egypt were Ra, Shu, Geb and Osiris. He ruled after them. God Pta is also from the lands of Memphis. Amon - from the Upper Nile …

The predecessor of Thoth, the god-king Osiris, weaned the Egyptians from cannibalism and directed their energy to good deeds - taught the ancient people agriculture and winemaking, gave barley and grapes. Osiris is the king-irrigator: all the hydraulic structures of Egypt are his merit. He is an architect god. He laid cities and wrote laws for people, and also instilled in them a respectful attitude towards the gods. Here we seem to have even found the source of ancient theology: Osiris taught people that there are gods! Or: that there are gods!

Osiris' sister and wife Isis is a phenomenally popular goddess among the Egyptians. G. Hancock calls her "the laboratory goddess": any information on any branch of knowledge was concentrated in her head. "Isis was able to change the surrounding reality and violate the laws of physics" …

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Now let's go further. “His name is Sach (Orion!), His leg is long, his stride is wide…” This is from the Pyramid Texts. And this is about Osiris.

It also says: “Your sister Isis comes to you, rejoicing in her love for you. You put it on yourself, your outpouring enters into it, and it becomes heavy with a child like the star Sept (aka Sirius). Horus-Sept is born from you in the form of Horus dwelling in Sept."

Sept - aka the Star-Dog - is the oldest name for Sirius …

In the pyramid of Cheops, fundamental and steadily passed from generation to generation mythical constructions are encrypted. One "channel" "looks" at the Orion Belt, the second at Sirius …

There is an opportunity to greatly disappoint the reader, who is going to wait, finally, for something, well, very cosmic and extraterrestrial, but it turns out that these are just myths, albeit inconceivably ancient. But do not rush to be disappointed, everything is still ahead!

Indeed, having set themselves the task of keeping track of the stars (at least from having nothing to do), the Egyptian priests could be so successful in this matter that there was no equal to them among the population of the then Earth. Take the Mayan civilization. Their complex calendar, very, very reminiscent of the Egyptian, pyramid construction and the presence of a god very similar to Osiris, the mummification of the dead and much more could not motivate this people to great deeds, and their empire fell even before a miserable handful of conquistador fighters immediately conquered North and South America. Even before the arrival of Europeans, the Indians continued to pick their fields with a sharpened stick in order to throw maize grains into the ground.

Once the Mayan emperor Montezuma, wishing to boast to the Spaniards of the achievements of his people, decided to restore the wall, built by an unknown person and it is not clear when, of multifaceted blocks, fitted with amazing accuracy. A piece of rock was hollowed out in the mountains, loaded onto a complex cart, and twenty thousand Indians carried the stone to its destination … Alas, the block fell off at the pass and, rolling down, passed no more and no less - about three thousand would-be builders. Thus, for the first time in practice, it was proved that the majestic walls and temples, built without mortar by the "Indians", were not their doing. And the fact that the temples served for ritual needs, there is no proof - and it is not required.

However, the Egyptians, it seems, only used other people's "developments". The technology of building the pyramids was also a secret behind seven seals for them. This can now be seen with the naked eye. Even if we accept that the pyramid of Cheops was built by Cheops, and the pyramid of Unas by Unas, we come to a sad conclusion: only a very short time passes between the 4th and 5th dynasties, and the method of construction is so lost that now the pyramid of Unas is a heap of rubble, in which there is still an entrance to the inside to enter and familiarize oneself with the "Texts", but this too may be destroyed in a short time.

In Saqqara, where a sad pile of rubble, called the pyramid of Unas, rises, stands the first of the megalithic structures on Earth (as scientists believe) - the six-tier pyramid of Djoser. This is a step pyramid, supposedly built by the great architect Imhotep. He is called differently, but all these nicknames are extremely respectful: the Great Magician, Sage, Wizard, Doctor, Astronomer … He was also, they say, the high priest of Heliopolis. Imhotep was so famous and respected that he later became a Greek god.

Pharaoh Djoser - Pharaoh of the III dynasty, preceding Sneferu and Khufu (Cheops). And his pyramid is most likely the predecessor … of the famous Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque! True, it may turn out to be the other way around … But this does not fundamentally change matters. In either case, both of these pyramids are separated by a huge distance on land and also by the whole Atlantic Ocean.

Without belittling the achievements of ancient mankind, and we are ready to believe that the system of water use and agriculture developed in ancient Egypt to the smallest detail, an ingeniously compiled calendar, accurate time measurement, perfect writing, theology and cosmology developed to the smallest detail, maritime affairs (which by and large is so It was not useful to the Egyptians, although at the foot of the Great Pyramid gigantic boats rest), architecture and art, a harmonious state-religious system and much more were suffered by the Egyptians themselves. But still I want to ask a reasonable question: "And when was the run-up?" … It turns out that there was no development. Three or four dynasties?..

