Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part Two - Alternative View

Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part Two - Alternative View
Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Consciousness Capture Mechanisms. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: The Living Universe - Documentary about Consciousness and Reality | Waking Cosmos 2024, July

- Part one -

The main thing in them is the rhythmic series and the sequence of sounds. This is a kind of code that activates certain processes in a living, which begins to form certain feelings, or affects the human body in such a way that it itself begins to release the necessary substances (hormones, enzymes, drugs, etc..) - this is done by acting on the corresponding parts of the nervous system, imitating a certain natural phenomenon or process in its actual absence.

In addition, the code often contains keywords that serve to activate certain behavioral programs (behavior stereotypes) that are already stored in the subconscious of people. For programming, the media, the training system and many other factors are used through which figurative information can be conveyed to a person. People are constantly shown how they should behave, what to do, what they strive for, what is considered good and valuable, and what is bad. And so that they could not understand what, why and why, specially hired and trained people mutter, mutter, mutter ….

About the Impacts.

Energy (Human feeling), distorted by a non-natural Distorting program, is affected (activated, awakened, as it were, this very Program …. Otherwise, the program itself would not have brought such consequences …. Especially - destructive …. Effects Destroying the Body Organ … - It would be distorted, but one could somehow live with it … Breathe …) and so - “influence” - of a certain Frequency vibration …. Namely, they underestimate the frequency vibrations of a person. By lowering the frequencies, a person loses control and protection of consciousness. At this time, parasites install their technical devices in his subtle bodies.


With a certain intonation (or in a certain "reference" state) - they say …. - sometimes you don't know how to call this sound…. Produce certain sounds, or - certain phrases - programs…. - also as a rule - under the influence of …

(but - I am ashamed for People … For Such - BEFORE GOD ….)

Promotional video:

If they want to produce - a destructive Impact (or cause a Human - not a natural Action) - then they bring - the intensity (Level) of this vibration - to the Ultimate…. The Relevant Authority simply cannot withstand this load precisely because of the Action of the Distorting Program…. vibration (feeling, Energy) providing this organ is already distorted…. Already - the provision is incomplete, destroys - the System of this Authority….

And if - this non-natural destroying Vibration is intensified - Not by natural Influence - then a painful shock may come … up to destruction ….

For example - Kidneys: Natural Vibration - GOD said - the frequency corresponds, for example - the melodies from Violetta's Aria in the scene with Alfredo in the End of the first act (meaning the opera by D. Verdi "La Traviata") …

And the feeling is Love …

And not natural Impact (painful destructive) - Squeal … Squeak - in a certain "state" …. a state of anger….

Memory…. The energies of the Site (range) Structures - Responsible for Perception, Understanding (Analysis), Thinking …..

Today - they showed - what it is without Them … Into what - Transforms - Human - Inability to Think …. It turns out - just - they didn't give it !! … Hard …. DO NOT GIVE - THINK…. A set of Standard programs passed off as Your Thoughts …… Own….

About damaging Factors, of which there are several thousand - in a non-natural System…. About - Ten Thousand - said the Creator …

So: if we did not stand on the main Energy Structure of the Human - Distorting Programs - there would be no Controlling Impact (Mumbling … or - screeching, howling, squeaking, hissing, gurgling - unnatural Vibrations and States - the energy component … and also - Swearing …. that is, the “informational” component of the non-natural Program) …..


Remember: "Nobody would have envied this Met"…. people don't like … especially - normal - SUCH "IMPACT" …

This is done deliberately, and for this, both the natural features of a Human and some man-made methods of exposure (for example, alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz) are used.

The purpose of these influences, on the one hand, is to “drown out” God so that people cease to realize that they hear Him and can communicate with Him, and on the other hand, to drown out the controlling influence with which they are trying to covertly manipulate people. The fact that such an effect exists has already been noticed by quite a few people, although many do not dare to talk about it, because they are afraid that they will be considered crazy.

Another element of this whole scheme is a large amount of anger, suffering, fear and all the other "dark" - not natural feelings that constantly make many people experience. This is also done with a very specific purpose. All these feelings and thoughts "litter" the mental space of the Planet, and thereby prevent God from "seeing" / understanding what is really happening on Earth. As He himself said - your Planet until recently was perceived as a cancerous tumor, as a place that causes a lot of pain. Let me remind you that all living beings are, as it were, an integral part of God, as I wrote about in one of my articles, and God in many ways perceives / feels the Universe through the feelings that these living beings experience.

