Extinction Of Honey Bees - The Apocalypse Is Closer Than Ever Before - Alternative View

Extinction Of Honey Bees - The Apocalypse Is Closer Than Ever Before - Alternative View
Extinction Of Honey Bees - The Apocalypse Is Closer Than Ever Before - Alternative View

Video: Extinction Of Honey Bees - The Apocalypse Is Closer Than Ever Before - Alternative View

Video: Extinction Of Honey Bees - The Apocalypse Is Closer Than Ever Before - Alternative View
Video: Could the extinction of bees be the end for humanity? | 60 Minutes Australia 2024, September

The great scientist Einstein once argued that when bees disappear on Earth, it will be the end of the world. This disappointing prediction has touched our time: many scientists around the world are now alarmed that bees are indeed disappearing!


Among the causes of the pestilence of bees are called - the multiscale use of pesticides (and hence the deterioration of the environment), climate change, the impact on insects of mobile phones, as well as parasites that weaken their colonies. Here are some of the consequences. According to the USDA, bee losses in America are 50-80 percent!


There is an opinion of American scientists, there is a definite connection between inappropriate nutrition of bees and the effect of pesticides. These factors are quite stressful for the colonies, which, as a result, become prey for parasites, bacteria, viruses. The University of Pennsylvania, in particular, released its results of scientific observations of bees, which indicated that six, if not many more, varieties of pesticides were identified in honey, wax and dead bees.

Meanwhile, some scientists from Europe believe that the reason for the death of bees is the newly discovered varroa destroyer mite, which came from Asia to Europe.


The pesticides used to treat the fields against weeds do not kill the bees, but make them vulnerable to mites. Well, scientists from Germany have a lot of evidence that radio signals from cellular networks affect the death of bees. They disrupt the orientation system of the bees, and they cannot find their way home to the hive and die.

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In the countries where the largest decline in bees was recorded (USA, Canada, China, Australia, some European countries), genetically modified plants are massively grown. Of course, bees do not pass them. At the same time, the source of their genetic infection is not only pollen and nectar of GM plants, but also feeding from sugar produced from GM beets. When young bees consume GMOs, in adulthood, they experience the destruction of internal organs and a decrease in immunity.


The world changes - the bee changes and disappears. Now it is generally known: in comparison with the USA, the situation with bees in Great Britain is still better: in recent years the population of bees here has decreased by about a third. And the threat of complete extinction of the honey bee in this country is predicted in the next decade.


Dead bees are not buzzing … Their mass death, as ecologists of a number of countries are already sounding the alarm, can lead to the disappearance of many plants, including agricultural crops. After all, almost 80% of them are pollinated by honey bees. Therefore, great problems await humanity. Although attempts are being made to somehow get out of this situation. Let's say, “breeding ideas” are in the air. So, some scientists propose to breed a new type of bees that are resistant to any diseases by crossing ordinary honey bees with aggressive Africanized bees that have strong immunity.


Scientists, meanwhile, paint such a picture of saving the planet in the event of the disappearance of bees, people massively go to fields, meadows and carry out artificial pollination of plants. But where the bee flew, a person cannot reach. For everyone has their own destiny. While there is time to stop the Great Chaos and Human Madness in relation to ecology. Already bees, as we see, give an alarming “SOS!” About this.