Why Does The Clock Stop At The Moments Of A Person's Death - Alternative View

Why Does The Clock Stop At The Moments Of A Person's Death - Alternative View
Why Does The Clock Stop At The Moments Of A Person's Death - Alternative View

Video: Why Does The Clock Stop At The Moments Of A Person's Death - Alternative View

Video: Why Does The Clock Stop At The Moments Of A Person's Death - Alternative View
Video: Secrets Revealed : 5 Stages of Death 2024, October

A huge number of interesting and sometimes mystical events are associated with the clock, as well as with time in general. Many, for example, are interested in the question of why the clock stops at those moments when something happens to its owner.

Before mystifying the reason for the clock failure, one should understand the very principle of the device from the mechanism, which is akin to the device of a car: "body", "engine", "counters", "latches". The reason for stopping the operation of the apparatus is most often the breakdown of the "engine" (clockwork).

All types of watch movements can be divided into three main groups: mechanical, quartz and electronic.

When a quartz or electronic watch fails, this is understandable - the battery has simply run out. Deeper reasons are also possible.

In a quartz movement, the main source of energy is the electronic unit and the stepper motor. The first imparts an impulse to the second, which, in turn, rotates the arrows.

The quartz movement got its name due to the presence of a quartz crystal, which is a source of oscillations with uniform impulses transmitted to the watch motor. Quartz is a dielectric and piezoelectric, that is, it is capable of generating an electric charge on its surface (electric field) under the influence of deformation. The quartz crystal possesses a high accuracy of the pulse and the generated vibration frequency, which means the accuracy of the watch. In such a mechanism, the power source is a battery that transfers charge to the engine.

The design of mechanical watches has essentially not undergone significant changes since their inception to the present day. At their basis, the role of a source of oscillations is played by a balance-spiral link, where the balance bar moves according to the principle of a pendulum and spins the spring that rotates the clock hands. This also generates certain electrically charged particles that form an electric field.

Scientists have proven that a person himself is a kind of generator of electromagnetic waves (human biofield), as well as an excellent electrical conductor.

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All living beings, including humans, have an energetic "shell". And in moments of strong emotional, and therefore energy stress, our electromagnetic field is capable of a piezo effect - an electrical discharge. Indeed, many have noticed how a discharge and a click occurs from static voltage when a person touches an object, and in the dark it is even possible to see a spark.

American scientist E. Menefi was actively engaged in the study of the electromagnetic fields of all "living" in the middle of the last century. And he introduced the concept of "bioelectret" - the dependence of the electromagnetic field of a living organism on external factors.

Therefore, the stories of stopping the clockwork do not seem so mystical. After all, a watch, possessing its own energy field, "fits" into the energy field of the object with which it closely interacts for a long time. Usually it takes about two months, whether it is a wall (floor) clock or a wrist one - they are “built in” into the general energy flow of their environment (room or person).

A particularly strong effect of such a relationship between a person and a watch was noticed in cases when the watch was made using natural materials (natural leather, wood, gold, silver).

And it is quite natural that a situation arises when, due to a sharp emotional shock of a person, his "bioelectret" has developed such an amount of electrical energy transmitted and influenced by the clock mechanism (balance beam or quartz crystal), which led to a malfunction (stop) of the clock.

Similarly, in the event of a person's death, the production of his energy and its participation in the general energy chain stops, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the entire bioenergetic system and, as a consequence, to the fact that the clock is out of order.