So, on the one hand, God felt that Pain, Fear, Suffering that ALL LIVING BEINGS on our Planet feel, and on the other, our "dark" thoughts prevented Him from seeing what was happening here and understanding / realizing how can be changed / corrected. That is, for some time He simply could not fully Control the processes that took place on Earth. As He himself figuratively put it - I HAD TO DO EVERYTHING BY TOUCH.

And precisely in order to hide from God what is happening here, "aliens" constantly pull both people and the Planet, trying to cause as much pain and suffering as possible. Yes, we have been shown how earthquakes are triggered. As we already know, EVERYTHING IS LIVING in our Universe, including the Planets. And the "aliens" had such a special cry (some very eerie howl / whistle), concentrating which at the right point they could cause very severe pain to the Planet in this place. As a result, the Planet shudders / twitches, just like a person shudders if he accidentally gets burned. And this despite the fact that at the moment our Planet, after the last cataclysm and all those events that happened later, is in a state close to painful shock. And it is for this reason that we practically do not hear Her consciousness.

All systems of technogenic parasites, built on the totalitarian hierarchical principle, have one important property - the loss of control when the system grows. That is, they HAVE A GROWTH LIMIT, which is determined by the speed of information transfer inside the pyramid and the speed of processing this information and reactions to the processes taking place at the very top of the pyramid. That is, such a system cannot have too many levels of hierarchy, since in this case information from bottom to top and back takes a very long time, and controllability is lost. But at the same time, such a system also cannot grow in breadth for too long, since in this case at some point the amount of information that is generated from one level and must be processed by a higher level increases so much that this level can no longer cope with all the information.and again we get a loss of control in some parts of the system, unmanaged processes arise.

In non-natural systems, this ultimately leads to their degeneration and destruction, which, in general, we observe today in modern "human" society, which is built by "aliens" in the image and likeness of their totalitarian hierarchical systems.

But since “aliens” tried to introduce not a natural system on Earth over the Natural system created by God, then as soon as the fundamental limitations of totalitarian systems began to appear, not degradation and complete destruction began on Earth, but a gradual restoration of the original Natural system, and the Creator gradually got the opportunity again regain CONTROL OVER THE OCCURRING PROCESSES.

In other words, at the moment when People, under the influence of "strangers", decided that they were already "smart" enough to continue to steer themselves, the Creator could not refuse them. And He says that He understood very well what this could lead to. But at the same time, He says that He also understood very well that there was NO OTHER WAY TO EXPLAIN! That is, we all had to “sink to the bottom”, get deep into our shit, to understand what was happening and why. It's like a disease that you need to be ill in order to acquire immunity for the future.


That is, in His UNIVERSE the Creator can influence ANY PROCESS. He has all the necessary capabilities for this. Another thing is that even He is limited in the means and methods that He can use, because IT IS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE WHOLE CREATION.

In other words, he NEVER DOES MIRACLES, and what we sometimes perceive as a miracle is in fact the use of INITIAL NATURAL POSSIBILITIES THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO ALL PEOPLE, and not only to him. Just due to circumstances, we have now lost both the knowledge about these opportunities and the ability to use them (but this is a fixable matter).

Precisely for the reason that at the lower levels the system of "aliens" began to malfunction and the original Divine Natural System began to be restored there, the Creator was able to transmit the necessary information to people, which should now help us to realize what happened and is happening. The necessary images are scattered in the works of various authors, you just need to be able to make out them. All these authors, some unconsciously, and some consciously, HEARED THE CREATOR. And all these images differ in that THEY CARRY TRUE NATURAL FEELINGS, and that is why people like them so much.

There are many similar authors, I will only mention Robert Heinlein, who distinguished himself by the fact that he was at one time banned both in the USSR and in the USA. He was able to capture and convey a lot. And about the original natural way of life - "Alien in a strange land" and the series about Lazurus Long, and about the fight against strangers - "Star Infantry", where even the self-name of the race ARACHNIDA is correctly given, and about the general scheme of influence - "Puppeteers", and many what else (read it yourself).

J. R. R. was able to capture and convey a lot in his books. Tolkien, including on the general process of Creation, and on the conflict that occurred later, and the consequences of which we are now seeing on Earth.

In fact, there are hundreds and thousands of authors - writers, poets and screenwriters.

And, as if completing this topic, I would like to note that at this moment the Creator has already TAKEN FULLY CONTROL OF THE OCCURRING PROCESSES. On the night from 6th to 7th April, the main "creature" of the aliens, their super-brain was destroyed, and a rather large hole in the alien space was closed (this creature was simultaneously in the spaces of both Universes). Many have noticed this in a change in their state of health, while our weather has changed dramatically and dramatically.

