Soul Hygiene Is The Foundation Of Your Health - Alternative View

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Soul Hygiene Is The Foundation Of Your Health - Alternative View
Soul Hygiene Is The Foundation Of Your Health - Alternative View

Video: Soul Hygiene Is The Foundation Of Your Health - Alternative View

Video: Soul Hygiene Is The Foundation Of Your Health - Alternative View
Video: Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible 2024, September

No matter how rapidly technical progress develops, the search for the cause of the onset of the disease exclusively in the physical plane further and further leads traditional medicine to a dead end. Acting only on the physical body of a person, medicine is unable to heal people from many diseases.

To gain real health and heal from ailments will allow an understanding of how negative energies affect a person.

All our illnesses and psychological conditions are linked. And this connection is negative energies that the person himself generates.

It is no coincidence that they say that all diseases from the nerves are negative energies generated by humans and are the cause of most diseases.

We do not see the negative, but just as invisible radiation harms the health of people, negative energy affects us, causing illness.

How to resist this and get rid of ailments? Only by perceiving a person as a combination of a physical body, a subtle body and a Soul. That is, if you accept that there is an interaction between the structure of the subtle body and the physical body of a person, you can find the root cause of the disease.

Many people find it difficult to accept what cannot be seen and touched, so they simply do not think about the negative impact of negative emotions on health. And this is their mistake. On the path of healing, it is important not to forget about the energy component and take into account that a person is endowed with a Soul, if, of course, you want to get a result and be cured.


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Man is not only arms, legs, internal organs … He is a complex organism, which consists of: a physical body, a subtle body and, most importantly, a Soul.

By understanding and accepting this, you can avoid most diseases and get rid of the ailments that you have already acquired.

How do negative energies affect our health?

To understand this, you need to know: any psychological state is a manifestation of energies that are endowed with various properties. Any energy is endowed with its own density: positive - small, and negative - huge. Dense negative energy also causes pollution of the structure of your subtle body.

Negative emotions and experiences block the movement of vital energy, which is so necessary for a person - hence many problems arise. And the longer and stronger you experience negativity, the more intensely your channels and chakras become clogged. In the places of these energy blockages, physiological disorders occur. Most often, the effect is manifested in the form of spasms.

Everyone knows that at the time of strong emotional experiences, a person's blood pressure rises. But not everyone knows what the reason is. In fact, everything is simple: the negative energies that the person himself gives rise to in moments of excitement cause vasospasm. If negative psychological states are of a long-term nature, then the structure of the subtle body will be polluted with negative, and this will cause hypertension. And different degrees of arterial hypertension are neither more nor less - certain stages (or, if you prefer, levels) of energy contamination of your body.

The ability of the negative to cause various spasms becomes the reason that the blood supply is disrupted in places of blockages, and without a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrition brought in by the blood, your tissues and organs are not able to function normally. The result is disease.

Of course, diseases do not come to a person in one day. Initially, signals follow that people, as a rule, pass by themselves, leaving them without proper attention. The primary signals may be a feeling of heaviness, the appearance of pain, albeit insignificant. Do not underestimate these "beacons" of your condition and postpone treatment until later, when the disease is already at an advanced stage.


How does negative pollution happen?

To understand the principle by which negative emotions clog you, you need to accept that any negative thoughts are energy sent into spaces. And this energy will certainly return back to the one who created it.

How does this happen? The charge of negativity penetrates the physical body through the chakras and blocks, first of all, those places through which energy enters you.

See how the long stay in the negative state caused the groin chakra to clog. The picture (see above) shows the area of pollution (it is black), it is here that various health disorders appear, which means that diseases of the genitourinary system will appear, possibly infertility and other ailments.


In fairness, we note that the person himself and his negative thinking are not always to blame for their diseases. The human condition is also influenced by the negative impact of other people. It is usually called black magic and it represents - a purposeful negative energetic effect on a person, which leads to diseases, physical disorders and even death. And it is extremely difficult to cleanse the human structure from negative manifestations of black magic.

Maintaining health

Remember the hygiene of the Soul. With bad thoughts, negative states, you harm yourself first of all. Therefore, if negative thinking is "in the order of things" for you, then do not be surprised that health suddenly becomes weaker, and diseases become stronger. Maintain your physical condition, but do not forget about energy purity, which is the basis of bodily health.

Remember that everything in this world has a root cause, and disease is no exception. Your ailments do not come "just like that for no reason" and only by understanding this can you find true health. Otherwise, taking medications will only relieve symptoms for a while. As, for example, in hypertension, traditional medicine temporarily relieves vasospasm, but does not cure the disease.

Negative energy is the cause of any pain, spasms, paralysis, low body temperature in places where pollution occurs. But as long as traditional medicine is looking for the cause of spasms, forgetting about the energy essence of a person, all attempts to get rid of them are in vain. If doctors began to study diseases more deeply, they would come to the conclusion that the root cause is of an energetic nature and it is necessary to treat the disease, turning to the Soul and God. The exclusively materialistic approach of physicians denies even the idea that the cause of diseases is in the structure of the human subtle body.

The hygiene of your soul

A person harms himself with negative thinking and negative emotions, but it is not immediately possible to realize the scale of this harm, since diseases come over time. Precisely because a person does not fall ill immediately after the generation of a negative, it is difficult for him to associate the appearance of bodily ailments with a once negative psychological state, bad thoughts, and emotions oppressing the Soul.

But whether you like it or not, illness and negative thoughts and desires are directly related. Of course, it is important for someone who is sick to know the cause of their illness, but it is much more important to understand how to heal. And this is possible only through the maximum cleansing from the negative energies that caused the disease.

As soon as a person removes the "negativity dirt", the diseases melt before our eyes. It is after the cleansing of negative energies that miraculous healings come from seemingly completely incurable diseases.

The main condition for recovery is to cleanse yourself of negativity. It is a pity that there are very few people who purposefully work on this. The majority does not accept and does not seek to understand the essence of the energy processes taking place in us. Many are impatient and wait for the result immediately, but getting rid of the negativity accumulated over the years is not so easy and this is not a day's work.

The key to good health is inner purity

It takes not only time to cleanse yourself of negative energies, but also self-discipline and the right actions. You need to understand that purification is possible through the impact of high positive energies. It is they who heal, therefore, the amazing recoveries and miracles of the saints are nothing more than the action of high cleansing energies.

But each of us chooses his own path to healing. This can be a special prayer for Alignment with the Creator, or purification through true Love, or through positive thinking and exclusion of any negative thoughts, although this path is longer.

Do not forget that it is within the power of patient people to regain lost health, because cleansing from negativity requires self-discipline from a person. But this is the only path to health. Let this one be open for everyone, and for you, because your Soul is already endowed with all the possibilities of healing. Believe me, what is impossible for traditional medicine is within the power of your Soul.