Apocalypse - Eternal Fear Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Apocalypse - Eternal Fear Of Life And Death - Alternative View
Apocalypse - Eternal Fear Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Video: Apocalypse - Eternal Fear Of Life And Death - Alternative View

Video: Apocalypse - Eternal Fear Of Life And Death - Alternative View
Video: Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex 2024, July

I shouldn't be afraid.

Fear kills the mind.

Fear is a small death.

He is able to destroy everything.

I face my fear.

Let it pass over me.

Let it pass through me.

When it passes

Promotional video:

I will turn around and trace his path

with an inner eye.

Where there was fear

there will be nothing.

I'm the only one left.


From the book "Dune" by Frank Herbert

Humanity, despite the intensive development of science and technology, has not yet come to a unified theory of its origin. Our ancestors did not have scientific knowledge about the environment, did not understand the nature of phenomena, and in order to calm them down they invented faith - various deities that help a person overcome the fear of the mysteries of life and the fear of death. The largest religions were originally aimed at uniting mankind, and only led to "holy" wars and the disunity of world society on a religious basis. The Inquisition significantly slowed down progress, destroying all competitors in the face of the enlightened people. Darwin's theory at one time caused a violent negative reaction from the church and believers, which was a kind of denial of the entire animal in man, and as a result, drew a clear line: man is not an animal, not a part of nature.

The most common theories of the origin of humanity:

1) Creation of the world by god or gods (pagan, Christian, Muslim, Jewish …).

2) Darwin's theory.

3) Population of the Earth by aliens from space.

It seems that until there is a unified theory of origin, there will not be a unified scheme of the Apocalypse.

The presence of the fear of death has finally separated humanity from the entire animal world and from nature, in which all processes, including life and death, occur naturally. Moreover, man, not wanting to die and be forgotten, wanted to die along with all of humanity. Purely human selfish desire - there is no me, so let there be no life on earth. Let cockroaches, crows and rats survive. In case someone, not me, survives, let that someone become mutants, zombies or the "guinea pig" of sinister aliens.

Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, droughts, climate change, epidemics - all these natural disasters are natural phenomena. All of them happened before, and will happen in the future, regardless of our desire. Studying the nature of natural phenomena with the help of the latest research in science and new technologies, humanity can only predict their occurrence and deal with the consequences. Sometimes human activity is the direct cause of changes in nature.

The “problem” of the holistic perception of natural phenomena is that human life is short. A person accumulates information and forms his worldview on the basis of subjective experience during a short, compared to eternity, segment of life and fragmentary knowledge about everything and the absence of specific knowledge about the nature of things and events. Studying special literature, rather than reading articles from the Internet and watching documentaries, is an activity that only specialists can do. And where there is no real knowledge, fantasy begins to work hard. The mass media, cinema, the world wide web cover a wide range of phobias in such a way that the one who keeps the programmed predisposition to this phobia participates in a certain event. Very often under the influence of fantasy and phobias,inspired by the media, literature and cinematography, a myth is first invented, and only then begins to "fit" or "fry" facts that would firmly "support" this myth. For example, in connection with the constant threat of terrorist attacks, first in the United States and then in many other countries, the idea of establishing a radio frequency identification chip is being popularized. It is argued that installing a chip will help a person feel safe under the vigilant control of the state. And those who create and popularize such ideas are sure that people themselves will express their desire for universal introduction of the chip. And the one who does not express such a desire will become a person outside society, an outcast.who would strongly "support" this myth. For example, in connection with the constant threat of terrorist attacks, first in the United States and then in many other countries, the idea of establishing a radio frequency identification chip is being popularized. It is argued that installing a chip will help a person feel safe under the vigilant control of the state. And those who create and popularize such ideas are sure that people themselves will express their desire for universal introduction of the chip. And the one who does not express such a desire will become a person outside society, an outcast.who would strongly "support" this myth. For example, in connection with the constant threat of terrorist attacks, first in the United States and then in many other countries, the idea of establishing a radio frequency identification chip is being popularized. It is argued that installing a chip will help a person feel safe under the vigilant control of the state. And those who create and popularize such ideas are sure that people themselves will express their desire for universal introduction of the chip. And the one who does not express such a desire will become a person outside society, an outcast.that the installation of the chip will help a person feel safe under the vigilant control of the state. And those who create and popularize such ideas are sure that people themselves will express their desire for universal introduction of the chip. And the one who does not express such a desire will become a person outside society, an outcast.that the installation of the chip will help a person feel safe under the vigilant control of the state. And those who create and popularize such ideas are sure that people themselves will express their desire for universal introduction of the chip. And the one who does not express such a desire will become a person outside society, an outcast.