So, on the evening of April 5, one of the main representatives of strangers presented an ultimatum to the President of the Russian Federation, where he said something like the following: "If you do not obey, we will destroy this planet, we will open your world like a tin can." As far as I know, this was taped and is now being used as evidence. The self-name of the alien race is ARACHNID. These are the gray creatures created by the reps. The repts were genetically created by the seven-headed serpent Jehovah - Yahweh.

The principle of organization is similar to that of insects - PYRAMID, at the top of which is the SUPERBRAIN UTERINE. All of their individuals are clearly specialized and perform some one function. After they have established their control over our Planet, they are trying to build the same system here, because they simply cannot build others.

This is manifested both in the social organization - the PYRAMID OF POWER, and in the way of life - the CITY-WASTE, where, like ants, a lot of people are scattered, each of whom is trying to define one profession - SPECIALIZATION, although by his Nature Man does not have specialization (many, probably, they themselves noticed that, in principle, everything is interesting, and not just one thing, only there is not enough time for everything).

Their local SUPERBRAIN WOMB, which is adapted to work in our Universe, was INSIDE THE MOON until April 7. By the way, it is he / she / it who is the LORD, to whom modern religions distorted by strangers are forced to obey.

Hence the lunar cult, and the worship of the Satanists to the Moon. She is fed by HUMANS. ALIVE.

For this we need satanic sects with their rituals of sacrifice of living people. Moreover, several hundred thousand people (up to a million) disappear without a trace on Earth during the year.

But they also use dead bodies, transporting them to their Universe.

At the same time, dead bodies are simply dug out of the graves (though not in all cemeteries) or in general are taken directly from crematoria (no one is burned there, this is all an imitation. By the way, this is why in those cultures that tried to resist, it is customary to burn bodies on fires - so that these creatures did not get in. But they burn them there in full view of everyone, and not somewhere there.

And it is about this LORD that the Torah says.

“The first generations ignored the commandment, which was given to Adam (1:28):“Be fruitful and multiply”. Since their purpose in life was to satisfy their instincts, they tried to have as few children as possible."

In other words, people simply did not want to give birth to children, so as not to produce slaves for these creatures. For this they were punished by the "Great Flood".

“They say to God:“Get away from us, we do not want to know Your ways. Who is Almighty that we should serve Him? Why do we need to pray to Him?"

Yes, indeed, but why is it necessary to worship someone who declares himself "Almighty", especially since even God never called himself Almighty, although there is no one more powerful than Him in His Universe and cannot be?

Yes, about why the entire Moon is covered in craters. These are not just traces of falling meteorites. THIS IS A TRACE OF BATTLE ACTIONS - people were just trying to destroy the Moon in order to destroy THIS GADINA, when they realized what was what, but they failed (they had already lost their level and abilities).

Transportation is carried out through portals.

At the same time, ALL OF THEM SEE AND KNOW - the classic pentagram. The only thing is that in order to open the portal from our side, SOMEONE OF THE PEOPLE IS NECESSARY.

Yes, most of the resources from the planet are also transferred to their universe. For this, the main portal is used - PENTAGON IN WASHINGTON.

Everyone knows that the United States is allegedly pumping oil into "huge underground storage facilities." In fact, there are no "huge" underground storage facilities, there are only temporary ones, and all the resources are transported through underground highways to the Pentagon, and from there are transported to their Universe.


“We urgently need to stop using portals for our own purposes.

Aliens now themselves cannot open their portals, because God has sealed them. But they try to break through the ones that you open, especially if someone from the newbies is doing it.

Aliens have been waiting for reinforcements for a long time, and they decided to break through to the physical level, and release their fighting creatures. Therefore, it is advisable to put the combat units on high alert so that in the event of a breakthrough they could repel an attack on the move. Their chance is very slim, but it still exists.

Yes, and begin to more actively disseminate information, including this one, in military units, so that in the most extreme cases they can provide support.

He already feels well enough what is happening here, and they will have nothing but a physical level. That is, they can be dealt with with conventional weapons. The only thing, let those who know how to close portals be ready.

I repeat once again that their chances are very, very small. And less and less every day. In general, the process is already irreversible, as He said, He already very well sees how it will be. The main thing is that all of the key People now make the right choice. And yet, to all the People who still work for them.

Do not be afraid of them, they really cannot do anything themselves, and therefore they begin to intimidate you so that you do for them what they need. They try to bypass seals using the FREEDOM OF CHOICE OF THE PERSON. That is, if a Man wants something, then God will not be able to interfere.

But now they are not in a situation where you can just scare. IF THEY COULD DO IT THEMSELVES, THEN WOULD ALREADY DO IT. And since they frighten and force YOU, it means THEY CANNOT.

- Part one -