Who Is King Peas? - Alternative View

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Who Is King Peas? - Alternative View
Who Is King Peas? - Alternative View

Let's try to figure out who the king of peas is and "what they eat him with."

The colorful expression "under King Peas" has been intriguing scientists for more than one century. And there is also a "jester of peas", "like peas against a wall" and a mini-tragedy in two acts "A woman sowed peas."

All versions of the origin of this expression can be divided into two groups.

1. Everything is complicated

The Tsar Pea has a real historical prototype.

For example, the king of the Ostrogoths Germanarich, who also ruled the Slavic tribes. The Slavs changed his inconvenient name into "peas".

"Tsar Peas" is associated with the cult of Perun.

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The famous researcher of the 19th century. Afanasyev argued that there is a connection between the words "roar" and "peas". Which, however, later scholars refute.

King Peas is a remake of some common expression that has become obscure over time.

For example, the expressions "in Tsargorod", that is, in Constantinople. Over time, this expression turned into "under the king of the Peas."

It's simple

Peas have long been the basis of the Slavic diet. Many dishes were prepared from peas, from soup and porridge to jelly. They put naughty children on the peas.

Peas were everywhere. So they called him king. By analogy with the slogan “Corn is the queen of the fields”.

By the way, folk fantasy crowned not only peas. When a tired mother did not want to tell her child a fairy tale, she said:

In any case, the word "pea" really blows with antiquity.

Let us recall the mysterious "goroukhshcha", the oldest Cyrillic inscription found in the burial mound: either mustard, or oil, or the name …

* Goroukhshcha *, a word scrawled on an earthen vessel of the 10th century
* Goroukhshcha *, a word scrawled on an earthen vessel of the 10th century

* Goroukhshcha *, a word scrawled on an earthen vessel of the 10th century.