The New Energy Of The Rockefellers - Alternative View

The New Energy Of The Rockefellers - Alternative View
The New Energy Of The Rockefellers - Alternative View

Video: The New Energy Of The Rockefellers - Alternative View

Video: The New Energy Of The Rockefellers - Alternative View
Video: Who Are The Rockefellers & How Much Power Do They Have? 2024, September

At the end of the century, an event took place that marked the onset of the oil era - a brilliant and enterprising young man, John Davison Rockefeller, was the first to foresee a boom in hydrocarbon natural resources. It was this person who invested heavily in the development of the oil industry in the United States, and he made the right decision. He became the first dollar billionaire in history. It is his family that owns more than 90 percent of all US oil reserves. His fortune increased dramatically when the car became not a luxury, but a means of transportation. However, this could not last forever, because oil is a finite natural resource. The Rockefellers recently announced that they are leaving the oil industry. This undoubtedly caused a sensation. But bad luck, these people are indigenous entrepreneurs and real businessmen, they will never do what will bring them losses. This means only one thing - the oil era is coming to an end, humanity has depleted oil reserves and incredibly worsened the ecological situation on the planet.

The news of the Rockefellers leaving the oil industry shook not only businessmen, but also the scientific sphere. Oil reserves are running out and there is a need to look for sources of alternative energy. No, this is not wind energy or geothermal energy, it is definitely not solar energy. From the sources of alternative energy that have become familiar to us, nothing will do. This is a business and this industry is already occupied by other competitors. So the Rockefellers have been researching for many years and have found such a source of energy that will give them not only incredible profits, but also likely allow them to take over the world. An almost inexhaustible source of energy in the hands of a family of dollar billionaires, which will first be imposed on all US allies, and then on other countries. By introducing their energy everywhere, the Rockefellers will control the tariffs, and therefore the whole world. Russia will have a very, very bad time, because our economy is directly dependent on the export of hydrocarbons.

Does this mean that the Rockefellers decided not only to leave the industry, but also to remove all competitors from it, including Russia? After all, a new source of energy is still unknown to anyone except the Rockefellers. But you need to look deeper. Such people do not care about the well-being of countries. They only care about their own power and profits. These people want not only to remove Russia, but the whole world. What source of energy did they discover? Many scientists and analysts are trying to answer this question.

Some minds argue that the Rockefellers finance the ITER project and after its launch, the Rockefeller family will own the controlling stake. Moreover, in this case, the family of oligarchs is on a par with entire states. Fusion will give us virtually endless energy. One ITER can power the whole continent, or even several. After the successful commissioning of the first installation, there will inevitably be many orders for the construction of the same installations in all large countries, because one such installation can power all cities and villages of Russia for about 700 years!

If this is actually the case, then the era of corporatocracy is coming. The power of the Rockefeller family and their company will be greater than the power of states. Rockefellers, being interested in competition, will make sure that optimal conditions for the emergence of mega corporations appear around the world. But this by no means means that wars and economic difficulties will disappear without states. Business is war. This is the motto that supporters of corporatocracy live under.

Other researchers believe that the Rockefeller family wants to extract resources outside our planet. Indeed, several private organizations have long appeared in the United States, which are funded from the Rockefeller Foundation and conduct geological exploration on other planets and in deep space, and the enterprising guys from Google have already developed the final project for extracting resources from asteroids. And yes, this project is also funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Extraction of helium 3 on the Moon and development of rock on Mars, all of which could already be realized by 2050.

The most pessimistic analysts seriously believe that the era of online existence is coming. The environmental situation is deteriorating and, according to forecasts, within a century, the Earth may become life-threatening. According to such analysts, all of humanity will leave the surface of the earth and move to the virtual universe until the Earth is cleansed of pollution. All would be fine, but in their theory there is also a place for Rockefeller.

The point is, it takes an astronomical amount of energy to maintain such an incredible network. At the moment, it is almost impossible to extract such an amount of energy. But the Rockefeller Foundation is funding research that studies the possibility of extracting electricity directly from human bodies. In this case, events similar to the events of the movie "The Matrix" may well become our reality. And only the Rockefeller family will rule the new world. Moreover, it is precisely to manage, and not to live in it. Financial elites will create their own personal paradise in the real world, because nothing else will hold them back. According to the same people, a scenario is likely in which the world will disappear as a result of an exchange of nuclear strikes. Even this scenario is not discounted by the Rockefeller family and is funding the development of reliable shelters,which could accommodate the entire elite and a few working masses for many millennia. When the Earth is cleansed, the descendants of the Rockefellers will also rule the world.

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Today we are seeing unique changes. Humanity is approaching the era of corporatocracy, the emergence of new sources of alternative energy and the end of the oil era. Moreover, the main power is likely to be concentrated in the hands of the Rockefeller family. But what should ordinary people do? We can only fill ourselves up and believe in the best.