Sumerians And Aliens - Alternative View

Sumerians And Aliens - Alternative View
Sumerians And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Sumerians And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Sumerians And Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Sumerian Tablets' Mystic Ancient Messages (Season 9) | History 2024, September

It is interesting that this is not a tale and is completely weighty proof, in the texts of the ancient Sumerians, there is evidence that this people had contact with aliens,

who flew to Earth in the second half of the 4th millennium BC from the planet Niburu. According to the descriptions, this planet has a highly elongated orbit, and every 3600 years it passes within the solar system. In the near future, it will be clear whether this mysterious planet really exists, since according to calculations it should appear soon.

Archaeologists and linguists in the second half of the 20th century made discoveries that make it possible to revise the history of the Earth and ancient civilizations. After studying several thousand texts and astronomical observations of the ancient Sumerian state, scientists managed to obtain sensational information about the intervention of extraterrestrial civilization in the development of mankind and the impact on the evolution and culture of primitive peoples.


According to ancient Sumerian texts, the messengers of another civilization came from a planet that rotates in its star system in a very elongated orbit, and passes close to the solar system every 3600 years. The culture and scientific knowledge of aliens have influenced humanity for several hundred thousand years. And it is thanks to them that humanity owes its appearance on Earth. Much credit belongs to Zachary Sitchin - a specialist in the study of the ancient texts of the Sumerian civilization, Babylon and the Civilization of ancient Egypt, who for 30 years studied and summarized all this sensational information. The Sumerian and Akkadian texts tell of how the gods flew from heaven in their chariots of fire, and could fly anywhere on earth in a short time, and could fly to the stars. They sometimes took with them a select few among people and showed them our Earth from above from space, and sometimes even took them to their home planet. There is a description of how a god in a golden helmet on a "black bird" appeared to the Sumerian ruler Gudea and gave the order to start building a structure for her. After the completion of construction, other gods guarded the building so that mere mortals would not fall under the stream of fire during takeoff and landing of this bird.


The Sumerians called "black birds" - MU. The ruler of the Sumerian city of Palash made the following record: "MU, they flew into the sky like lightning, and like a huge fire went into the sky." The images on the Sumerian and Hittite tablets show how objects, similar to modern space rockets, stand on launch platforms, and are also depicted in flight against the background of the stars. These drawings were even on the seals of the rulers of Crete. During excavations of ancient Canaan, near Jerusalem, they found a tablet with a picture of a large rocket, next to which symbols of the moon and some constellations are depicted.

In one special temple of Ancient Egypt, they worshiped an object in the form of a pyramid, which was called "ben-ben". According to legends, the gods flew on it - the Anunnaki, who were the gods of the lower caste. And the Anunnaki were led by the Nephilim. They gave them orders on Earth, how and where to build sites for their spaceships. The ancient peoples of Babylon and Akkad called the ships of the Nephilim NARU, which means “chariots emitting lightning”. According to the Sumerian texts, the ruler of the city of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was only a third man, and two-thirds a god. One day Gilgamesh went on a journey in a "chariot of fire" to the planet of the Nephilim, but when the ship rose high into the sky, and he saw from space how the big sea turned into a small puddle, fear seized him, and he began to beg the Anunnaki to bring him back back to earth,which was done.

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Also, during the excavations, tablets were found showing space rockets in the mines. At the top of the rocket is a sphere docked to a cone. The rocket is shown in section, where it is clearly visible that it has a double hull (outer and inner). There are ring bulkheads between the buildings. There are passageways between the compartments of the ship. Figures in one of the compartments in the head part, holding levers in their hands. There is still plenty of evidence that the gods who settled in Sumeria have spaceships. Images on Sumerian clay tablets and explanatory pictograms describe the ships of the gods well. Judging by the Sumerian astronomical tablets, it can be assumed that 4400 BC there were 11 planets in the solar system. Another planet is also depicted next to it - Nibiru - the homeland of the Nephilim and Anunnaki.


The cosmic gods passed on to the ancient Sumerians incredible knowledge about space, about the Earth, about the solar system, as well as about the most important planet - Nibiru - their homeland. The deciphered letters indicate that the gods ruled for 120 balls. One ball equals one revolution of Nibiru around its star. Thus, aliens appeared on our planet 432 thousand years ago. Having arrived on Earth about 100 thousand years ago, the aliens began to conduct a genetic experiment with primitive people. And a new species was obtained, distinguished by the ability for intelligent activity, which was further controlled and directed along the path of evolutionary development. And somewhere around 4000 years old, our civilization began to develop rapidly. The aliens chose rulers from among the most developed and intelligent people, who in turn deified them.

The Sumerian astronomical term OAK corresponds to a circle of 360 degrees. University of Pennsylvania professor H. Hilprecht discovered that the Sumerians were aware of the great cosmic cycle with a period of 25,920 solar years. In ancient texts, the Sumerians describe how the asteroid belt appeared between Mars and Jupiter. There was a planet that the Sumerians called Tiomat, which was larger than Mars. But 174 thousand great cycles ago the planet Nibiru crossed the orbit of the planet Tiomat and then the Nephilim destroyed it in order to avoid a collision.

Are UFO sightings in our time connected by many eyewitnesses on our planet with aliens from the planet Nibiru, which, according to the texts of the ancient Sumerians, should have already appeared near our solar system? Are not their ships observed by Earthlings in space in the atmosphere of the earth and underwater? Maybe they are very surprised at the development of our civilization during their absence. And soon unidentified flying objects will cease to be unidentified.
