The British Crown Completes The Seizure Of Power Over The World. Part I - Alternative View

The British Crown Completes The Seizure Of Power Over The World. Part I - Alternative View
The British Crown Completes The Seizure Of Power Over The World. Part I - Alternative View

Video: The British Crown Completes The Seizure Of Power Over The World. Part I - Alternative View

Video: The British Crown Completes The Seizure Of Power Over The World. Part I - Alternative View
Video: How Britain's Bankers Made Billions From The End Of Empire | Timeline 2024, September

The largest agents and corporations through which Queen Elizabeth controls the world.

The United Nations Organization includes 193 states that consider themselves sovereign and independent, fully controlling their domestic and foreign policies, and considering themselves equal to all other states. Each country has its own history textbooks, in which, along with the unique heroic history of peoples and countries, it is written about the uniqueness of each individual country and its independence, watered with the blood of many patriots in the struggle for this very independence in a series of wars and revolutions. But absolutely all textbooks of all countries are silent about one simple fact: in reality, most of the countries are still under the full control and authority of Queen Elizabeth.

There is a hierarchy in the world, attempts to describe which are devoted to terabytes of research, reports, dissertations and articles. To summarize most of them, then countries and peoples are ruled by presidents and prime ministers, they are ruled by multinational corporations and cartels, which in turn are ruled by family clans and banking houses. A certain coordinating council from these clans has legislative bodies in the form of the Bilderberg Club or Trilateral Commission, and executive bodies in the form of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Various versions of the one who leads this council, as expected, are attributed to conspiracy theories, conspiracy theories, which, in modern terms, are the top of the art of trolling, in order to discredit reality and truth. The truth isthat the vast majority of the planet is now under the rule of the British crown.

To understand this, it is not at all necessary to use various conspiracy "facts" from the series of aliens and reptilians who control the planet. It is enough to analyze the real facts that are in the public domain, and which in fact no one really hides.


English most democratic law directly prohibits questioning, investigating or conducting an inquiry about the personal possessions, property and business of the English monarchy. The same right applies to all monarchies in Europe, regardless of whether they are ruling in their countries or not. The true wealth of all monarchies is located outside the countries where they found this wealth - in offshore banks that are under the jurisdiction of the British crown. Based on the analysis of open sources, there are currently 35 trillion dollars of various royal houses and financial institutions of the Vatican in the offshores of the British Empire. And they are all controlled by the House of Windsor.

Representatives of monarchies are not presidents, military leaders, or bankers. Personally, they do not create chaos, crises, destabilizing economies, revolutions and wars in order to seize national wealth. They lead these processes, taking away their wealth from the peoples, while at the same time instilling in them tales of freedom and independence through the numerous public organizations and mass media they created.

The British crown itself heads and controls at least the Commonwealth of Nations, consisting of 53 states with an area of 39 million square meters. km. and a population of almost 2.5 billion. These states cover the entire world, one fifth of the Earth, and own a huge part of the wealth, industries and natural resources. Queen Elizabeth recently relinquished her duties as head of the Commonwealth of Nations in favor of her son, Prince Charles. The queen herself remains one of the leaders of the most powerful organization - the Order of Malta, the real owners of the island of Malta.

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The history of this order is very interesting. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) succeeded and took control of the power and wealth of the famous Knights Templar, and also controlled the military, economic and banking systems of the Roman Empire and the Vatican through the first central bank, the Vatican Bank. In 1798, during the conquest of Malta by Napoleon, the latter transferred the Order of Malta under the control of the Roman Catholic priestly order of the Jesuits (Society of Jesus). Subsequently, the Jesuits established British control over the island of Malta and created a Jesuit college there, staffed exclusively by British Jesuits. The Jesuits undermined exclusively Catholic influence in Europe, for which they poured the wealth they received in South America into Protestant and Jewish banking houses,created control of the Pallavicini Venetian clan over Great Britain and the Rothschilds.

The Jesuits in 1840, through the marriage of Queen Victoria, brought to the throne a branch of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, which later became known as Windsor, and now rules Great Britain and the countries of the Commonwealth. A similar fate befell the Vatican. The Jesuits took full control of it by 1814. Both the Order of Malta and all Protestant churches were actually under the control of the Jesuits, whose main order, the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, went under the control of Queen Elizabeth II. All the last Grand Masters of the Order of Malta are British. Former Grandmaster Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie was a cousin of Queen Elizabeth. The British division of the Order of Malta is known as the Grand Priory of England, and its directorate was previously the headquarters of the Knights Templar in Britain. The Order of Malta also owns the so-called Londinium (The City of London), which was captured by the Jesuits in 1825 with the help of the Rothschild family. TheCityofLondon has become the most powerful economic force in England and in the world - the financial center of the planet.

The Knights of Malta today are mainly involved with the so-called the Black Nobility, the Vatican and various papal and royal orders, especially the Jesuits, who ultimately control the Vatican and the Military Order of Malta. The most powerful controlling internal organs of the SMOM are the Order of the Garter and the Society of Pilgrims, which are ruled by Queen Elizabeth.

If we ask who controls the financial world, we will find that it is the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, the Order of Malta and Opus Dei. Control takes place through the City of London Corporation and The Worshipful Company of Mercers, and later through The Worshipful Company of International Bankers. The lion's share of the financial assets and flows they control pass through the UK offshore empire. By some estimates, one third of all global capital, which accounts for half of all trade and financial flows, is hidden from the tax authorities of nation states in British offshores.

James S. Henry, a former chief economist at McKinsey & Company, estimates that there are about $ 35 trillion hidden in British offshores and $ 6.1 trillion in British dependent states. dollars As a result of this offshore policy, 60% of world trade now consists of domestic transactions in multinational companies. In general, thanks to offshore companies, multinational corporations do not pay about $ 240 billion a year in taxes.

Major UK offshore harbors:

TheCityofLondonUK - Today is the world capital of money laundering. Supported by British firms helping corrupt officials and criminals around the world hide trillions of US dollars of unknown origin. Since 2000 alone, British banks have helped hide over $ 6 trillion. dollars by making illegal payments and legalizing the proceeds of crime.

The Cayman Islands are a territory of the United Kingdom. They offer a range of tax incentives as well as low financial regulation and supervision. Today the country is the fifth largest financial services center in the world. The Caymans are home to over 10,000 mutual funds, over 200 banks, over 90,000 companies, and 140 target companies. This is the best place in the world for hedge funds and insurance companies.

Bermuda is another part of the UK that has long been known as a tax haven. The Bermuda tax system taxes only employee salaries, not corporate income or investment income. The largest client of the Bahamas for offshore transactions is the United States.

Guernsey - belongs to the British crown, but has its own tax laws. The island of 65,000 has become an entirely offshore financial haven, with private banks, law firms and accounting firms lining its main street.

Jersey is a Crown dependent island in the English Channel. Jersey has its own currency and tax laws. The island's culture of secrecy and financial non-disclosure has resulted in Jersey housing valued at $ 5 billion per square mile. Half of all Jersey tax evasion deals come from the UK.

Continuation: "Bankers in England control the finances, economy and military-industrial complex of the USA".

Alexander Nikishin