It can't be! After Unas ordered to write on the walls of the chamber of his pyramid "Texts of the Pyramids" not because his name was glorified there (by the way, it was not), but because the texts were so old and old that they required updating. Moreover, very few people could read them correctly, for the archaism of the previous language or writing was incomprehensible to the most educated contemporaries. Whether you like it or not, you have to admit that the deities really exist, and the fact that they were kings in Egypt is an indisputable fact. And the existence of Egypt, as a full-fledged state, is thus pushed back many, many centuries into the past …

But back to Osiris. At first, any pharaoh who came to power over Egypt was considered the plenipotentiary representative of Ra on Earth. This did not last long. Before establishing one of the myths about Osiris … Here it is in brief.

Osiris's grandfather, the supreme god Ra, was married to his own granddaughter Nut. Geb (son of Shu and brother of Nut) loved Nut. But this became known to Ra himself, and he … scolded his wife. Of course, the affair did not end with abuse: he also promised her that she would not be able to give birth on any day of any month of the year! The year then consisted of 360 days, minute by minute. However, Thoth also hit on Nut. It was he who played dice with the moon goddess and won five days from her. He added Ikhto to the year (the master of the calendar, as we remember). On the very first of these five fateful days (they were always considered damned in Egypt) Nut gave birth to a boy, and this was Osiris. The oracle has announced the birth of a creative god! The oracle was proclaimed not by the Delphic pythia, but by a certain voice (so it is said in the myth).

Sin Nut broke a beautifully painted calendar. The Sun now has 365 days, and the Moon - 355 … The Maya had a calendar similar to the Egyptian one. And there the last five days of the year were considered fatal and had to pass in the absence of any creative activity, but only in prayers and sacrifices to the gods …

Osiris was the husband of his sister Isis (there could not be any other women, except for two sisters - they simply did not exist in nature!). His (and her, too!) Brother Set, having lusted after Isis, killed Osiris. To do this, he carried out a conspiracy (72 conspirators appeared from somewhere in him). They killed Osiris, put him in a box and threw him into the waters of the Nile. The box sailed to the ancient city of Byblos and got stuck in the branches of a tamarisk. The local king cut down a tree, because he really liked the tamarisk (it turns out there were other earthlings! - it becomes incomprehensible why the same Osiris or Seth should not marry another woman in order to avoid incest?), And supported the arch of his palace with this tree … (There were, therefore, both palaces and huts, that is, lords and slaves (servants).

Isis, worried about her husband's fate, sets off in search of Osiris. Jackals, dogs (a whole flock of dogs) help her in this. She finds a body and, having mourned, betrays the ashes of her beloved husband to the ground. But the frantic Seth removes the body of Osiris from the tomb and, chopping into pieces, scatters them throughout Egypt.

Having found the body of Osiris, every last piece, Isis connects it, and the great martyr Osiris ascends to the stars, turning into the constellation Orion. The faithful dog also becomes a star - Sirius.

Osiris' son Horus avenges his father. He kills Seth (uncle). Osiris himself helps him in this in the form of a wolf (descending from heaven). Horus becomes the ruler of Egypt …

From that moment on, every pharaoh who took the throne became the embodiment of Horus (the son of Osiris), and after his death he turned into Osiris himself, ascending to the constellation Orion. There is a version that the pyramids, which began to be built from the III historical dynasty (from Djoser), were supposed to help the deceased king ascend to heaven: first by steps (Djoser's pyramid), and then in a more perfect way (probably along a smooth edge).

It should not be surprising that Osiris was married to his own sister. In Egypt, by the way, the law was preserved until the end, according to which only one who was married to the queen (or princess) could become a pharaoh, unless, of course, power came not by arbitrary rule (murder, intrigue, coup). Which of the children of Pharaoh (male) will voluntarily miss the opportunity to receive the throne after their father? So they married sisters and mothers. Yes, marriages between close relatives in ancient Egypt were not uncommon. A brother married a sister … This did not at all mean that the marriage was incestuous: probably, the harmfulness of such intercourse in the end affected the offspring even then, and therefore, the pharaohs could guess that this law should be left only formal, and calmly lived for themselves and gave birth healthy children from other wives. Probably the same as their sister-wives,gave birth from concubines … But the dynasty did not lose power.

All this is probably true. But where are the origins of this strange "animal" law? Wouldn't it be possible to think of something else?..

Imagine a spaceship on a mission to one of the distant planets. Perhaps earthlings will someday realize this dream of science fiction writers (especially for some reason Soviet ones). Of course, the crew will be formed taking into account psychological, professional and other compatibility, including and even primarily sexual.

