Federal Reserve - Alternative View

Federal Reserve - Alternative View
Federal Reserve - Alternative View

Video: Federal Reserve - Alternative View

Video: Federal Reserve - Alternative View
Video: The Federal Reserve Has Lost Control – Watch Out! 2024, September

The Federal Reserve is a private bank that prints and sells the United States, their national currency. This amazing bank, before which a powerful country like the United States of America is kneeling, is owned by members of the richest families, and the chairman of the Federal Reserve is Alan Greenspan, who, in turn, is also a member of the most influential secret society Trilateral Commission. When this person makes a statement, the entire economic world trembles and immediately rushes to follow his recommendations.

The act that created the Federal Reserve was passed by Congress through the efforts of Senator Nelson Aldridge. The latter was the maternal grandfather of David Rockefeller. The creation of the Federal Reserve put a big cross on the economic freedom of the United States. From now on, this freedom is in the hands of the twenty richest families. Nothing has changed by now. The shares in the Federal Reserve, each of which generates an annual income of about $ 150 billion, still belong to the descendants of these same families. Many are trying to understand how such a situation could arise? Where does a small group of people get such power? This becomes understandable when you look at it from the point of view of the strategic plans of the world elite, and also considering that all these people belong to a secret society known as the Illuminati. It is no secret that the strategic goal of the Illuminati is to build a New World Order around the world, and not only in the United States, which is only a launching pad, a springboard from which a large-scale offensive is launched in all directions.

The official website of the Federal Reserve humbly states: "The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, was founded by Congress in 1913 to provide the people with a safer, more flexible and stable monetary and financial system." What can I say, the task was accomplished perfectly - the US debt is measured in many trillions of dollars.

Today the Federal Reserve faces the following challenges:

1) implementation of the national monetary policy, 2) management of banking institutions, as well as protection of consumer rights to obtain a loan, 3) maintaining the stability of the financial system;

4) providing certain financial services to the US government, financial institutions and foreign official organizations.

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The Federal Reserve, Income Tax (16th Amendment to the Constitution) and US involvement in World War I became reality thanks to the efforts of a small group of people almost identical to the Jekyll Island Group.

Only two presidents of the United States have tried to oppose them in favor of a free economy: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Their fate is known - both were killed for the edification of the disobedient: Lincoln in 1865 in Washington, Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, in 1963.