Psychochemical Weapons: How To Make A Zombie Out Of A Fighter? - Alternative View

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Psychochemical Weapons: How To Make A Zombie Out Of A Fighter? - Alternative View
Psychochemical Weapons: How To Make A Zombie Out Of A Fighter? - Alternative View

Video: Psychochemical Weapons: How To Make A Zombie Out Of A Fighter? - Alternative View

Video: Psychochemical Weapons: How To Make A Zombie Out Of A Fighter? - Alternative View
Video: ZOMBIES : How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Comparison 2024, July

People have long known remedies to induce hallucinations or insanity. The person is alive, but incapacitated. These principles form the basis for a relatively new type of weapons - psychochemical.

RH gas

In our country, the general public learned about the existence of psychochemical weapons from the movie "Dead Season". In the story, a certain German doctor Hass was finishing the development of RH gas, which turned a person into a mentally retarded. The script for this film was written by Vladimir Vainshtok and Alexander Shlepyanov based on materials provided by the USSR State Security Committee.

What these documents are is still unknown, since the archives devoted to the activities of the German Association of Psychiatrists and Neurologists during the Second World War are not completely declassified to this day. In addition, of the 1,060 members of this organization, many managed to escape the punishment of the international tribunal in Nuremberg. Moreover, some of them were invited to work in the secret laboratories of the CIA.

Meanwhile, some historians mention that some of the Dachau prisoners were exposed to the psychedelic mescaline. The drug led to hallucinations and altered thought processes. Doctor Kurt Pletner, according to the prisoners, wrote that "they saw the silence, felt the music and heard the rainbow."

How to make a zombie out of a fighter. For a few days

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The ubiquitous American reporters Lee and Schleir told the world about the arsenals of psychochemical weapons allegedly found in special storage facilities of the Pentagon. "Such a superweapon can cloud the brains of the whole world," the journalists reported. “After a psychochemical attack, for example, BZ (Bi-Zet), soldiers of hostile armies will turn into zombies for several days …”.

We are talking about the so-called psychomimetics, the most famous of which is just the Bi-Zet. The drug enters the human body through the digestive tract or lungs. Hence the methods of its use: through sabotage on water pipes or with the help of aerosol generators, including those found in aviation cassettes. Within one to two hours after poisoning, a person's gait is disturbed, and speech becomes slurred. Then visual, acoustic and tactile hallucinations occur and the ability to think logically is lost. Further - the disorder in movement and the unpredictability of actions grow. All this is accompanied by loss of memory and concentration. However, after two days there is a return to normal life.

Bi-Zet is insidious in that it has no odor; special devices must be constantly used to identify it.

Sleep gas

After the final stage of the storming of "Nord-Ost" in October 2002, the Minister of Health of Russia Yuri Shevchenko announced that a special gas of "non-lethal nature" was used during the operation. In this regard, Andy Oppenheimer, a leading American expert on chemical weapons, concluded that there are psychochemical toxic substances in Russia. At the same time, he suggested that the Russian "sleepy gas" is a mixture of a drug based on fentanyl (a synthetic analgesic) and halothane (anesthetic).

However, no one denied this. Yuri Shevchenko announced the presence of a certain analogue of fentanyl, or rather its derivative, in the special means used. Meanwhile, alpha-methylfentanyl, better known as the "white Chinese" or synthetic heroin, is also a drug in this series. That is why a number of Western experts were convinced that "Russian gas" is also capable of causing disorders inherent in psychochemical substances. The experts explained that they did not appear in the hostages of "Nord-Ost" by prompt treatment.

The prehistory of its appearance, described in the book by Mikhail Lamtsev, also partially speaks in favor of this version. The author claims that this substance was synthesized by Soviet scientists on behalf of Stalin. However, at a briefing following the release of the hostages "Nord-Ost" it was stated that information about this special means is a state secret.