First the effect and then the cause - this is how a modern sensation is created. If we return to the events of the Inquisition, then according to such a perverted scheme, we can come up with a new "duck": The Inquisition has saved humanity 100 (200, 300 …) years of life! Further write that the Inquisition destroyed the advanced minds of almost an entire era, thereby slowing down intellectual and technological progress. Give many examples and fantasize, and what would happen if … The main thing is that historians, researchers of institutes and other authoritative people who create unreal reality and facts without confirmation are fantasizing.

Nadezhda Rumyantseva, who has lived abroad with her diplomat husband for a long time, said in one of her interviews: "Create good rumors about yourself, the source will soon be forgotten, but the rumors will remain." Strong countries in most cases are themselves the source of both good and bad rumors. Bad rumors are spread to intimidate the population. See, we can control your life and death, tremble with fear. Whoever owns information rules the world. As old as the world. What are we still surprised at?

Some historians consider the end of the 20th century to be the end of the rule of individuals. Almost all presidents in existence are talking dolls. And who are the puppeteers? Unknown, but most politicians will say and do whatever they are paid for. And the media, according to one of the Rockefellers, will help convince a person that everything that is said is the truth. The current democracy is a blindfolded Themis, on the scales of which, instead of the truth, gold coins are put. The one who poured the hill more is right. The sword cuts off the heads of those who are least protected, and this is at least 90% of the population of the entire Earth.

Presidents who have been ardent champions of democracy and the protection of national interests during their entire term of office go abroad after their resignation. It can be assumed that it was in those countries where the music was ordered. The defender of democracy and the "wind of change", Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, caused the collapse of the USSR and the outflow of intellectual capital abroad. Now he lives with his family in England, accepting awards from Queen Elizabeth.

Former president of Ukraine, an ardent defender of his native language and national interests, Viktor Yushchenko left to live in America after the last elections. The children of many politicians study abroad, thus proving the failure of the national education system. What examples and ideas can then be used to educate future generations of patriots of their homeland, if the homeland is where they pay more?

Methods for controlling the consciousness of the masses have long been worked out and tested. On the eve of the last presidential elections in Ukraine, many parties received a tangible inflow of funds after a well-publicized bird flu epidemic. Medicines were swept off the shelves instantly, sweeping away at the same time the old economic dogma: demand determines supply. Reality suggests otherwise.

It is ridiculous to blame GMOs for the obesity of nations without clear statistics, because it is advertising that makes people consume much more food than is required, forgetting about measure and proper nutrition.

Everyone knows that biologists have been breeding plants for a long time. A layman will not be able to clearly imagine what methods are used in this case, and what is the result. But people are calm, because this is just a selection. At the word GMO, half of the world's population will shudder, begin to remember the terrible consequences of GMO in unfortunate experimental hamsters and rats and talk with the aplomb of specialists about a concept with which they are even less familiar than with the concept of selection. All the horror stories could be answered with statistics, but there are none. The state carries out the function of quality control of products, control is paid out of the pocket of each taxpayer, and the result is still zero.

The thirst for profit overpowers a sense of responsibility towards future generations, and therefore towards their own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. One gets the feeling that those whom we ourselves choose live on another planet or in another dimension.

An avalanche of information in the form of sensations and revelations falls on a person, confusing him, not allowing him to come to his senses, to look back to compare and understand where the truth is, and where someone's interest is skillfully veiled under the truth. The world war did not end in 1945, it continues. This war has no ideology, no national interests - only material interest plus the desire to seize and retain power. And now there is no need to fight to kill. You can lead a person to commit suicide by depriving him of the ability to see the truth, and therefore to think sensibly and maintain peace of mind.

According to the official statistics of suicides in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine, there is a high or very high suicide rate, which is more than 20 people per 100 thousand of the population. The number of teenage suicides has tripled over the past 10 years, as teenagers are primarily at risk. Most likely, the reality is even sadder.

It is sincerely a pity that the "seeds" of replicated phobias fall into the "fertile" soil of fragile minds, bringing grief to family and friends and increasing the demand for the services of psychologists and psychoanalysts.