Let's imagine that this ship has reached its goal. Planet X is inhabited by aborigines of the humanoid type, who are at the stage of … well, let's say, cannibalism and at times - hunting for elephants.

What is the mission of the expedition? Probably, in addition to cognitive goals, it has others - educational, civilizing, humanistic … Although, of course, on our mother earth we were convinced of how dangerous it is to interfere in the affairs of peoples living by themselves, but to wean them from eating each other - God himself commanded this to us, as they say! Let's start learning … And they (aborigines, autochthons) - believed us! They happily choose one of us (of course, the tallest and strongest - not necessarily the smartest) as their local (maybe even planetary) leader, king, or pharaoh.

What's next? They bring and give him, the king, the most beautiful girl - as a wife and a queen. But, firstly, everything in the crew has long been scheduled, and the "flight attendant" is already both the wife and the mother of his children (the king). And the local girl, excuse me, with three eyes, sour hair, and by our standards, she is also crooked. What is the newly made king doing? He certainly thanks the local population for their attention and … Where does his whole civilizing essence go: he announces to the aborigines that he, the king (and god), cannot marry a simple, albeit extremely pretty, girl. He, God, is supposed to marry a goddess. And presents the inhabitants of the planet X with their queen. How would he explain differently? You can't go anywhere, I had to call myself a god.

We, Europeans, out of habit cannot distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese, and a Tajik from an Uzbek. All those hairy aborigines will seem to us to look the same … But we, too, to them!.. A stable and indestructible legend will appear on Planet X that the gods (read: kings) will marry their sisters. And this is very soon recorded in the code of laws of the reigning house.

The commander of the ship (probably, after all, first of all, he will be the local king) looks like the father of his crew. After all, he orders, prohibits and permits, encourages and punishes any of the ship's crew (unwritten sea and space law), and yet they are gods! What can we say about mere mortals?..

So much for Father God. Atum. The rest of the scenario, we believe, is quite visible.

For various reasons (thousands of years pass, even a long-lived commander grows decrepit and aging), their leaders are nominated from the crew. Again, usually not the most intelligent. On the contrary, most likely, it will be someone "aboriginal", the fastest to adapt to the new environment. By inheritance or intrigue, he takes the place of the old king and reigns at his pleasure. Perhaps he has already begun to give a damn about the civilizing mission: who knows how and which of us will behave away from home, and even after decades?.. The struggle for the throne, murders, provocations, intrigues are inevitable.

Now it remains to substitute for the crew members and its commander - the Egyptian gods: Ra, Shu, Geb, Osiris, Horus … Nut, Tefnut, Isis, Neftis … God Thoth - local, or rather, almost local - who arrived with a previous expedition, which the aborigines did not they believed and which they ate very quickly, leaving only Thoth, who seemed to them quite tolerable … Or who proved his "divinity" by shooting from a blaster … Osiris, according to legend, was also angry with the king of Thrace, who did not want to accept his laws, and executed him! But he remained in the memory of posterity almost the most humane pharaoh …

Here is a scheme according to which aliens very easily and quickly infiltrate the local population and necessarily occupy dominant positions, that is, they take not only the minds and souls of the aborigines, but also the power itself (without this, there is no way: it floats into hands). After all, Osiris (well, why should he, one wonders!) Traveled both in Arabia and in India, sowing "reasonable, good, eternal" … It was on one of these journeys that he, when drawing up the New Thracian laws, did not get along with the king of Thrace (probably persisting in their good old cannibalistic addictions).

The behavior of other gods is completely identical - Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha (America), Ouana (Assyria), Zeus, Oannes (Greece), Juana di (China), etc.

Of course, the scheme is presented very simplified, in some places even too much, but one thing is certain: its backbone should be just that, the psychology of implementation - very close to that described.

And of course, we allowed ourselves to dream up. In fact … And what in reality? What if it was all like that?..

Let's try to check.

The jackal god, the dog god Anubis, accompanied the pharaoh to the kingdom of the dead. Pharaoh Osiris - to the constellation Orion. On the soles of the Golden Coffin, found by Theodore Davis during the excavation of the "tomb of Queen Teia" in the Valley of the Kings (Karnak) in 1907, the words of Isis addressed to Osiris were carved … not Queen Teie, but the king. But Davis continued to persist in his delusion. Even in the thirties, he still adhered to his original version, although several examinations have already proven: the backbone belonged to a young man of 20-25 years old …

Another thing is important for us - a tradition that is steadily fulfilled at the burials of the pharaohs: he is Osiris, and the inconsolably sobbing widow is Isis. This is from the “Texts of the Pyramids”, which in no way changed and were faithfully repeated with each departure of the ruler.

Let us read these texts. But first of all, a few words commenting on the discovery of the texts and their literal translation.

Gaston Maspero is an outstanding Egyptologist, one word of which could make all specialists think on a particular issue the way he did. Gaston Maspero is a researcher who was lucky for the first time to discover a pyramid with real, unlike Weiss, texts that open the eyes to many mysteries of Egyptology.

Maspero organized an expedition to the Unas pyramid, but could not find the entrance to it. And then one morning one of the workers woke up from someone's attentive gaze. Looking around, he found … a jackal!

This was surprising in itself: there are very few jackals in Sakkara, if not to say that they are not there at all. But the jackal behaved strangely - he slowly went to the pyramid of Unas. The worker followed the animal. He slowly rounded the corner of the pyramid and, as if inviting to follow him, dived into a hole at the foot of the structure.

Having widened the hole, the man went into the dungeon - either intrigued, or in order to catch the jackal, or confident that Anubis himself was in front of him …

He did not find any jackal in the narrow passage. He seemed to fall through the ground. However, the eternal "discoverer of the ways" showed the way to the whole science called "Egyptology": very soon the researcher found himself in a rather spacious chamber, covered with hieroglyphs on the walls.

On the same day and in the same way, Gaston Maspero himself entered the cell … It was February 28, 1881.

The Pyramid Texts appeared in print in the eighties of the last century, translated by Maspero himself. His translations were not particularly successful. R. O. Faulkner's translation is considered the best. Nevertheless, a significant part of the texts cannot be translated or can be translated only very approximately. What's the matter?

“… Every time I immersed myself in these, as the Egyptologists put it, 'ancient spells',” writes Graham Hancock, “I was struck by strange glimpses of a working intellect, breaking through layers of misunderstanding, saying that it shouldn't have known, and expressing thoughts that he would never have to formulate … The feeling of anachronism - advanced technological processes are used and described in such a period of human history when, as it was believed, there was no technology …"

That is, G. Hancock seems to warn you and me: here, in these texts, inconsistencies between form and content are inevitable. And the inconsistencies are so strong that at times the text can seem like crazy raving. If we had not guessed what exactly we are looking for in them …

And here is the text itself. Here is what concerns the "transport" on which the deceased Pharaoh will ascend to his ultimate goal:

“The gods in the sky have come to you, the gods on earth are going to you, they put their hands under you, they make a ladder for you so that you can ascend to heaven, the doors of heaven are open before you, the doors of the starry firmament wide open for you."

The staircase, Hancock writes, did not rise from earth to heaven, but on the contrary, the gods lowered it from heaven to earth.

The ladder was rope and descended from an iron plate that hung in the sky. "Plates?" - G. Hancock asks directly.

"The king is a flame moving ahead of the wind to the end of the sky and to the end of the earth … The king travels through the air and crosses the earth … he is brought a way to ascend to heaven …"

And here is the text in the form of a dialogue, even more transparent (it is not clear what was so untranslatable in it?):

"Oh you, whose vision is in his face and whose vision is in the back of his head, bring me this!" (Someone all-seeing! Two-faced Janus.)

"What ferry should I bring you?"

"Bring me that which flies and shines."

And these are the words uttered by the Pharaoh himself:

“I am the one who escaped the coiled serpent by ascending in a torrent of flame that turned me. Two heavens are coming to me."

Or here's another dialogue:

"With the help of what can the king fly?"

“You need to bring you a (untranslatable) ship and (omitted) (untranslatable) bird. With this you will take off … You will take off and fall …"

The following (taken from various places in the text):

“O my father, great King, the opening of the heavenly window is open for you. The heavenly door on the horizon opens for you, the gods are glad to meet you … Sit on your iron throne, like the Great One in Heliopolis. O King, you can ascend … The sky revolves around you, the earth shakes under you, the imperishable stars fear you. Oh you, whose places are hidden, I came to you to embrace you in heaven …

The earth says: the gates of the earthly god are open, the doors of Heb are open for you … Take yourself to heaven on your iron throne.

O my father King, this is your divine path, your journey as a heavenly being … You are in secret communion with the horizon … and you sit on your throne of iron, which the gods admire …"

Thanks to Graham Hancock for using the passages he selected. They illustrate not "dark places" in the most voluminous way, but precisely the complete clarity on the issue of interest to us.

When reading the above passages, hardly anyone will have even the smallest grain of doubt that they are talking about UFOs, although, of course, this is said in words expressing ancient concepts.

So, version one: the pharaoh assumes that he will be transferred to Orion with the help of a "flying saucer", which, of course, does not belong to him. "Your throne" (no more than a figure of speech!) - most likely, either the inhabitants of the constellation Orion, or Sirius.

Continuation: If you look closely at the gods. Part two